
JoAnn Doyle and her husband Tom have been married for 40 years and have 6 children and 10 grandchildren and counting. JoAnn was a pastor’s wife for 20 years before God called the Doyles into full-time mission work in the Middle East. Tom and JoAnn launched Uncharted Ministries, which sounds the alarm and inspires believers to join God’s great harvest among Jews and Muslims. The women’s ministry of Uncharted, called Not Forgotten, encourages others to join them as they reach women with the love of Christ in many places, including Israel, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Korea, and the United States. JoAnn is a guest on national TV and radio programs such as Focus on the Family, Moody Radio, and Mission Network News. JoAnn also hosts “Flourish”, a women’s TV program broadcasting the name of Jesus into the Persian World by satellite. She and Tom co-authored Women Who Risk: Secret Agents for Jesus in the Muslim World, and Breakthrough: The Return of Hope to the Middle East.

Anna M. Droll, M. Div. (Fuller Theological Seminary), is ordained with the Assemblies of God and is a district-appointed missionary, having founded Kairos Global Missions in 2012 with her husband Raymond. Her ministry is focused in Africa where she also served as Communications Coordinator for Global Teen Challenge Africa. She is adjunct professor of Evangelism and Missions at Southeastern University and adjunct professor of Old Testament at Northwest University. She is finishing her PhD work with advisor, Amos Yong, exploring dreams and visions in African Pentecostal spirituality. A forthcoming publication will be articles to be presented in the Encyclopedia of Christianity in the Global South on Christianity in the West African countries of Togo and Benin. Facebook

Adam Durnham is a graduate of Central Michigan University with a BA in English and Minor in Psychology. He currently works as a freelance writer for the mental health and wellness sector. As a Christian, Adam has an extreme focus on God's Healing hand and His interaction with the world at large. He currently does missionary work with addicts in Detroit, Michigan.

Paul Elbert, physicist-theologian and New Testament scholar, teaches theology and science at the Pentecostal Theological Seminary. He is co-chair of the Formation of Luke-Acts section in the Society of Biblical Literature and is a research advisor to the Dominican Biblical Institute, Limerick, Ireland. His writings have appeared, for example, in Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft and in Catholic Biblical Quarterly. He served as editor of two anniversary volumes for Old Testament scholars, Essays on Apostolic Themes (1985) and Faces of Renewal (1988).

Matthew A. Elliott serves as president of Oasis International and project director for the Africa Study Bible. Oasis International serves areas of the English-speaking world where people lack access to affordable Christian literature and the Bibles needed to mature in their faith. Matthew earned a bachelor’s degree in economics and master’s degree in New Testament at Wheaton College, as well as a Masters of Theology and a Doctorate of Philosophy in New Testament Studies from University of Aberdeen (Scotland). He was ordained at College Church in Wheaton, Illinois under Dr. Kent Hughes. He is the author of Faithful Feelings: Rethinking Emotion in the New Testament (InterVarsity UK/Kregel) and Feel: the Power of Listening to Your Heart (Tyndale House). Matthew, his wife, Laura, and three children reside in the Chicago area.

Steve D. Eutsler, D.Min. (Assemblies of God Theological Seminary), M.Div. (Assemblies of God Theological Seminary), M.A. Biblical Literature (Assemblies of God Theological Seminary), B.A. Bible (Central Bible College), is professor of Bible and Practical Theology at Global University in Springfield, Missouri. He has extensive experience as a pastor, evangelist, and educator and is the author of numerous articles and books. Email

D. William Faupel, Ph.D., serves as Professor of the History of Christianity and Director of the Library at Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, DC. His graduate education includes degrees in theology, library science and the history of Christian thought from Asbury Theological Seminary, and the University of Kentucky in Kentucky and the University of Birmingham in England. Dr. Faupel, ordained in the Episcopal Church, has served as pastor, education and editor and writer. He is the author of The Everlasting Gospel: The Significance of Eschatology in the Development of Pentecostal Thought (Deo Press, 2008).

James Feltner and his wife, Chyrel, are the pastors of Emanuel Chapel in South Coffeyville, Oklahoma, and are the authors of Divine God Encounters. They are church planters and have pastored for 31 years in the South and Midwest.

