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David Broderick worked in electrical retail for twenty-four years before leaving to go to the Scottish Baptist College in 1999 to train for ministry. After completing the course in 2003, he began his first pastorate at Currie Baptist Church in Edinburgh, where he remained for nine years. Since 2012, David has been a member at City Gates Baptist Church in Edinburgh, where he is an elder and involved in teaching, preaching, discipleship, small group leadership, and prayer team ministry. He is the author of The Christ-Centered Life: Deep Calls to Deep (WestBow Press, 2013) and was recognized as one of the “Great Writers You Should Be Reading” in the Authors Show contest. LinkedIn Twitter: @DavidBroderick7

Dick Brogden, PhD, and his wife, Jennifer, have served among Muslims for the last two and a half decades; Mauritania (1992), Kenya (1993-1995), Sudan (1996-2011), Egypt and the Arab World (2012 – present). They helped found the Live Dead movement and now oversee Church Planting for Live Dead in the Arab World and help serve the Live Dead movement globally. Dick is the author of Loving Muslims, Live Dead Joy: 365 Days of Living and Dying with Jesus, This Gospel: A Collection of Missions Sermons, Abiding in Jesus, Abiding Mission: Missionary Spirituality and Disciple-Making Among the Muslim Peoples of Egypt and Northern Sudan, Saharan Siftings: Lessons From the Desert and the editor of The Live Dead Journal: 30 Days of Prayer for Unreached Peoples, 30 Days of Challenge, and Live Dead: The Journey.

Steven J. Brooks, MA, MDiv (Bethel Seminary, St. Paul, MN), is the Director of Spiritual Formation at Veritas Academy. He has worked cross-culturally and cross-generationally as a pastor, chaplain and adjunct instructor at several Twin Cities colleges and leads the creation of Veritas Chapel, committed to the belief that a robust faith challenges the soul, the intellect and the emotions through study of the Word to produce fully devoted disciples of Jesus Christ.

Daniel A. Brown, PhD, planted The Coastlands, a church near Santa Cruz, California, serving as Senior Pastor for 22 years. Daniel has authored four books and numerous articles, but he is best-known for the sorts of resources that help local church leaders excel in their spiritual assignment. For more about Daniel Brown, see his ministry resources website: CTW. Facebook. Twitter.

Michael L. Brown, Ph.D. (New York University), is founder and president of FIRE School of Ministry in North Carolina, Director of the Coalition of Conscience, and host of the daily, nationally, syndicated talk radio show, The Line of Fire, as well as the host of the apologetics TV show, Answering Your Toughest Questions, which airs on the NRB TV network. He is the author of more than 30 books including Our Hands Are Stained with Blood: The Tragic Story of the “Church” and the Jewish People (1992), Playing With Holy Fire: A Wake-Up Call to the Pentecostal-Charismatic Church (2018), Israel’s Divine Healer (1995), Saving a Sick America: A Prescription for Moral and Cultural Transformation (2017), Breaking the Stronghold of Food: How We Conquered Food Addictions and Discovered a New Way of Living with Nancy Brown (2017), Authentic Fire: A Response to John MacArthur's Strange Fire (2015), and the highly-acclaimed five-volume series, Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus. Read full biography at AskDrBrown Ministries. Google+. Twitter: @DrMichaelLBrown

Malcolm R. Brubaker, Th.M. (Westminster Theological Seminary), M.Div. (Trinity Evangelical Divinity School), B.A. (Evangel College), is Professor of Bible at Valley Forge Christian College in Phoenixville, PA, extension faculty for Assemblies of God Theological Seminary at VFCC, and a Ph.D. candidate at Regent University (Virginia Beach, VA). Malcolm has experience serving as a pastor and is the author of numerous articles and papers on biblical theology and homiletics, including the Ezekiel (1999) commentary for the Complete Biblical Library (World Library Press).

Stanley M. Burgess received a BA and MA from the University of Michigan and a PhD from the University of Missouri-Columbia. He has taught history for 57 years and was Distinguished Professor of Christian History, Regent University, Virginia Beach, Virginia (2004–2011). He has written numerous scholarly articles on church history and the history of Christianity as well as several books, including The Spirit and the Church: Antiquity (Hendrickson), The Holy Spirit: Eastern Christian Traditions (Hendrickson), and The Holy Spirit: Medieval Roman Catholic and Reformation Traditions (Hendrickson), a documentary history of the Christian Peoples of the Spirit: A Documentary History of Pentecostal Spirituality from the Early Church to the Present (New York University Press, 2011), and was co-editor of the Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Religion and Social Justice (Oxford, 2012).

David D. Burns, M. Div. served as a pastor for seven years. He presently attends a nondenominational charismatic church and is the father of five home-schooled children, one of which has graduated and is attending college. He has worked over 16 years developing his Kingdom of God Theology and has taught it on several occasions. He is available to do seminars in churches.

Dr. Douglas S. Bursch co-pastors Evergreen Foursquare Church in Auburn, Washington. He is married to his lifelong sweetheart, Jennifer. They enjoy raising their four children together and ministering as a team. Doug serves on the Doctrine Committee and Education Commission of The Foursquare Church and has taught theology courses as adjunct faculty for Life Pacific College and Life Ministry Institute. Doug received his Master of Divinity at The Assemblies of God Theological Seminary and his Doctor of Ministry at Portland Seminary of George Fox University. Doug has produced and hosted over 1,200 Christian radio broadcasts and currently hosts The Fairly Spiritual Show radio and podcast program. Twitter: @fairlyspiritual

Robert Bushman has ministered in Charismatic and Pentecostal churches for decades, involving himself in wide variety of ministries. He is an ordained minister of the International Fellowship of Christian Assemblies, currently pastor of the East Middlebury United Methodist Church. He is also enrolled in the graduate program at the I.F.C.A. Bible College.

