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Category: Fall 2016

Peter Cartwright and the Circuit Riders: A Sustained Revival

Peter Cartwright and the Circuit Riders: A Sustained Revival

Introduction In a town called Rogues’ Harbor, because of its many rogues and outlaws, Peter Cartwright found salvation from a life of debauchery. He experienced conviction of sin and redemption during the Kentucky Revival in the early 1800s. The revival itself faded due to infighting and influence from outside groups such as the Quakers, but […]

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Opoku Onyinah: Spiritual Warfare

Opoku Onyinah: Spiritual Warfare

Opoku Onyinah, Spiritual Warfare: A Centre for Pentecostal Theology Short Introduction (Cleveland, TN: CPT Press, 2012), 196 pages. The Centre for Pentecostal Theology (CPT) Press is initiating an ongoing series of “short introductions”. To date they include the present volume by Onyinah under review and Lee Roy Martin, Fasting: A Centre for Pentecostal Theology Short […]

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Fall 2016: Other Significant Articles

Fall 2016: Other Significant Articles

Ed Stetzer, “Five Fundamentals for an Evangelical Future: The sky isn’t falling for evangelicals” The Exchange (September 19, 2016). Yes, the last decade has been a challenging time, but no, it’s not as bad for evangelicals as many have made it out to be. What can be done to assure that biblical, compassionate, evangelistic Jesus-followers […]

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Staff and Salary, Part 1

Staff and Salary, Part 1

What people get paid is a sensitive and personal topic. It is no different for church staff, and particularly so for pastors who often live under standards and scrutiny higher than of volunteers. This mini-series will dive into a candid look at this practical and often complicated topic. In my first full time job out […]

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Islam and the Birth of Christ

Islam and the Birth of Christ

What do Muslims believe about the birth of Jesus, and how is it different from what Christians believe? Many Evangelical Christians are surprised to discover that Islam believes in Jesus as the Virgin-born Messiah and Prophet. Indeed, it is interesting we have many professing Christian leaders who deny the supernatural birth of Jesus, but all […]

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Participating with God

Participating with God

Participating with God: Considerations from the Orthodox East for the Theological Task of the West Introduction In the opening pages of his three-volume Renewal Theology, J. Rodman Williams makes an observation which merits our attention. Theology as a task of the Christian church, he explains, is an essentially participative activity: “theology cannot be an exercise […]

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Christ in us brings hope to the world

Christ in us brings hope to the world

As the chilly winds blow, winter is settling in here in Virginia. 2016 is quickly coming to a close, making room for 2017. In many ways, 2017 will be a year of transition. The next president of the United States of America will be inaugurated; a new round of legislators will take their posts, and […]

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Jerry Walls: Hell: The Logic of Damnation

Jerry Walls: Hell: The Logic of Damnation

Jerry L. Walls, Hell: The Logic of Damnation (University of Notre Dame Press, 1992), 182 pages, ISBN 9780268010966. Jerry Walls is not the first to observe that the doctrine of hell seems to have slipped from contemporary Christian consciousness. Among theologians, the slide towards annihilationism or universalism (in one form or another) has not been […]

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Vern Poythress: Redeeming Science

Vern Poythress: Redeeming Science

Vern S. Poythress, Redeeming Science: A God-Centered Approach (Wheaton: Crossway, 2006), 381 pages. Vern S. Poythress is Professor of New Testament interpretation at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where he has taught for over twenty-five years. Holding degrees in New Testament studies, apologetics, and mathematics, Poythress is also a minister in the PCA. Within […]

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Which Way the Trolley: America’s Hot Wars During the Cold War, Part 1

Which Way the Trolley: America’s Hot Wars During the Cold War, Part 1

  Introduction This article is a spiritual and historical reflection on the two American wars of the Cold War, Korea and Vietnam. Many younger American readers may not be aware that the British successfully fought a Communist insurgency in Malaya (1948-1960) and the French fought the First Indochina War against Communist insurgents from 1948-1953 (described below) […]

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Pneumatic Medicine and Mental Health

Pneumatic Medicine and Mental Health

I spoke with the Pennsylvania Society of Chaplains in Carlisle, Pennsylvania on October 11, 2016 about my ministry work with mental illness, patients, and staff in 3 psychiatric hospitals for 28 years with what I call “Pneumatic Medicine.” Pneumatic Medicine is the combination of prayer with medical and psychiatric expertise. I have discovered that the […]

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Revival in Papua

Revival in Papua

It all started when my friend and I were longing to do something that can bring about changes in Papua. There are many ideas but there are many challenges and political issues that we must consider as well. Before I go any further, I would like explain little bit about the background of Papua, Indonesia. […]

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Neil Plantinga: Reading for Preaching

Neil Plantinga: Reading for Preaching

Cornelius Plantinga Jr., Reading for Preaching: The Preacher in Conversation with Storytellers, Biographers, Poets, and Journalists (Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2013), 133 pages. “There is no end to the writing of books” says the Preacher of Ecclesiastes; the same can be said about the writing of books about preaching. Every year countless books are published on […]

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Estrelda Alexander: Black Fire Reader

Estrelda Alexander: Black Fire Reader

Estrelda Y. Alexander, Black Fire Reader: A Documentary Resource on African American Pentecostalism (Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2013), xvi + 242 pages, ISBN 9781608995622. This is an anthology of primary source documents that examine the contributions of African Americans in the expansion of the modern-day Pentecostal movement. Reflected in their doctrine, songs, and liturgies, the […]

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