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Tag: "jesus"

Michael Bird: Jesus among the Gods

Michael Bird: Jesus among the Gods

Michael F. Bird, Jesus among the Gods: Early Christology in the Greco-Roman World (Waco: Baylor University Press, 2022), xi+480 pages, ISBN 9781481316750. To whom or to what might we compare Jesus, the “son of God” (Mark 1:1)? In the hunt to discern the meaning and range of early Christian identifications of Jesus as divine, scholars […]

People Met Jesus Deeply Here: Craig Keener on the Asbury Outpouring

People Met Jesus Deeply Here: Craig Keener on the Asbury Outpouring

I teach at Asbury Seminary, which is a distinct institution from Asbury University, but my wife Médine teaches French at the university and both my kids attended there. So, I don’t feel guilty cutting across the university campus to get to work. Three years ago, I was cutting across the campus when a zealous African-American […]

Hopeless Until Jesus Arrived

Hopeless Until Jesus Arrived

The deadbolt clicked loudly on the metal door. All curtains closed. Padlocks were next. Lights were turned low. In a fundamentalist Muslim city known for its high number of honor killings, you can never take too many precautions. Women in drab colored hijabs quickly entered from a side door. War wasn’t on the way. Neither […]

Testimony: How Bill Medley Led John Wimber to Jesus Christ

Testimony: How Bill Medley Led John Wimber to Jesus Christ

The stories of how people come to know Jesus as Savior are often both simple and amazing. That was the case with John Wimber, former producer of the Righteous Brothers, and how he began his journey to finding Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. I was so blessed to hear this story, quite by chance—or […]

Frank Macchia: Jesus the Spirit Baptizer

Frank Macchia: Jesus the Spirit Baptizer

Frank D. Macchia, Jesus the Spirit Baptizer: Christology in the Light of Pentecost (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2018), 383 pages, ISBN 9780802873897. Pentecostals are well acquainted with the baptism in the Holy Spirit and the argument that it is Jesus who baptizes the church at Pentecost. But if Jesus is the Spirit baptizer, what does this […]

In Jesus we have overcome, an interview with Michael Brown

In Jesus we have overcome, an interview with Michael Brown

Dr. Michael Brown speaks with Pneuma Review about his new book, Jezebel’s War With America. He urges believers to remember who we are in Jesus and take a stand against the spirit of the age. Please explain to our readers what you mean by Jezebel being at war with America when the historical […]

Gordon Fee: Jesus the Lord according to Paul the Apostle, reviewed by Craig S. Keener

Gordon Fee: Jesus the Lord according to Paul the Apostle, reviewed by Craig S. Keener

Gordon D. Fee, Jesus the Lord according to Paul the Apostle: A Concise Introduction (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2018), 201 + xxii pages. Jesus the Lord according to Paul the Apostle will both educate and resonate well with its intended audience. One who has heard Gordon Fee preach can hear him preaching in this book, […]

William Atkinson: Jesus before Pentecost

William Atkinson: Jesus before Pentecost

William P. Atkinson, Jesus before Pentecost (Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2016), 222 pages. Unapologetically Pentecostal, Atkinson, an ordained minister, presents Jesus through the eyes of a Pentecostal believer as well as through the eyes of a scholar (Edinburgh)—that is, as a theological historian he views Jesus in the “then and there,” while as a Pentecostal, […]

The Red Letters of Jesus

The Red Letters of Jesus

Why are the words of Jesus in red print? The mother and son Bible translator team of Verna and James Linzey explain the significance of putting the words of Jesus in red letters and how it was supposed to help readers of the Gospels. Are the red letters of Jesus really that different than the […]

When it is Dangerous to Believe in Jesus

When it is Dangerous to Believe in Jesus has received this introduction for a testimony about how God is working and drawing people to himself in places we might not expect. The commentator asked not to be identified as the author because of their own ministry in Muslim majority areas around the world.     In this video you will hear the […]

Marlene Yap: The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ

Marlene Yap: The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ

Missionary-scholar Jim Harries reflects on what Asian scholars have to say about Jesus, his death on the cross, and the culture of honor and shame.   Marlene Yap, “The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ: From Extreme Shame to Victorious Honor,” The Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies 21:1 (February 2018), pages 33-47. This is a great article […]

All In: Following Jesus

All In: Following Jesus

Yesterday, November 26, was Christ the King Sunday on the Liturgical Calendar. I preached a message entitled “All In,” taken from Luke 9:57–62. In the Gospel text, Jesus is on his way to Jerusalem to be crucified. A man, not knowing why Jesus is heading to Jerusalem, meets Jesus on the road and offers to […]

Healing ministry began after an Immersion in Love for Jesus: An Interview with Jack Sheffield

Healing ministry began after an Immersion in Love for Jesus: An Interview with Jack Sheffield When were you baptized in the Holy Spirit what differences did this experience bring to your ministry? Jack Sheffield: In 1973, I was converted to Christianity out from a pagan background, and I was baptized in the Holy Spirit in the same moment I was saved. I spoke in a heavenly language not even […]

Jesus and Jewish Prayer

Jesus and Jewish Prayer

Throughout Jesus’ ministry, there were various instances in which he stepped out of the public eye and entered into a private place of prayer. Jesus instructed his disciples not to pray “in the synagogues and at the street corners, [so] that they may be seen by others,” but rather “pray to [their] Father…in secret” (Matt […]

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