David Butts, M.A. (Indiana State University), Ph.D. (Atlantic Coast Theological Seminary), is president of Harvest Prayer Ministries and has nearly twenty years of experience in pastoral ministry. Besides authoring numerous magazine articles on prayer and missions for various publications, Dave is the author of ​When God Shows Up: Essay in Revival (2013), Desperate for Change: 40 Days of Prayer for America (2013), The Devil Goes to Church: Combating the Everyday Attacks of Satan (2003, 2016), Prayer and the End of Days: Praying God's Purposes in Troubled Times (2009), <em>​Asleep in the Land of Nod: Thirty Days of Prayer Toward Awakening the Church (2008), Revolution on Our Knees, Forgotten Power: A Simple Theology for a Praying Church (2015), and With One Cry: A Renewed Challenge to Pray for America (2016). He wrote Pray Like the King: Lessons from the Prayers of Israel's Kings (2007) and ​Vertical with Jesus​: A 30-Day Journey to Impact Kingdom Living (2014) jointly with his wife, Kim. He has also completed DVD presentations on leadership and prayer. See his page for current itinerary. Twitter: @hpmdave

Jonathan Cahn caused a worldwide stir with the release of the New York Times Best Seller, The Harbinger and then The Mystery of the Shemitah, The Book of Mysteries, and The Paradigm. He has addressed Members of Congress and spoken at the United Nations and was named, along with Billy Graham and Keith Greene, as one of the top forty spiritual leaders of the last forty years “who radically changed our world.” He is known as a prophetic voice in this generation and for the opening up of the deep mysteries of God. Jonathan leads Hope of the World, bringing God’s word to the nations and help to the world’s most needy—and his worship center—Beth Israel/The Jerusalem Center in Wayne, New Jersey. His newest book to be released is The Oracle. His ministry can be contacted at and Jonathan Cahn Facebook.

Paul Caminiti has been a cultural innovator for the Bible for over two decades, first as the Bible Publisher at Zondervan and then Vice President of Global Bible Engagement at Biblica, publishing award winning Bibles like The Archeological Study Bible, The Bible Experience (Audie Award for Audio Book of the Year, 2007), The Story, and Immerse: The Bible Reading Experience (ECPA Gold Medallion Award for Bible of the Year, 2022). In 2016 he co-founded The Institute for Bible Reading, which was acquired by Our Daily Bread Ministries in 2023. Paul’s interviews have appeared in: Newsweek, The New Yorker, USA Today, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and NBC News. Paul lives in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Jeremiah J. Campbell, D.Min. (Talbot School of Theology, Biola University), M.Div., M.A. (Global University), M.Ed. (Washington State University) is a missionary to Bolivia with the Assemblies of God World Missions, and an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God. He is also an adjunct professor for Northwest University, and associate professor for Global University, and the national director for Global University in Bolivia. Jeremiah previously served as the national director for Chi Alpha Bolivia, an organization he developed into a national ministry. Before the missions field Jeremiah was a youth pastor at Neighborhood Church in Sunnyside, WA. He also worked as a public school teacher and educational coach for the Grandview School District in Grandview, WA. Jeremiah is the author of The Foundation of the Assemblies of God of Bolivia: A Perspective through the Eyes of the Founding Missionaries (2016), and Say What?: A Biblical and Historical Journey on the Connection between the Holy Spirit, Prophecy, and Tongues (Wipf & Stock, 2018). Jeremiah married his best friend, Marjorie in 2005, and they live with their two children in Cochabamba, Bolivia. Facebook. LinkedIn. Website.

Charles Carrin, D.D., has served the body of Christ for over 65 years. Educated at University of Georgia and Columbia Theological Seminary, he denied, in belief and practice, the contemporary ministry of the Holy Spirit until a personal crisis opened his eyes to what he had been missing. He is the author of Spirit-Empowered Theology (Chosen, 2017), The Edge Of Glory: Receiving the Power of the Holy Spirit (Creation House, 2002), Sunrise of David Sunset of Saul: A Message to the Church in the End-time (1985, 2014), On Whose Authority?: The Removal of Unwanted Scriptures (Burkhart Books, 2014), a revival novel with Dorothy Easley: Island in the Sun (Xulon, 2010), and a contributor to Word Spirit Power: What Happens When You Seek All God Has to Offer (Chosen, 2012) with R.T. Kendall and Jack Taylor. Today his ministry centers upon the visible demonstration of the Spirit and imparting of His gifts. Read his biography at

Jessica Faye Carter, J.D. (Duke University), M.Div. (Princeton Theological Seminary), is a lawyer, entrepreneur, and nationally-recognized expert on cultural and gender diversity. She is the author of Troubling Her: A Biblical Defense of Women in Ministry (Purple Girl, 2010), Double Outsiders: How Women of Color Can Succeed in Corporate America (JIST Works, 2007), and “Known and Yet Unknown: Women of Color and the Assemblies of God.” LinkedIn. Twitter.

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