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Author Archive for Fernando Perez

Fernando Perez is a writer, researcher, and analyst for World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) Religious Liberty Commission (RLC).

Stakes are Global in Decline of Pluralism in Indonesia

Stakes are Global in Decline of Pluralism in Indonesia

The sentencing of Jakarta’s former governor, Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama, a Christian and ethnic Chinese, to two years in prison for alleged blasphemy is a cause for serious concern not only for religious minorities and tolerant Muslims in the archipelago, but also in the global fight against terrorism and Islamist radicalism. For, there is perhaps […]

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How to Deal with Refugees' Plight in Europe?

How to Deal with Refugees’ Plight in Europe?

  A special report from the World Evangelical Alliance Religious Liberty Commission. Academics are calling it Europe’s “migrant” crisis, and some sympathetic media are terming it as the continent’s “refugee” crisis, both focusing on the “problem” faced by Europe. Lost in these analyses is the suffering of nearly 600,000 people, some of them Christian, who, […]

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Why US Must Save Lives of Iraqi Christians and Other Minorities

Why US Must Save Lives of Iraqi Christians and Other Minorities

  A special report from the World Evangelical Alliance Religious Liberty Commission. “The world hasn’t seen an evil like this for a generation.” This is how the national spokesman for Iraqi Christians in the United States described atrocities by ISIS terrorists in northern Iraq, which include beheading of children and their mothers and fathers, and […]

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