Ajith Fernando is the Teaching Director of Youth for Christ after being its national director in Sri Lanka for 35 years. He and his wife, Nelun, are active in church ministering primarily to the urban poor. His ministry includes mentoring younger staff and counseling Christian workers. He is the author of fifteen books published in nineteen languages. Facebook.

Steven M. Fettke, M.Div. (Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary), Th.M., D.Min. (Columbia Theological Seminary), is Professor of Religion at Southeastern University in Lakeland, Florida. He was awarded the Delta Alpha Distinguished Educator Award by the Alliance for Assemblies of God Higher Education in 2009. He is the author of Messages to a Nation in Crisis: An Introduction to the Prophecy of Jeremiah (1982).

Joseph Fiorentino is the pastor of Quadeville Pentecostal Church in Ontario, Canada. He earned a Master of Arts in Ministerial Leadership (2017) from Southeastern University in Lakeland, Florida and a Master of Theological Studies (2023) from Tyndale University in Toronto, Ontario. His research interests center on kenotic participation in God through the indwelling Christ and rural church ministry. Joe and his wife Lori have a son, Joseph Jr.

Mitch Forman is the Vice President of U.S. Ministries for Chosen People Ministries, the oldest Jewish mission in the United States. Raised in a traditional Reform Jewish home near Boston, Mitch had a powerful encounter with Jesus as his Messiah after losing his job as a top chef in San Francisco in the mid-1980s. He has served in Jewish missions, taught classes on the Jewish background of the Bible, and was a founding leader of the Beth Yeshua Messianic Jewish Congregation. Mitch is married to Kina, a second-generation Jewish believer, and they have two daughters, Kaelee and Alana, and a son Joshua.

David Kyle Foster, M.Div. (Trinity Evangelical Divinity School), D.Min. (Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry), David is the author of Sexual Healing: A Biblical Guide to Finding Freedom from Sexual Sin and Brokenness, Transformed Into His Image, and Love Hunger: A Harrowing Journey from Sexual Addiction to True Fulfillment (Chosen, 2014). He has served as adjunct professor at Asbury Theological Seminary, The Bible Institute of Hawaii, Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry and Logos Christian College & Graduate School, and is on the faculty of the Wagner Leadership Institute. His articles have appeared in New Man, Charisma, Touchstone, and Rev magazines and he has appeared on programs ranging from The 700 Club, The Dr. Phil Show, and The Coral Ridge Hour to Janet Parshall's America. David is the founder and director of Mastering Life Ministries and producer of the “Pure Passion” TV program. He makes his home in the Nashville, TN area.

Debbie Fulthorp has been an ordained minister of the Assemblies of God for over 13 years. She has traveled to over 27 countries sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. She has also pastored in various contexts both as a lead and an associate. She has a heart to pastor and reach the nations and by training others for ministry. She is currently a Doctoral Candidate in the DMin program at the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary in Springfield, Missouri. She and her husband, Brian, have three children. Facebook

Brian Fulthorp, M.Div. (AGTS, 2007), is an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God who works as a Chaplain with Pruitt Health Hospice in Farmville, North Carolina. He is married to Debbie Fulthorp and they have three children.

Andrew K. Gabriel, Ph.D. (McMaster), is an ordained minister with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada and associate professor of theology at Horizon College and Seminary, an affiliated college of the University of Saskatchewan. He has focused his research on the doctrines of God, the Trinity, the Holy Spirit, Pentecostalism, and Karl Barth. He is the author of Barth's Doctrine of Creation: Creation, Nature, Jesus, and the Trinity (2013), The Lord is the Spirit: The Holy Spirit and the Divine Attributes (2011), co-author of Johannine Writings and Apocalyptic: An Annotated Bibliography (2013), and a forthcoming book for pastors and laity, Simply Spirit-Filled: Experiencing God in the Presence and Power of the Holy Spirit (2019). You can download his free e-book Spirit Baptism in the Old and New Testaments (Not Just Acts) at his web page,

Robert L. Gallagher, Ph.D. (Fuller Theological Seminary), is Associate Professor of Intercultural Studies at Wheaton College. He is an author, editor, and translator with professional interests including research into biblical theology of mission, the expansion of Christianity from postapostolic times to 1800, and leadership development of cross-cultural workers. He is an ordained offshore minister of the Australian National Council of CRC Churches International, as well as an ordained minister of the Christian and Missionary Alliance in the United States.