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Jeff Oliver is an inspirational speaker and author of Pentecost to the Present: The Holy Spirit's Enduring Work in the Church. This three-volume (Book 1: Early Prophetic And Spiritual Gifts Movements, Book 2: Reformations And Awakenings, Book 3: Worldwide Revivals And Renewals) series traces our Spirit-filled heritage to ancient times and gives documented historic evidence of signs, wonders and miracles continuing in the church to this present age. Jeff is also founder and president of Global Wakening, a ministry that is inspiring and equipping a new generation with a supernatural Christian worldview to help ignite a global wakening of God's church.

Peter Ostrander, Ph.D. (Penn State University, 1970), taught physics at Penn State, Fayette for 33 years. In 1973 he made a personal commitment to Jesus Christ and was filled with the Holy Spirit one year later during the charismatic renewal. He pursued studies at Trinity School for Ministry and was ordained an Episcopal priest in 1986. For 21 years, he served St. George’s Episcopal Church in Waynesburg, Pennsylvania as their Vicar. Peter grew interested in healing ministry, joined the Order of Saint Luke, and started a chapter South of Pittsburgh. He presented workshops at regional meetings, then retired from Penn State and served 6 years as Director of Region 2, attended national meetings and wrote articles for Sharing Magazine. Because Peter wanted OSL to remain true to the Holy Scriptures and the example of the early Church, he wrote New Testament Healing (Xulon Press, 2011). Peter has also served as a board member for the Healing Center at Shrine Mont and has been active in healing at Servant Song Ministries, a retreat center in Waynesburg, Pennsylvania.

J.P. O’Connor, Ph.D., is Associate Professor of New Testament at Northwest University (Kirkland, WA). His first book explores the nature of morality and ethics in the Gospel of Mark: The Moral Life according to Mark, LNTS 667 (T&T Clark/Bloomsbury, 2022). His next book length project will consider the nature and role of judgment in Mark. For more of his publications, see LinkedIn

James I. Packer died on July 17, 2020 at the age of 93. He was a British-born Canadian Christian theologian and was once named to Time magazine’s list of the 25 Most Influential Evangelicals in America. He received a Ph.D. (Philosophy) from the University of Oxford, Oxford, England. As an Anglican theologian, Dr. Packer played a major role in British and North American evangelicalism. He wrote numerous books and scholarly articles, including the best-selling book, Knowing God (first published in 1973).

Paul J. Palma, PhD, is a professor of Biblical Studies and Christian Ministry at Regent University and a credentialed minister with the International Fellowship of Christian Assemblies. He is the author of Italian American Pentecostalism and the Struggle for Religious Identity (Routledge Studies in Religion series), Embracing Our Roots: Rediscovering the Value of Faith, Family, and Tradition (Wipf and Stock), and Grassroots Pentecostalism in Brazil and the United States: Migrations, Missions, and Mobility (Palgrave’s Christianity and Renewal series). Amazon Author page. LinkedIn page. Facebook.

William J. Pankey holds a M.A. in Christian Education from the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary (Springfield, MO), a M.Div. equivalent from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (Deerfield, Ill.), a M.I.L.S. from Dominican University (River Forest, Ill.), and a D.Min. also from Trinity Evangelical. He has served as a spiritual leader in a Philadelphia Messianic congregation, and pastored at Bloomingdale (Ill.) Assemblies of God Church from 1986 till 1994. He is Professor and Coordinator of Library Technologies at William Rainey Harper College in Palatine, Illinois. Harper College Faculty page

Andy Park has been a worship leader, songwriter and pastor in the Vineyard movement for over three decades. He travels widely throughout the North America and around the globe to lead worship and teach on worship and various themes of the life of worship. Andy has written many worship songs including “In the Secret” and “The River is Here,” and is the author of To Know You More: Cultivating the Heart of A Worship Leader (InterVarsity Press, 2002) and The Worship Journey: A Quest of Heart, Mind and Strength (2011). In 2012, he joined a team planting a new church in Guildford, Surrey, B.C. called Surrey Vineyard ( Facebook Twitter: @andyparkmusic

Brandon Paul is the Director of Academic Affairs and Registrar at FIRE School of Ministry. He is a graduate of the school, and has served in various administrative capacities since 2005. In addition to his administrative duties, Brandon also teaches at the school, and is involved at Fire Church in Concord, North Carolina.

