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Tag: "revival"

Outpouring: A Theological Witness

Outpouring: A Theological Witness

Jason E. Vickers and Thomas H. McCall, Outpouring: A Theological Witness (Cascade Books, 2023), ISBN 9781666776140. Outpouring: A Theological Witness, is a brief (107 pages), first-hand account of the events of the spring of 2023 at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky. Both authors were professors at Asbury Theological Seminary at the time (Vickers has since […]

Michael Brown: Never Try to Control the Spirit’s Work

Michael Brown: Never Try to Control the Spirit’s Work

An excerpt from Michael L. Brown’s latest book: Seize the Moment: How to Fuel the Fires of Revival.   Revival is God’s work. It comes from the heavenly throne, not from human effort, and it comes with intensity. That is the very essence of revival: it is sovereign (in that we cannot schedule it or […]

Fall 2023: Other Significant Articles

Fall 2023: Other Significant Articles

Roger E. Olson, “Hegel In a Nutshell” Patheos (September 6, 2023). Historian of religion, Roger Olson, offers a brief introduction to the influential philosophy of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831) in 7 bullet points: Hegel’s epistemology, Hegel’s ontology/metaphysics, Hegel’s religion, Hegel’s history, Hegel’s reason, Hegel’s influence on Christian theology, and Christian reactions to Hegel.   […]

Verna Linzey on the Azusa Street Revival

Verna Linzey on the Azusa Street Revival

This interview of Verna Linzey was for the Azusa Street Project, filmed and produced by John Ineno who previously worked for CBS. Verna Linzey’s interview was filmed at MCAS Miramar (San Diego) in 2006. My mother was 87 years of age in that interview. John Ineno also interviewed Joyce Meyer, Kenneth Copeland, and many other […]

The Dynamic Intensity of the Spirit

The Dynamic Intensity of the Spirit

I recently presented on the topic of “The Dynamic Intensity of the Spirit.” It was part of a Horizon College & Seminary faculty panel on the topic of “Revival and Awakenings.” In my presentation, I explained that even though God is omnipresent and God does not change, the presence of God in the Holy Spirit can become […]

Pentecost in China

Pentecost in China

The Holy Spirit has been making Jesus known in China. Veteran missionary Dennis Balcombe shares what he has seen unfolding during his more than fifty years of ministry in China. Bible teachers believe that many prophecies will have a double fulfillment. The first fulfillment was in the Biblical days and subsequently the last days before […]

Summer 2023: Other Significant Articles

Summer 2023: Other Significant Articles

M. Daniel Carroll Rodas , “Is God Pleased by Our Worship?: For Amos, it depends on whether the God we worship demands justice” Christianity Today (June 12, 2023). “… the prophet makes clear that [Amos’ audience] celebrate a different god, one they might call Yahweh but one who was nevertheless a deity of their own […]

Paul Hattaway: Xinjiang: China's Gateway to the World

Paul Hattaway: Xinjiang: China’s Gateway to the World

Paul Hattaway, Xinjiang: China’s Gateway to the World (United Kingdom: Piquant Editions, 2022), 359 pages, ISBN ‎9781803290058. This book is volume 6 of Paul Hattaway’s China Chronicles Series. It focuses on the province of Xinjiang, which is located in the northwest area of China, it serves as a passageway “between China and the rest of […]

Reflections on the 2023 Asbury Revival and its Implications for Pentecostal Christians

Reflections on the 2023 Asbury Revival and its Implications for Pentecostal Christians

Here we are post-pandemic, surprised and encouraged by a move of God in the campus of Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky. The revival (or renewal as some call it) started on February 8, 2023, during the school’s chapel service and went on for fifteen days. Basically, it was fifteen days of 24-hour prayer and worship. […]

Asbury Outpouring Documentary

Asbury Outpouring Documentary

There is a new documentary out about the outpouring of the Spirit that recently took place at Asbury University. The film is 52 minutes long and can be watched for free on Redeem TV. If you go to the link below just follow the buttons to watch the movie. The website will make you create […]

Paul Hattaway: Henan: Inside the Greatest Christian Revival in History

Paul Hattaway: Henan: Inside the Greatest Christian Revival in History

Paul Hattaway, Henan: Inside the Greatest Christian Revival in History (United Kingdom: Piquant Editions/Asia Harvest 2021), 364 pages, ISBN 9781909281783. Henan is book number five in Paul Hattaway’s series “The China Chronicles.” This series focuses on true accounts of Christianity in China; it is thus a work of history. The author points out that this book […]

What We Need is Revival

What We Need is Revival

This guest article by Christian historian William De Arteaga is calling Christians, particularly in the USA, to lay aside political differences and pray for the nation in which God has placed us.   There is a sense a panic among some Evangelicals about the Biden-Harris election victory. We are in the midst now of a […]

Worried About the Election? What We Need is Revival

Worried About the Election? What We Need is Revival

Many Christians are in fear, almost panic, that a Biden-Harris win this November will bring about a renewed secularization of America and Christian persecution. There is some danger that such an administration would take a radical turn, but historian Dr. William De Arteaga is far less pessimistic. In this essay, he reflects on the election […]

Revival Falls on a Lonely Scottish Island

Revival Falls on a Lonely Scottish Island

One of the great visitations of the Holy Spirit in the past hundred years occurred in the 1950s on the extreme northern coast of Scotland under the preaching of Duncan Campbell. Though its effect was confined to a small area in the Hebrides Islands, the power that exploded upon the island of Berneray was identical […]

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