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Godwin O. Adeboye, BA (First class honors-University of Ibadan, Nigeria), BA Th (ECWA Theological Seminary, Igbaja), MA (University of Ibadan, Nigeria), served as the pioneering Director of Research and Innovations at ECWA Theological Seminary, Igbaja, Nigeria. He currently serves as the African Regional Coordinator at Shepherd's Academy, Oxford Centre for Religion and Public Life, UK, where he is also conducting his doctoral research as a Langham scholar. In collaboration with the University of Pretoria, his research seeks to provide a theological model for the survival of Christian missions in Islamic political contexts. He is the author of Can a Christian Be Cursed?: An African Evangelical Response to the Problem of Curses (Langham, 2023).

Joy Allan, Ph.D. (University of Aberdeen), is Lecturer in Practical Theology at Belfast Bible College. She has served in pastoral care, social care, mental health care, and education for various schools and churches. Her research interests focus around mental health, disability theology, theology and abuse, and all aspects of pastoral care.

Rev. Don Allen, Jr., PhD, is President of Grace Church of the Valley School of Ministry. He also so serves as the Chaplain for Summit Behavioral Healthcare (Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addictive Services) and the Regional Director of Logos Global Network (Midwest). Dr. Allen has presented in professional conferences and trained on topics of addiction, grief, and stress, as well as ministering in churches throughout the USA Midwest and Northeast.

Peter F. Althouse, PhD (University of Toronto), is Assistant Professor of Religion at Southeastern University. He is the author of Spirit of the Last Days: Pentecostal Eschatology in Conversation with Jürgen Moltmann (T & T Clark, 2003), and has written many articles on eschatology, pneumatology and Pentecostal studies. Faculty page. Facebook.

John M. Ames has his Masters in Divinity from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and is the church planting founder and Lead Pastor of West End Community Church in Providence, Rhode Island. John founded and directed a non-profit called Real Steps that served youth and families from affordable housing communities in the city of Waltham, Massachusetts. John previously worked in Boston as part of Operation Homefront, managing a partnership between city clergy and the police. During that time, John also worked alongside the Emmanuel Gospel Center as part of the Greater Boston Church Planting Collaborative, serving under Rev. Ralph Kee. John is the son of missionaries and grew up in Cote D’Ivoire. He is married to Jenny, they have a two and a half year old son named Micah. Facebook

Jeffrey Anderson, D.Min., Ph.D. (ABD), is the former Teaching Pastor at Northlake Christian Church in Bothell, WA. He has been a church planter, lead pastor, and was an adjunct professor at Puget Sound Christian College and Northwest University. LinkedIn.

Kenneth J. Archer, Ph.D. (University of St. Andrews), M.Div. (Ashland Theological Seminary), is Professor of Pentecostal Theology and Christian Studies and Director of the Master of Arts in Theological Studies at Southeastern University in Lakeland, Florida. He is an Ordained Bishop with The Church of God (Cleveland Tennessee), and has served in pastoral ministry for many years. LinkedIn. Facebook.

Charlene Armitage is a retired educator in the North Kansas City School District. During the time of her service in the NKC School District, she was involved in leadership development in Pleasant Valley Baptist Church in Liberty, Missouri where her husband was Senior Pastor for forty-one years. She and her husband continue to serve on staff at Willow Creek Community Church in South Barrington, Illinois.

French L. Arrington, Ph.D., has served as a pastor, was on the faculty of Lee University for seventeen years, and was on the faculty of the Church of God Theological Seminary (now Pentecostal Theological Seminary, from 1981-2002) until his retirement. A respected lecturer and Pentecostal educator, he is the author of numerous books and articles including being a general editor of the Life in the Spirit New Testament Commentary and author of Encountering the Holy Spirit: Paths of Christian Growth and Service.

Francisco R. Arriola, M. Div., M.S.L.S., is an educator and theological librarian. He has served as a research librarian and director at several institutions including Colegio Pentecostal Mizpa in Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico, Juan L. Lugo Library at Colegio Bíblico Pentecostal in Saint Just, Puerto Rico, and Bolin Library for Pentecostal Research at Southeastern University in Lakeland, Florida.

