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Category: In Depth

David Grumett: The Bible and Farm Animal Welfare

David Grumett: The Bible and Farm Animal Welfare

David Grumett, The Bible and Farm Animal Welfare (Cascade Books, 2024), ix-113 pages including indices, ISBN 9798385218592. This text is yet another in a long line of publications that mines the bible for insights concerning how humans should treat animals. Grumett’s angle takes up the topic of animal husbandry, that is domesticated animals raised for […]

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Giulio Maspero: Rethinking the Filioque with the Greek Fathers

Giulio Maspero: Rethinking the Filioque with the Greek Fathers

Giulio Maspero, Rethinking the Filioque with the Greek Fathers (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2023). Giulio Maspero’s book Rethinking the Filioque with the Greek Fathers addresses the seemingly perennial theological debate that has divided Christendom for a thousand years through a close reading of the development of trinitarian doctrine in the early Church. For those unfamiliar with […]

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A New Book: Karl Barth and Pentecostal Theology

A New Book: Karl Barth and Pentecostal Theology

I just had a book published that I co-edited. I saw a few of the contributors posting pictures on social media of their copy of the book, and I just opened a package with my own copy today. I’m grateful those who contributed to the volume and for the wisdom of my co-editors, Frank Macchia […]

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Frank Macchia: Tongues of Fire

Frank Macchia: Tongues of Fire

Frank D. Macchia, Tongues of Fire: A Systematic Theology of the Christian Faith, Word & Spirit: Pentecostal Investigations in Theology and History (Eugene, OR: Cascade, 2023), 458 pages, ISBN 9781666730227. Frank Macchia is one of the most recognizable Pentecostal theologians well-known for his advocacy of Spirit baptism. Far from engagement with insider concerns that are […]

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Michael Bird: Jesus among the Gods

Michael Bird: Jesus among the Gods

Michael F. Bird, Jesus among the Gods: Early Christology in the Greco-Roman World (Waco: Baylor University Press, 2022), xi+480 pages, ISBN 9781481316750. To whom or to what might we compare Jesus, the “son of God” (Mark 1:1)? In the hunt to discern the meaning and range of early Christian identifications of Jesus as divine, scholars […]

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Jean Danielou: Platonism and Mystical Theology

Jean Danielou: Platonism and Mystical Theology

Jean Daniélou, Platonism and Mystical Theology: The Spiritual Doctrine of St. Gregory of Nyssa (Yonkers, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2022), 444 pages, ISBN 9780881417173. Edited by Rev. Ignatius Green. Translated by Anthony P. Gythiel and Michael Donley. This book is an English translation of Jean Daniélou’s seminal 1944 book Platonisme et théologie mystique: doctrine […]

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Pentecostal Theology and Ecumenical Theology

Pentecostal Theology and Ecumenical Theology

Peter Hocken, Tony L. Richie, and Christopher Stephenson, eds., Pentecostal Theology and Ecumenical Theology: Interpretations and Intersections, Global Pentecostal and Charismatic Studies Vol. 34 (Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2019), 368 pages, ISBN 9789004408364. In volume thirty-four of Brill’s Global Pentecostal and Charismatic Studies, editors Peter Hocken, Tony L. Richie, and Christopher Stephenson spearhead a collection of […]

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Paul Elbert: The Lukan Gift of the Holy Spirit

Paul Elbert: The Lukan Gift of the Holy Spirit

Paul Elbert, The Lukan Gift of the Holy Spirit: Understanding Luke’s Expectations for Theophilus (Canton, GA: The Foundation for Pentecostal Scholarship, 2021), pages xv+147, ISBN 9798502689434. Elbert approaches Luke-Acts with two questions: (1) How does Luke expect Theophilus, the reader, to read his two-volume work (Luke-Acts)? and (2) How does Luke expect him to respond […]

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Juan M. B. Gutierrez: Judaizing Jesus

Juan M. B. Gutierrez: Judaizing Jesus

Juan Marcos Bejarano Gutierrez, Judaizing Jesus: Radical Jewish Approaches to Christianity (Grand Prairie, TX: Yaron Publishing, 2019), ISBN 9781705609019. New Testament readers are all too familiar with the concept of judiazers, those who attempt to force Christians into following the rituals and traditions of Jewish Orthodoxy. How surprising then, to find a title that attempts […]

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Hadje Cresencio Sadje: Grassroots Asian Theologies

Hadje Cresencio Sadje: Grassroots Asian Theologies

Hadje Cresencio Sadje, Grassroots Asian Theologies: Doing Pentecostal Theology in the Philippine Context (Kalamazoo, MI: Ekyprosis Press, 2022), 127 pages, ISBN 9798985592627. Hadje Cresencio Sadje, a Filipino scholar doing Ph. D. studies at the University of Vienna, contributes to global contextual methodologies through his monograph, Grassroots Asian Theologies: Doing Pentecostal Theology in the Philippine Context. […]

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Katherine Shaner: Enslaved Leadership in Early Christianity

Katherine Shaner: Enslaved Leadership in Early Christianity

Katherine Shaner, Enslaved Leadership in Early Christianity (New York: Oxford University Press, 2018) xxix + 207 pages, ISBN 9780190275068. Dr. Katherine Shaner, in a revised form of her Harvard Divinity School dissertation, asks a provocative question. What role, if any, did enslaved persons embody in the congregation of the early church? Shaner’s response to this […]

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Anti-Racist Strategies in the West Perpetuate Global Poverty: A Critique from Africa

Anti-Racist Strategies in the West Perpetuate Global Poverty: A Critique from Africa

Missionary-scholar Jim Harries argues that the wide differences between the West and the Rest are being ignored by anti-racist strategies. These misunderstandings are perpetuating dependencies in the majority world and stunting sustainable development. However, there is a way forward, a path of humility that rejects colonialism and embraces real equality.   Abstract Strategies designed by […]

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Introducing Spirit-Empowered Christianity

Introducing Spirit-Empowered Christianity

Todd M. Johnson and Gina A. Zurlo, Introducing Spirit-Empowered Christianity: The Global Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements in the 21st Century (Tulsa, OK: ORU Press, 2020), 222 pages, ISBN 9781950971046.   The review is based on a special edition of the book that was released to Oral Roberts University students. A printed version is being prepared for […]

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Canadian Pentecostal Reader: The First Generation of Pentecostal Voices in Canada

Canadian Pentecostal Reader: The First Generation of Pentecostal Voices in Canada

Martin W. Mittelstadt and Caleb Howard Courtney, Canadian Pentecostal Reader: The First Generation of Pentecostal Voices in Canada (1907-1925) (Cleveland, TN: CPT Press, c2021), xii + 507 pages. The authors of a Canadian Pentecostal Reader are to be commended for such an exemplary, seminal, and significant reference research resource. The heart and core of this […]

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