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Tag: "fire"

Frank Macchia: Tongues of Fire

Frank Macchia: Tongues of Fire

Frank D. Macchia, Tongues of Fire: A Systematic Theology of the Christian Faith, Word & Spirit: Pentecostal Investigations in Theology and History (Eugene, OR: Cascade, 2023), 458 pages, ISBN 9781666730227. Frank Macchia is one of the most recognizable Pentecostal theologians well-known for his advocacy of Spirit baptism. Far from engagement with insider concerns that are […]

John R. Levison: The Holy Spirit before Christianity

John R. Levison: The Holy Spirit before Christianity

John R. Levison, The Holy Spirit before Christianity (Baylor University Press, 2019) The book consists of Acknowledgments, five chapters, thirteen excurses, varied notes, selected bibliography, and detailed indexes of subjects, ancient names, modern authors and ancient sources. Chapter titles include: “The Emergence of the Spirit: Recasting Exodus”, “The Essence of the Spirit: Retelling Exodus”, “The […]

A Consuming Fire

A Consuming Fire

During the month of May or June (depending on the calendar), Christians throughout the world celebrate “Pentecost Sunday” – a time of rejoicing and reflection on the mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon those who had assembled to receive power from on high. We must remember and celebrate the significance of this great event. […]

Praying the News: Notre Dame Fire

Praying the News: Notre Dame Fire

Some tragedies are permitted by God for a greater good, to bring into focus an evil or unsatisfactory situation. An example from the Bible is the destruction of Solomon’s Temple by Babylonian invaders. Perhaps the burning of Notre Dame is such an event. Notre Dame has been the symbol for Catholicism and France’s Christian heritage […]

Michael Brown: Playing With Holy Fire

Michael Brown: Playing With Holy Fire

Michael L. Brown, Playing With Holy Fire: A Wake-Up Call To the Pentecostal-Charismatic Church (Lake Mary, FL: Charisma House, 2018), 224 pages, ISBN 9781629994987. Dr. Michael Brown has Pentecostal roots that run deep. His early days as a Christian were spent in an Italian Pentecostal Church in New York, years later he was one of the […]

Pentecostal Theological Education: FIRE School of Ministry

Pentecostal Theological Education: FIRE School of Ministry

FIRE School of Ministry What does Spirit-filled education look like around the world? Brandon Paul, Director of Academic Affairs for FIRE School of Ministry, gives a brief sketch of the school and how they prepare men and women for ministry that makes a difference in the USA and beyond. Part of the Pentecostal Theological Education […]

Lee Grady: Set My Heart on Fire

Lee Grady: Set My Heart on Fire

J. Lee Grady, Set My Heart on Fire: Ignite Your Confidence, Boldness, and Passion for God (Lake Mary, FL: Charisma House, 2016), 240 pages, ISBN 9781629986104. Lee Grady is well known in Pentecostal and Charismatic circles. For a number of years he served as the editor of Charisma magazine, a publication devoted to the Spirit-filled […]

Estrelda Alexander: Black Fire Reader

Estrelda Alexander: Black Fire Reader

Estrelda Y. Alexander, Black Fire Reader: A Documentary Resource on African American Pentecostalism (Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2013), xvi + 242 pages, ISBN 9781608995622. This is an anthology of primary source documents that examine the contributions of African Americans in the expansion of the modern-day Pentecostal movement. Reflected in their doctrine, songs, and liturgies, the […]

Rolland Baker: Keeping the Fire

Rolland Baker: Keeping the Fire

Rolland Baker, Keeping the Fire: Sustaining Revival Through Love: The Five Core Values of Iris Global (Kent, United Kingdom: River Publishing & Media Ltd., 2015), 152 pages, ISBN 9781908393555. Rolland Baker, along with his wife, Heidi, have served on the mission field for the last 35 years, most of their time has been spent in […]

Logic on Fire: The Life and Legacy of Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, reviewed by R. T. Kendall

Logic on Fire: The Life and Legacy of Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, reviewed by R. T. Kendall

Logic on Fire: The Life and Legacy of Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones (Media Gratiae, 2015). Matthew Robinson, director.  3 disc DVD set with 5 postcard prints and cloth-bound book (128 pages). Logic on Fire is a documentary film about the life and ministry of the greatest preacher of the twentieth century, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones (1899-1981). I […]

Fire From Heaven: an interview with Harvey Cox

Fire From Heaven: an interview with Harvey Cox

John Lathrop interviewed Harvey Cox at Harvard Divinity School in Cambridge, Massachusetts in 1996 about his book, Fire From Heaven.   What prompted you to write a book about the Pentecostal Movement? Two things prompted me. One was my discovery which came through my great interest in urban ministry. This discovery was that although the […]

Jon Ruthven's Further reflections on Strangers to Fire, a response to John MacArthur

Jon Ruthven’s Further reflections on Strangers to Fire, a response to John MacArthur

  Strangers to Fire represents a phalanx of biblical responses by a variety of authors to the cessationism first developed by the serpent in the Garden: “Did God really say?” That was a challenge to the idea of revelation from God, a notion more fully developed by the cessationist scribes who opposed Jesus. Jesus said […]

Should we keep talking about Strange Fire?

Should we keep talking about Strange Fire?

  Jonathan Downie, a regular contributor to, wrote to the editors about the ongoing coverage we have featured here of John MacArthur’s 2013 book, Strange Fire. Please read his concern and our response below it.   I am growing concerned about how much coverage the Strange Fire book is getting in the Pneuma Review. […]

Strangers To Fire: When Tradition Trumps Scripture, reviewed by Tony Richie

Strangers To Fire: When Tradition Trumps Scripture, reviewed by Tony Richie

Robert W. Graves, ed., Strangers To Fire: When Tradition Trumps Scripture (Woodstock, GA: The Foundation for Pentecostal Scholarship, 2014), 604 pages, ISBN 9780996044509 A quick overview reveals that Strangers to Fire is an anthology of 35 essays edited by Robert W. Graves, President of The Foundation for Pentecostal Scholarship. These essays are written by 26 […]

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