Eugene Bach is a pseudonym for a member of the Chinese underground church who does not wish to be identified. He was trained in U.S. military special operations and served two tours in the Persian Gulf and Asia–Pacific region, serving primarily as a member of a rapid response team focusing on targeted threat elimination, counterterrorism, and security. He has been working with the underground church in China for about twenty years, helping them to establish forward mission bases in closed countries around the world, including Iraq and Syria. Eugene leads the Chinese mission movement called Back to Jerusalem, which provides essential support for Chinese missionaries in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. He is the author or co-author of I Stand with Christ: The Courageous Life of a Chinese Christian (2015), The Underground Church (2014), Leaving Buddha: A Tibetan Monk's Encounter With the Living God (2019), Jesus In Iran (2015), and other books about the underground church in places like China, North Korea, and Iran.

Rolland Baker, DMin, began Iris Global in 1980 with his wife Heidi, and has been a missionary for more than thirty years. Since 1995 they have seen a miraculous people movement spread across Mozambique, once one of the poorest and most war-torn countries in the world. Greatly influenced by his grandfather’s experience of revival among poor orphans in China, his ministry emphasizes immediate intimacy with Jesus, a life of utterly-needed miracles, concentration on the poor and lowly, willingness to suffer for love’s sake, and the unquenchable joy of the Lord. He combines a rich background in theological education with practical experience imparting the love of God and the joy of His Presence wherever he goes. Relationship with Jesus is at the heart of all the Bakers have experienced. Iris Global now has bases in countries around the world that carry its core values with power and simplicity. He is the author of Keeping The Fire: Sustaining Revival through Love: The Five Core Values of IRIS Global (River Publishing, 2015) and co-author with his wife, Heidi, of Reckless Devotion: 365 Days into the Heart of Radical Love (Chosen, 2014), Learning to Love: Passion, Compassion and the Essence of the Gospel (Chosen, 2013), Expecting Miracles: True Stories of God's Supernatural Power and How You Can Experience It (Chosen, 2007), and Always Enough: God's Miraculous Provision among the Poorest Children on Earth (Chosen, 2003).

Carolyn D. Baker serves as Assistant Professor of English at Mayville State University, Mayville, North Dakota; as Adjunct Professor of Bible and Theology for Global University, Springfield, Missouri; and Pastor for Bible and Discipleship at All Nations Assembly of God, an African Refugee church, in West Fargo, ND.

Josiah Baker, Ph.D. (Fuller Theological Seminary) is the Director of Operations and Research for the Global Christian Forum. He also serves as the Administrative Assistant of the Southern California Commission on Faith and Order and as the Secretary of the North American Academy of Ecumenists. He was an invited contributor to the Stewards Programme of the 11th Assembly of the World Council of Churches in Karlsruhe, Germany. His research interests are in ecumenical methodology, Pentecostal hymnody, and world Christianity. He earned his undergraduate degree in Bible and theology from North Central University and is a lay member of the Assemblies of God.

Heidi Baker, Ph.D. (Kings College, London), M.A. (Vanguard University), founded IRIS Global in 1980 with her husband, Rolland. Their ministry among the poor in Asia, London, and Mozambique has been marked by phenomenal growth and miracles. She is the author of several books including Birthing the Miraculous: The Power of Personal Encounters with God to Change Your Life and the World (Charisma House, 2014), Compelled by Love: How to change the world through the simple power of love in action (Charisma House, 2008), and Learning to Love: Passion, Compassion and the Essence of the Gospel (Chosen, 2013).

Dennis Balcombe knew he was called to be a missionary to China while he was a teenager, and was one of the first to enter the mainland when it opened to the West in the 1970s. He founded Revival Christian Church in Hong Kong in 1969 and continues to plant churches, travelling and ministering in China and internationally. He shares his story in One Journey, One Nation: Autobiography of Dennis Balcombe, Missionary to China (2011) and he is the author of China's Opening Door: Incredible Stories of the Holy Spirit at Work in One of the Greatest Revivals in Christianity (Charisma House, 2014). Revival Chinese Ministries International

John Ballard works part time as a non-medical care giver. Following military and school, his working career spanned four decades in the food business, from which he retired in 2002. Find his blog at: Twitter: @Hootsbudy

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