Jon M. Ruthven, Ph.D., passed away April 11, 2022. He spent his entire adult life in ministry, starting with David Wilkerson in Boston and New York City in the mid-60s. After spending a dozen years pastoring, a couple a years as a missionary in Africa as President and Dean of Pan Africa Christian College in Nairobi, Kenya, he ended up teaching theology in seminary for 18 years. Always interested in training and discipleship, Jon sought to develop a radically biblical approach to ministry training that seeks to replicate the discipling mission of Jesus in both content and method. Jon wrote numerous scholarly papers and books including On the Cessation of the Charismata: The Protestant Polemic on Postbiblical Miracles (1993 and 2009) and What’s Wrong with Protestant Theology? Tradition vs. Biblical Emphasis (2013). He emphasized the biblical grounding for a practical ministry of healing, signs and wonders in the power of the Spirit. Facebook.
Philip Graham Ryken, Ph.D. (University of Oxford), is the eighth and current president of Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois. He is the author of more than 30 books, including The Message of Salvation (InterVarsity, 2001), Art for God’s Sake: A Call to Recover the Arts (P&R, 2006), Loving the Way Jesus Loves (Crossway, 2011), and expository commentaries on Exodus, Jeremiah, Luke, and other books of the Bible.
Nat J. Saginario, M.Ed. (R.I. College), has served the body of Christ around the world by teaching at various Christian Bible Colleges in the USA (Zion Bible Institute, Valley Forge Christian College, Summit International School of Ministry), as pastor and assistant pastor, and as short-term missions team leader and with Barnabas leadership training teams to over 85 countries.
Shanwi Samuel was born and raised in Jakarta, Indonesia. He began serving the Lord in 1999. His home church is Bethel Church in Jakarta, Indonesia. He received a call to missions in 2001 and that same year began training at Tawangmangu Bible School. There he was mentored by senior missionaries, Pastors Sam and Carol Soukotta; they trained him to be an interpreter for foreign lecturers. Since that time he has served as an interpreter, preacher, and teacher; he does itinerant ministry almost every month seeking to kindle the fires of revival in his home country.
R. Loren Sandford died on September 17, 2021. He was the eldest son of John and Paula Sandford, widely recognized as pioneers in the charismatic renewal, prophetic ministry and inner healing. A graduate of Fuller Theological Seminary, Loren entered full time ministry in 1976 and was the founding pastor of New Song Church and Ministries in Denver, Colorado. As well as traveling internationally as a conference and seminar speaker, he was the author of numerous books, including: Burnout: Renewal in the Wilderness (1998), Purifying the Prophetic: Breaking Free from the Spirit of Self-fulfillment (Chosen, 2005), Understanding Prophetic People: Blessings and Problems with the Prophetic Gift (Chosen, 2007), The Prophetic Church: Wielding the Power to Change the World (Chosen, 2009), Renewal for the Wounded Warrior: A Burnout Survival Guide for Believers (Chosen, 2010), Visions of the Coming Days: What to Look for and How to Prepare (Chosen, 2012), Yes, There’s More: A Return to Childlike Faith and a Deeper Experience of God (Charisma House, 2015), A Vision of Hope for the End Times: Why I Want to Be Left Behind (2018), and The Last Great Outpouring: Preparing for an Unprecedented Move of God (2020). Married since 1972, he and Beth have two daughters and one son who have collectively given them nine grandchildren. Loren was also a member of the Osage Nation, a Native American heritage he deeply treasured. Twitter: @pastorrls
Mark Sandford, MDiv (Denver Theological Seminary), is Spiritual Director of Elijah House, a ministry founded by his parents John and Paula Sandford. Mark collaborated with his father to write Deliverance and Inner Healing (Chosen Books, revised edition 2008) and Healing the Earth ... a time for change (BT Johnson Publishing, 2013). He ministers to individuals and couples in all areas of inner healing and deliverance and teaches at Elijah House schools and seminars. Mark and his wife, Maureen, have three children and live in Post Falls, Idaho.
Eric Scalise, Ph.D., LPC, LMFT, is the Vice President for Professional Development at the American Association of Christian Counselors and the former Dept. Chair for Counseling Programs at Regent University in Virginia Beach, VA. He is a Licensed Professional Counselor and a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist with more than 30 years of clinical and ministry experience. Author, speaker, and consultant, he works extensively with pastors and ministry leaders around the world.
