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Tag: "christianity"

Fenggang Yang: “Xi Jinping is Not Trying to Make Christianity More Chinese”

Fenggang Yang: “Xi Jinping is Not Trying to Make Christianity More Chinese”

Missionary-scholar Robert Menzies looks at what one China scholar says about recent changes in religious policy in China: this is not an attempt to make churches more Chinese. Rather, this is a move to politically domesticate the church in China. Despite this, there are reasons for hope.   Fenggang Yang, “Xi Jinping is Not Trying […]

John R. Levison: The Holy Spirit before Christianity

John R. Levison: The Holy Spirit before Christianity

John R. Levison, The Holy Spirit before Christianity (Baylor University Press, 2019) The book consists of Acknowledgments, five chapters, thirteen excurses, varied notes, selected bibliography, and detailed indexes of subjects, ancient names, modern authors and ancient sources. Chapter titles include: “The Emergence of the Spirit: Recasting Exodus”, “The Essence of the Spirit: Retelling Exodus”, “The […]

Introducing Spirit-Empowered Christianity

Introducing Spirit-Empowered Christianity

Todd M. Johnson and Gina A. Zurlo, Introducing Spirit-Empowered Christianity: The Global Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements in the 21st Century (Tulsa, OK: ORU Press, 2020), 222 pages, ISBN 9781950971046.   The review is based on a special edition of the book that was released to Oral Roberts University students. A printed version is being prepared for […]

Spirit-Empowered Christianity

Spirit-Empowered Christianity

What does Spirit-empowered Christianity look like around the world? Pneuma Review speaks with Todd M. Johnson and Gina A. Zurlo, directors of the Center for the Study of Global Christianity and editors of the third edition of the World Christian Encyclopedia. What is Spirit-Empowered Christianity and how is it defined? Todd M. Johnson […]

Christianity, Marxism, and Social Justice

Christianity, Marxism, and Social Justice

Join Antipas Harris for a live conversation about faith, Marxism, and Black Lives Matter.   Update: Follow the link below for watch the dialogue.   I would like to invite you to join me TONIGHT for an intellectually and spiritually invigorating Live Streaming conversation with highly acclaimed sociologist and practical theologian Bryan Froehle, Ph.D. In light of […]

Is Christianity the White Man’s Religion? Introduction by Antipas L. Harris

Is Christianity the White Man’s Religion? Introduction by Antipas L. Harris

Antipas Harris introduces his new book, the serious challenge behind it, and his invitation to join him in proclaiming anew that Jesus is Good News for everyone. Without doubt, we are living through troubled times. The world is engulfed in noxious uncertainties: contentious politics, racial unrest, hate groups and global warming, to name a few. […]

Latin American Christianity: Colorful, complex and conflicted

Latin American Christianity: Colorful, complex and conflicted

Historian William De Arteaga invites Pneuma Review readers to journey with him into Latin American Christianity as presented in Issue 130 of Christian History magazine.   Christian History 130, “Latin American Christianity: Colorful, complex and conflicted” Christian History magazine is a wonderful journal. I recommend a copy of it be at the coffee table of […]

The Disenchantment of the West: Why Christianity is Waning in the United States and Europe

The Disenchantment of the West: Why Christianity is Waning in the United States and Europe

According to analysts, Christianity is rapidly advancing across the globe. Some are signifying that 3.2 out of 6.9 billion people currently identify with Jesus.[1] Contrary to genuine concerns, Islam surpassing Christianity is improbable. For one thing, Protestant growth from 1960-2000 was three times global population changes and twice that of Islam.[2] Furthermore, Muslim fertility rates[3] […]

Global Renewal Christianity: Latin America

Global Renewal Christianity: Latin America

Vinson Synan, Amos Yong, and Miguel Álvarez, eds., Global Renewal Christianity: Spirit-Empowered Movements—Past, Present, and Future, Volume 2: Latin America (Lake Mary, FL: Charisma House, 2016), 544 pages, ISBN 9781629987675. Global Renewal Christianity: Latin America, provides a broad lens that not only captures the breath and the renewing influence of the Holy Spirit in the […]

Real Christianity is Growing in the USA

Real Christianity is Growing in the USA

Is Christianity dying in America? In this review essay by historian William De Arteaga, he points out that the statistics about the church shrinking are not what most have made of it. Glen T. Stanton, “New Harvard Research Says U.S. Christianity Is Not Shrinking, But Growing Stronger,” The Federalist (January 22, 2018) The above cited […]

Global Renewal Christianity: Africa

Global Renewal Christianity: Africa

Vinson Synan, Amos Yong, and J. Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu, eds., Global Renewal Christianity: Spirit-Empowered Movements—Past, Present, and Future, Volume 3: Africa (Lake Mary, FL: Charisma House, 2016) liv+ 499 pages. This volume focused on the Spirit in Africa is the third in a series of now four texts. Produced for the enrichment of anyone intrigued with […]

Global Renewal Christianity: Asia and Oceania

Global Renewal Christianity: Asia and Oceania

Vinson Synan and Amos Yong, eds., Global Renewal Christianity: Spirit-Empowered Movements—Past, Present, and Future, Volume 1: Asia and Oceania (Lake Mary, FL: Charisma House, 2016), 544 pages, ISBN 9781629986883. The current volume under review is a collection of twenty-one essays written by scholars from a variety of academic and geographical backgrounds; moreover, it is the […]

The Holy River of God: Currents and Contributions of the Wesleyan Holiness Stream of Christianity

The Holy River of God: Currents and Contributions of the Wesleyan Holiness Stream of Christianity

Barry L. Callen, ed., The Holy River of God: Currents and Contributions of the Wesleyan Holiness Stream of Christianity (Aldersgate Press, 2016), 274 pages, ISBN 9781600393099. The very mention of holiness can conjure up images of dower saints dressed in black garb, expressionless countenances, and a total lack of joy or fun. Think American Gothic […]

David Aune: Apocalypticism, Prophecy, and Magic in Early Christianity

David Aune: Apocalypticism, Prophecy, and Magic in Early Christianity

David E. Aune, Apocalypticism, Prophecy, and Magic in Early Christianity (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2008), 496 pages, ISBN 9780801035944. This volume is a collection of twenty essays (one previously unpublished) from the pen of David E. Aune, Walter Professor of New Testament and Christian Origins at the University of Notre Dame. Aune’s expertise in the […]

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