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Tag: "pentecostal"

Why Pentecostal Churches Are Growing

Why Pentecostal Churches Are Growing

In 2009 the University of Southern California established the Pentecostal and Charismatic Research Initiative (PCRI) with a $6.9 million grant from the John Templeton Foundation. In a news release dated February 24, 2009, PCRI spokesperson Donald Miller states, “We are interested in why Pentecostalism is growing so rapidly, what impact it is having on society, […]

A New Book: Karl Barth and Pentecostal Theology

A New Book: Karl Barth and Pentecostal Theology

I just had a book published that I co-edited. I saw a few of the contributors posting pictures on social media of their copy of the book, and I just opened a package with my own copy today. I’m grateful those who contributed to the volume and for the wisdom of my co-editors, Frank Macchia […]

Stephen Barkley: Pentecostal Prophets

Stephen Barkley: Pentecostal Prophets

Stephen D. Barkley, Pentecostal Prophets: Experience in Old Testament Perspective (Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2023) 157 pages, ISBN 9781666768022. Stephen D. Barkley, director of pastoral leadership and campus pastor at Master’s College and Seminary in Ontario, Canada, offers an intriguing study on contemporary prophetic practice in the Pentecostal/Charismatic context. Barkley, being a Pentecostal scholar […]

Robert Menzies: Is the Chinese Church Predominantly Pentecostal? Conversation with readers

Robert Menzies: Is the Chinese Church Predominantly Pentecostal? Conversation with readers

The editors of are always glad to hear from our readers. We want to encourage interactions with our writers whenever possible. Thank you for leaving comments and sharing with others what has made you think, what’s encouraged you, or even what you disagree with. Is the Church in China Predominantly Pentecostal? reader […]

Pentecostal Theology and Ecumenical Theology

Pentecostal Theology and Ecumenical Theology

Peter Hocken, Tony L. Richie, and Christopher Stephenson, eds., Pentecostal Theology and Ecumenical Theology: Interpretations and Intersections, Global Pentecostal and Charismatic Studies Vol. 34 (Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2019), 368 pages, ISBN 9789004408364. In volume thirty-four of Brill’s Global Pentecostal and Charismatic Studies, editors Peter Hocken, Tony L. Richie, and Christopher Stephenson spearhead a collection of […]

Reflections on the 2023 Asbury Revival and its Implications for Pentecostal Christians

Reflections on the 2023 Asbury Revival and its Implications for Pentecostal Christians

Here we are post-pandemic, surprised and encouraged by a move of God in the campus of Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky. The revival (or renewal as some call it) started on February 8, 2023, during the school’s chapel service and went on for fifteen days. Basically, it was fifteen days of 24-hour prayer and worship. […]

Robert Menzies: Is the Chinese Church Predominantly Pentecostal? Part 3: Gaining Perspective

Robert Menzies: Is the Chinese Church Predominantly Pentecostal? Part 3: Gaining Perspective

Is the Church in China Predominantly Pentecostal? Part 3: Gaining Perspective: A Contextual Assessment   The strong Pentecostal orientation of the Church in China is striking, but it should not surprise us. In fact, when the recent revival of Christianity in China is viewed against the backdrop of its historical, global, and sociological contexts, this […]

Robert Menzies: Is the Chinese Church Predominantly Pentecostal? Part 2: The House Church Networks

Robert Menzies: Is the Chinese Church Predominantly Pentecostal? Part 2: The House Church Networks

Is the Church in China Predominantly Pentecostal? Part 2: The House Church Networks: A Theological Assessment China for Christ (Fang Cheng) Let us begin with what appears to the largest of the house church networks currently operating in China, China For Christ (sometimes called the Fang Cheng Church). The China for Christ Church began in […]

Robert Menzies: Is the Chinese Church Predominantly Pentecostal? Part 1: Introduction

Robert Menzies: Is the Chinese Church Predominantly Pentecostal? Part 1: Introduction

Is the Church in China Predominantly Pentecostal? Part 1: Introduction By Robert P. Menzies The Wind of the Holy Spirit Will Blow Everywhere From the East coast to the West coast/ The wind of the Holy Spirit will blow everywhere/ From the East to the West/ The glory of the Holy Spirit will be released/ […]

Robert Menzies: Is the Chinese Church Predominantly Pentecostal? Author’s Preface

Robert Menzies: Is the Chinese Church Predominantly Pentecostal? Author’s Preface

Author’s Preface: “Is the Church in China Predominantly Pentecostal? An Answer from the ‘Golden Years’ of the Chinese House Church Movement” By Robert P. Menzies The essays that follow are not descriptions of the current state of the church in China.[1] Rather, they represent a slice of Chinese church history, albeit an important slice. Dr. […]

Pentecostal Theological Education in the Majority World

Pentecostal Theological Education in the Majority World

Dave Johnson and Rick Wadholm Jr. eds., Pentecostal Theological Education in the Majority World: The Graduate and Post-Graduate Level, Volume 1 (Baguio City, Philippines: Asia Pacific Theological Seminary Press, 2022), 213 pages, ISBN 9789718942994. The editors of this volume, Dave Johnson and Rick Wadholm Jr., are both Assemblies of God ministers. As the back cover […]

Craig Keener on Gordon Fee, Giant of Pentecostal Scholarship

Craig Keener on Gordon Fee, Giant of Pentecostal Scholarship

Gordon D. Fee went home to be with the Lord on October 25, 2022. I learned of Gordon Fee’s passing yesterday [October 26] from his gracious and kind daughter, Cherith. Gordon and his family always treated me so graciously. Gordon kind of took me under his wing and looked out for me. Also, by his […]

Canadian Pentecostal Reader: The First Generation of Pentecostal Voices in Canada

Canadian Pentecostal Reader: The First Generation of Pentecostal Voices in Canada

Martin W. Mittelstadt and Caleb Howard Courtney, Canadian Pentecostal Reader: The First Generation of Pentecostal Voices in Canada (1907-1925) (Cleveland, TN: CPT Press, c2021), xii + 507 pages. The authors of a Canadian Pentecostal Reader are to be commended for such an exemplary, seminal, and significant reference research resource. The heart and core of this […]

A Pentecostal Response to Buddhism

A Pentecostal Response to Buddhism

The Buddhist world of approximately 1.3 billion people presents a formidable barrier to the gospel, a barrier that Christians have had limited success in penetrating. The August 2021 edition (Volume 24, Number 2) of the Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies looks at a number of critical issues and I want to encourage you to take a […]

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