Dean Schendel is a math teacher and former coach at Rice Consolidated High School in Altair, Texas. He has the privilege of being a part of the ministries of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and AWANA. He is the author of Oneness: A Call to Honor God in the Marriage Relationship (Westbow, 2015). Facebook Twitter: @DeanSchendel.
Andrew J. Schmutzer, Ph.D., is a Professor of Biblical Studies at Moody Bible Institute (Chicago, IL). He regularly writes and speaks about sexual abuse from a theological perspective, to help equip churches to care for the abused in their midst. Andrew is the editor of the collaborative book, The Long Journey Home: Understanding and Ministering to the Sexually Abused (Wipf & Stock, 2011), a contributor to numerous books including Finding Our Way Through the Traffick: Exploring the Complexities of a Christian Response to Sexual Exploitation and Sex Trafficking (Regnum Books, 2017), The Moody Handbook of Preaching (Moody, 2008), Naming Our Abuse: God's Pathways to Healing for Male Sexual Abuse Survivors (Kregel, 2016), Between Pain and Grace: A Biblical Theology of Suffering (Moody, 2016), and Genesis: See Our Story Begin (NLT Study Series). He is one of the editors of The Psalms: Language for All Seasons of the Soul (Moody, 2013), and author of Be Fruitful and Multiply: A Crux of Thematic Repetition in Genesis 1-11 (Wipf & Stock, 2009). He can be reached at
Alan James Schrader, D.B.S., M.A., B.Th, is the President of IFCA Bible College and Senior Pastor at Christian Assembly in the Cleveland, Ohio area. He and his wife, Mary Jane Schrader, have four children and have been married since 1991. Dr. Alan & Mary have partnered together to pioneer a new church, a new not-for-profit business, a new Bible College, and have written musicals and over 30 songs. They both carry a passion to see people become followers of Jesus Christ, and become fruitful in the gifts God has given them. Facebook
David R. Seal, M.T.S. (Cornerstone University), Th.M. (Calvin Theological Seminary), is currently pursuing at Ph.D. at Regent University, Virginia Beach, VA and is adjunct faculty at Cornerstone University. He is employed at South Church Lansing, Michigan.
Hormoz Shariat, is from a Muslim background and became a follower of Jesus in 1980 after a comparative study of the Bible and Quran. He has a Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence from the University of Southern California (USC) and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Bible and Theology from Jessup University. Through satellite, he has been broadcasting the Gospel into Iran and the Middle East since 2001 and has seen tens of thousands of Iranian Muslims come to Christ. Dr. Shariat’s ministry, Iran Alive, has been featured in Christianity Today, Charisma, World Magazine and other publications. He has been a guest on various radio and TV stations such as CBN’s 700 Club, Daystar, and TBN, and is a frequent speaker at the Voice of the Martyrs conferences. He is the author of Iran’s Great Awakening: How God is Using A Muslim Convert to Spark Revival (Iran Alive Ministries, 2020).
The Rev. Dr. Jack Sheffield is President and Co-Founder of Deep River Ministries, with his wife Anna Marie. Together they have been in healing ministry for over thirty years, and continue to travel throughout the USA, Canada, Mexico, South America, Europe, Asia, New Zealand, and Africa experiencing God’s glory in healing, miracles, signs and wonders. Jack and Anna Marie also co-founded Christ Healing Center in San Antonio, TX. CHC is a place of equipping, prayer sessions, ministry to children, and outreach to hospitals, YMCA, prisons and other unique market-place ministry venues. Facebook. Twitter: @jackseph
Esther V. Shekher is a Medical Doctor and has been a full time missionary and evangelist since 2003. She is the Founder of Christ Rules Ministry. Shekher has spoken at numerous pastors’ conferences and churches around the world. She established the International Prayer Network (IPN) with over 7,000 prayer cells. She is the author of All the Commandments of God: Find Out the Secret to Inherit All the Blessings of God (Westbow, 2013). Facebook
James B. Shelton, Ph.D. (University of Stirling, Scotland), M.A. (Oral Roberts University), is Professor of New Testament at Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He is the author of Mighty in Word and Deed: The Role of the Holy Spirit in Luke-Acts (Wipf & Stock, 1999 reprint) as well as numerous essays in scholarly journals, books, and biblical commentaries. Faculty page
F. Wesley Shortridge, D.Min. (Evangel University, 2016), M.A. (Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, 2010), B.A. (Central Bible College, 2009), is the founding pastor of Liberty Community Church in Bealeton, Virginia. Facebook LinkedIn
W. Simpson, PhD (University of St. Andrews, Scotland), is a physicist and writer with an interest in theology, currently engaged in scientific research in the middle-east.