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Tag: "word"

Discovering the Reality of God in Word and Spirit: an interview with R. T. Kendall

Discovering the Reality of God in Word and Spirit: an interview with R. T. Kendall

Dr. R. T. Kendall has been preaching for over sixty years. He has also personally experienced the power of the Holy Spirit. For twenty-five years he served as the pastor of Westminster Chapel in London. He is the author of many books and now ministers internationally. He is a strong advocate for bringing together in […]

Which Greek New Testament is God’s Word?

Which Greek New Testament is God’s Word?

Generally speaking, three Greek New Testaments have been used by scholars as the basis of recent English translations:  the Textus Receptus (initially published in 1516 and refined during the 1500’s), the Byzantine Text (published in 1982 as the Hodges-Farstad Majority Text, and in 2005 as the slightly different Robinson-Pierpont Byzantine Textform), and the United Bible […]

Seven Tests of a True Prophetic Word

Seven Tests of a True Prophetic Word

God is speaking today and Pastor Loren Sandford urges all of us to pursue biblical discernment.   With so many questionable prophetic words circulating these days, concerning both the wider world and personal prophecies, wouldn’t it be a good thing for the body of Christ to sharpen its discernment? I fear that to fail to do this […]

Reconstructing Word of Faith Theology

Reconstructing Word of Faith Theology

Pastor Vreeland offers a defense, analysis, and refinement of the theology of the Word of Faith Movement.   “O, when it comes to faith, what a living, creative, active, powerful thing it is. It cannot do other than good at all times. It never waits to ask whether there is some good work to do…” […]

Rightly Understanding God's Word, by Craig S. Keener

Rightly Understanding God’s Word, by Craig S. Keener

The Rightly Understanding God’s Word series, with a new introduction, by Craig S. Keener. Editor’s Note: Craig Keener created this introduction to his course of biblical interpretation to appear before Chapter 1: Context (Spring 2003). However, Pneuma Review editors did not receive it in time to publish it in the print edition of the journal. We […]

Rightly Understanding God's Word: Objections to Context, by Craig S. Keener

Rightly Understanding God’s Word: Objections to Context, by Craig S. Keener

Part of the Rightly Understanding God’s Word series by Craig S. Keener.   Editor’s Note: Craig Keener originally intended for this portion of his course on biblical interpretation to appear at the end of Chapter 1: Context (Spring 2003), and before Chapter 2: Learning Context (Summer 2003). However, Pneuma Review editors did not receive it […]

Aldwin Ragoonath: Preach the Word

Aldwin Ragoonath: Preach the Word

Aldwin Ragoonath, Preach the Word: A Pentecostal Approach (Agape Teaching Ministry, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 2004.) 246 pages, ISBN 9780973446807. Preaching has always been central to the life of church life, and especially following the Reformation of Luther and Calvin. However, preaching can take on a different hue in the Pentecostal revival that has and continues […]

Vern Sheridan Poythress, In the Beginning Was the Word

Vern Sheridan Poythress, In the Beginning Was the Word

Vern Sheridan Poythress, In the Beginning Was the Word: Language-Α God-Centered Approach (Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2009) 415 pages, ISBN 9781433501791. In the Beginning Was the Word: Language—A God-Centered Approach, authored by Vern Sheridan Poythress, intends to articulate a Christian understanding of language and demonstrate how language reflects God’s character (9). In the Beginning is organized […]

Words and the Word: Explorations in Biblical Interpretation and Literary Theory

Words and the Word: Explorations in Biblical Interpretation and Literary Theory

  David G. Firth and Jamie A. Grant, eds., Words and the Word: Explorations in Biblical Interpretation and Literary Theory (Downers Grove: InterVarsity, 2008), 317 pages, ISBN 9780830828982. Prior to the post-modern period, many of the critical methodologies used in biblical studies such as redaction criticism, form criticism and source criticism were used in biblical […]

Theological Roots of the Word of Faith Movement: New Thought Metaphysics or Classic Faith Movements?

Theological Roots of the Word of Faith Movement: New Thought Metaphysics or Classic Faith Movements?

  Historian Paul King introduces us to the origins of the controversial Word of Faith movement.   A spate of articles and books have appeared over the past two decades debating the controversial teachings of the “Word of Faith” movement. Several blistering critiques such as those of D.R. McConnell (A Different Gospel) and Hank Hanegraaff […]

James Dunn: The Living Word

James Dunn: The Living Word

   James D.G. Dunn, The Living Word, second edition (Minneapolis, MN: Fortress, 2009), 224 pages, ISBN 9780800663551. James Dunn, professor of Divinity at the University of Durham and noteworthy New Testament scholar, advances the conversation between fundamental and liberal viewpoints on the authority, infallibility, and the inspiration of the Bible. As a second edition, Dunn […]

Ritva Williams: Stewards, Prophets, Keepers of the Word

Ritva Williams: Stewards, Prophets, Keepers of the Word

  Ritva H. Williams, Stewards, Prophets, Keepers of the Word: Leadership in the Early Church (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 2006), 228 pages, ISBN 9781565639492. Williams approaches the subject of leadership in the early church through an examination of the social and cultural customs of the Greco-Roman civilization during the first and second centuries. In addition to […]

Correctly Handling the Word of Truth: An interview with Craig S. Keener

Correctly Handling the Word of Truth: An interview with Craig S. Keener

  An interview with Craig S. Keener by John P. Lathrop. I noticed that of the eleven books that you have had published that you have written three about the Holy Spirit. Is the Holy Spirit a subject of particular interest to you? Craig Keener: When I was a 15-year-old atheist, I argued with those […]

Jeremy Weber: The Whole Word for the Whole World

Jeremy Weber: The Whole Word for the Whole World

  Jeremy Weber, “The Whole Word for the Whole World: Fewer than 10 percent of the world’s languages have the Old Testament. But that’s about to change” Christianity Today (Sept. 1, 2006) I am the first to confess that I have a bias. I am a huge proponent of the Hebrew Scriptures and the myriad […]

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