Anna Ermakova Paul holds a PhD in developmental and educational psychology from Boston College, and is currently finishing her MBA training at the University of Oxford. She and her husband Tyson share a love for children, and have lived and worked with schools and low-resource communities in East Africa. Having grown up as an atheist in post-Soviet Russia, Anna became a believer in her teens, and carries a desire to share Christ with those who do not know Him, especially those living in contexts of poverty or oppression.

Leah Payne, Ph.D. (Vanderbilt University, 2013), is Assistant Professor of Christian Studies at George Fox University. Leah serves on the Foursquare Church Education Commission and she is the author of Gender and Pentecostal Revivalism: Making a Female Ministry in the Early Twentieth Century (Palgrave Macmillan, 2015). Visit her blog on religion & popular culture: Faculty Page Twitter: @ProfLeahPayne

Fernando Perez is a writer, researcher, and analyst for World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) Religious Liberty Commission (RLC).

Michael D. Peters has ministered among charismatic and noncharismatic Christians for over twenty-five years. For the past 14 years (as of Fall 1998) he has pastored Christ the King Covenant Church in Webster Groves, Missouri. He hold a Masters in Theology from Covenant Theological Seminary and is presently pursuing a doctorate in historical theology at Saint Louis University.

Finny Philip, MA (University of Kerala), BD, MTh (Serampore), PhD (Durham, UK), is Principal of Filadelfia Bible College in Udaipur, India and Mission Director of the Filadelfia Fellowship Church of India. He is the International Deputy Director, South Asia, for the Lausanne Movement and Editorial Director for Christian Trends magazine. He is the author of Origins of Pauline Pneumatology: The Eschatological Bestowal of the Spirit upon Gentiles in Judaism and in the Early Development of Paul’s Theology (Mohr Siebeck, 2005). He has served as consulting editor for theological journals and monograph series and was Theological Editor for the South Asia Bible Commentary (Zondervan, 2015).

John C. Poirier, Th.M. (Duke Divinity), D.H.L. (Jewish Theological Seminary), is an independent scholar who has published numerous articles on a wide range of topics. He is the author of The Invention of the Inspired Text: Philological Windows on the Theopneustia of Scripture (2021).

Paul A. Pomerville, PhD (Fuller Theological Seminary), is a seventeen-year veteran of the Seattle Police Department who served as a missionary to Asia and Europe for thirteen years and as a Graduate Professor and Department Chairman of Christian Missions and Cross-cultural Communications at the Assemblies of God Seminary for two years. He is a graduate of Fuller Theological Seminary’s School of World Mission. For seven years he trained police in cultural diversity all across the United States, and continued for another seven years training police in Indonesia, East Timor and Bosnia Herzegovina. He is the author of The Cross-Cultural American: Ending America’s Obsession with Race (CreateSpace, 2009), Culture Blind Evangelicals and the Good News of the Kingdom of God (CreateSpace, 2009), Recovering Jesus’ Gospel of the Kingdom in American Culture: A Study in Luke’s Gospel-Acts of the Apostles (CreateSpace, 2010 and second updated edition 2016), The New Testament Case against Christian Zionism: A Christian View of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (CreateSpace, 2014), and The Third Force in Missions: A Pentecostal Contribution to Contemporary Mission Theology (Hendrickson Publishers, 1985 and second updated edition 2016).

David Purves is a Student Assistant Pastor with Bristo Baptist Church in Scotland, where he is involved in pastoral and mission work, particular among people recovering from addictions. He is currently working on a Masters course at Oxford University, supported by the Oxford Centre for the Study of Christianity and Culture.

James Purves, Ph.D. (University of Aberdeen, Scotland), has been serving in pastoral ministry since 1980 and is presently Mission and Ministry Advisor to the Baptist Union of Scotland. He is a research tutor at the International Baptist Theological Seminary, Prague, Czech Republic and author of The Triune God and the Charismatic Movement (Paternoster, 2004). His blog is

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