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Category: Living the Faith

Thinking Precedes Thanking

Thinking Precedes Thanking

Some years back, someone correctly observed and told me that the thinking process precedes the thanking process. I never forgot that phrase. We cannot be thankful for something until we have thought about it. You cannot thank the Lord without thinking about what Christ did for you in His death, burial, and resurrection. God redeemed and reconciled you for […]

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Miraculous Living: Coming to Christ in His Realm

Miraculous Living: Coming to Christ in His Realm

Like Peter’s failing attempt to walk on the water, many believers are trying to approach Jesus from the realm of intellect and knowledge. While we thank God for the mind and its ability, human wisdom is not enough. Man is a spiritual as well as a mental-being. To be genuinely equipped for life-in-the-Spirit, our experience […]

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James Thompson: Christ and Culture in the New Testament

James Thompson: Christ and Culture in the New Testament

James W. Thompson, Christ & Culture in the New Testament (Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books, 2023), 227 pages, ISBN 9781666739466. James W. Thompson, a senior New Testament scholar and scholar in residence at Abilene Christian University, presents a compelling book on the interplay of Christianity and culture in the New Testament. Beginning with a well-intentioned critique […]

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We Shall Come Rejoicing, Bringing in the Sheaves

We Shall Come Rejoicing, Bringing in the Sheaves

Messianic teacher Kevin Williams invites us to look deeper at the countdown to Pentecost. Of all 613 of God’s instructions in the Hebrew Scriptures, Leviticus 23:15 has got to be one of the easiest and least inconvenient. No work to perform, no offerings for the layperson. Just words. “You shall count from the next day […]

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Israel and Hamas: A Perspective

Israel and Hamas: A Perspective

As Christians, how we perceive the world around us should be shaped and reshaped by our faith. “Don’t be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what is the good, well-pleasing, and perfect will of God” (Romans 12:2). But we also have these emotional […]

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The People Scripture Calls Us To Be: An Interview with Timothy Laurito

The People Scripture Calls Us To Be: An Interview with Timothy Laurito speaks with Dr. Timothy Laurito who is a pastor, educator, scholar, speaker, and award-winning author. He challenges all followers of Jesus to invite the Holy Spirit to move in and through us more powerfully, especially those believers that already acknowledge the Spirit’s work today. Your first book Speaking in Tongues: A Multidisciplinary […]

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The Ideal Christian Life

The Ideal Christian Life

Are you comfortable or are you ready to give up everything to make Jesus more real to people that desperately need him? Pioneer missionary Griffith John wrote A Voice in the Darkness over 100 years ago, but the challenge he wrote about laying down our lives for the kingdom of God is both timely and […]

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Is Doomsday Upon Us?

Is Doomsday Upon Us?

As we look at world events today, our minds are flooded with anxiety about how history may turn out. If one would take time to study prophecies that point to the End Times (eschatology) it seems easy to understand how current world events play a major role in biblical prophecy. Though I’ve never considered myself […]

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Raised from the Dead

Raised from the Dead

Jamie Burns, a Teen-aged Girl, Raised from the Dead According to the American Medical Association, clinical death is the cessation of the pumping of blood by the heart through the body, which will inevitably result in the cessation of breathing.  It is a medical emergency, in which without immediate intervention the opportunity to reverse the […]

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Will I Still Be Me After Death?

Will I Still Be Me After Death?

In his series about Heaven, Pastor Daniel Brown asks, in the world to come, will we be who we were? There are two kinds of death—spiritual and natural. Death is not a state of oblivion or non-existence; it is, rather, a separation from the life that was meant to be. Spiritual death cuts people off […]

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Planting Seeds

Planting Seeds

When I was a child in Adams County in central Pennsylvania, our family planted large gardens with corn, beans, watermelons, potatoes, and all sorts of plants. I would walk outside each morning to see how much the seeds had grown. This memory reminded me of Jesus’ parable of the mustard seed in which He says of […]

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J. Todd Billings: The End of the Christian Life

J. Todd Billings: The End of the Christian Life

J. Todd Billings, The End of the Christian Life: How Embracing Our Mortality Frees Us To Truly Live (Brazos, 2020) 239 pages, ISBN 9781587434204. Despite the fact that we, as mere fading mortals, go out of our way to not think about death, great works of art and literature tend to inexplicably draw us into […]

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Woman Rises from Dead After Prayer

Woman Rises from Dead After Prayer

Jim Linzey, currently serving as a pastor in Coffeyville, Kansas, shares a story about a miracle that happened in his community. Recently, Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) and God TV reported that a woman in Coffeyville, Kansas rose from the dead. Landon D. Vinson, M.D., who was the attending physician, along with the local Assembly of […]

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Michael Brown: The Political Seduction of the Church

Michael Brown: The Political Seduction of the Church

Michael L. Brown, The Political Seduction of the Church: How Millions of American Christians Have Confused Politics with the Gospel (Vide, 2022), ISBN 9781954618497 The last several years have seen a plethora of books published concerning the church and political involvement. While I haven’t done a detailed study of the number of books published annually […]

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    Will I Still Be Me After Death?