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Tag: "revival"

Reflections on a 200-day Revival

Reflections on a 200-day Revival

In 2024, we were blessed to minister in a 200-day revival with 205 consecutive services held across six European countries and two territories. We ministered as a family at all these meetings accompanied by our two small children. To say that there is a lot to be grateful for in such a life-changing experience is […]

The Dynamics of Revival

The Dynamics of Revival

This introduction to revival and his personal testimony, from atheist to revivalist, is an excerpt from Ian Hall’s book, Times of Renewal: A History and Theology of Revival and Spiritual Awakenings (Encourage Publishing, 2024).   Revival is a major topic of interest in the Christian world today. Newspaper and magazine articles, both religious and secular, […]

Paul Hattaway: Hainan: Pearl of the South China Sea

Paul Hattaway: Hainan: Pearl of the South China Sea

Paul Hattaway, Hainan: Pearl of the South China Sea (United Kingdom: Piquant Editions, 2023, also published by Asia Harvest, 2023), 264 pages, ISBN 9781803290133. This book is part of Paul Hattaway’s “China Chronicles” series. The series is devoted to preserving the history of Christianity in China, each volume focuses on one particular province in the […]

Table of Contents from Ian Hall: Times of Renewal

Table of Contents from Ian Hall: Times of Renewal

Ian Hall, Times of Renewal: A History and Theology of Revival and Spiritual Awakenings   Table of Contents Introduction The Dynamics of Revival Chapter 1 Understanding Revival Chapter 2 Biblical Revivals – Old Testament Chapter 3 Biblical Revivals – New Testament Chapter 4 Historical Revivals – Early Church Chapter 5 Historical Revivals – Imperial Church […]

Summer 2024: Other Significant Articles

Summer 2024: Other Significant Articles

Matthew D. Kim, “Preaching on the Idolatry of Politics: 3 challenges to preach wisely on politics” Preaching Today (2024).   Karen L. Willoughby, “Space Force hymn writer inspired by ‘awe and wonder of God’” Baptist Press (July 3, 2024). author Jim Linzey writes: “the Baptist Press has published this article, mentioning the New Tyndale […]

Why Pentecostal Churches Are Growing

Why Pentecostal Churches Are Growing

In 2009 the University of Southern California established the Pentecostal and Charismatic Research Initiative (PCRI) with a $6.9 million grant from the John Templeton Foundation. In a news release dated February 24, 2009, PCRI spokesperson Donald Miller states, “We are interested in why Pentecostalism is growing so rapidly, what impact it is having on society, […]

Transformation in the Presence of God: an interview with Dr. Ian R. Hall

Transformation in the Presence of God: an interview with Dr. Ian R. Hall You have been in ministry for many years, please tell our readers a little bit about the different kinds of ministries that you have been involved in. Dr. Ian R. Hall: For 17 years I was a pastor and evangelist first with the Church of the Nazarene and then with the Elim Pentecostal Church, […]

Outpouring: A Theological Witness

Outpouring: A Theological Witness

Jason E. Vickers and Thomas H. McCall, Outpouring: A Theological Witness (Cascade Books, 2023), ISBN 9781666776140. Outpouring: A Theological Witness, is a brief (107 pages), first-hand account of the events of the spring of 2023 at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky. Both authors were professors at Asbury Theological Seminary at the time (Vickers has since […]

Michael Brown: Never Try to Control the Spirit’s Work

Michael Brown: Never Try to Control the Spirit’s Work

An excerpt from Michael L. Brown’s latest book: Seize the Moment: How to Fuel the Fires of Revival.   Revival is God’s work. It comes from the heavenly throne, not from human effort, and it comes with intensity. That is the very essence of revival: it is sovereign (in that we cannot schedule it or […]

Fall 2023: Other Significant Articles

Fall 2023: Other Significant Articles

Roger E. Olson, “Hegel In a Nutshell” Patheos (September 6, 2023). Historian of religion, Roger Olson, offers a brief introduction to the influential philosophy of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831) in 7 bullet points: Hegel’s epistemology, Hegel’s ontology/metaphysics, Hegel’s religion, Hegel’s history, Hegel’s reason, Hegel’s influence on Christian theology, and Christian reactions to Hegel.   […]

Verna Linzey on the Azusa Street Revival

Verna Linzey on the Azusa Street Revival

This interview of Verna Linzey was for the Azusa Street Project, filmed and produced by John Ineno who previously worked for CBS. Verna Linzey’s interview was filmed at MCAS Miramar (San Diego) in 2006. My mother was 87 years of age in that interview. John Ineno also interviewed Joyce Meyer, Kenneth Copeland, and many other […]

The Dynamic Intensity of the Spirit

The Dynamic Intensity of the Spirit

I recently presented on the topic of “The Dynamic Intensity of the Spirit.” It was part of a Horizon College & Seminary faculty panel on the topic of “Revival and Awakenings.” In my presentation, I explained that even though God is omnipresent and God does not change, the presence of God in the Holy Spirit can become […]

Pentecost in China

Pentecost in China

The Holy Spirit has been making Jesus known in China. Veteran missionary Dennis Balcombe shares what he has seen unfolding during his more than fifty years of ministry in China. Bible teachers believe that many prophecies will have a double fulfillment. The first fulfillment was in the Biblical days and subsequently the last days before […]

Summer 2023: Other Significant Articles

Summer 2023: Other Significant Articles

M. Daniel Carroll Rodas , “Is God Pleased by Our Worship?: For Amos, it depends on whether the God we worship demands justice” Christianity Today (June 12, 2023). “… the prophet makes clear that [Amos’ audience] celebrate a different god, one they might call Yahweh but one who was nevertheless a deity of their own […]

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