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Summer 2015: Other Significant Articles

Wes Granberg-Michaelson, “Pentecostalism in a Postmodern CultureSojourners (May 26, 2015).

William De Arteaga writes: “This is a very positive take on Pentecostalism from a left-leaning Christian magazine which normally disdains home-grown American Pentecostals.”

J. Lee Grady, “Don’t Quench the Spirit in the Next Move of GodCharisma (May 28, 2015).

Josh Rice, “Pentecostal Babel” Jewish Centaur (May 26, 2015).

Reflections on speaking in tongues and preaching for Pentecost Sunday. Thanks to Tony Richie for recommending the article. Philip and Carol Zaleski, “Oxford’s Influential InklingsThe Chronicle Review (May 8, 2015).

Cletus L. Hull, III, “My Church is a Mental HospitalHealing Line (Summer 2015).

Deborah Joy Allan, “Rhetoric and Response: Current thoughts on depression and the church

Pentecostal researcher Joy Allan discusses: How do we as a church respond to depression?

John Edmiston, “Digital Discipleship [links to YouTube]

Roger Olson, “Is the ‘New Apostolic Reformation Movement’ a Cult?” Patheos (June 25, 2015).

Darren Wilson, “What I Learned From My Cessationist Church” Behind the Lens (May 18, 2015).

Preston Sprinkle, “4 Ways the Modern Church Looks Nothing Like the Early Church: There have been a few changes in the past two thousand yearsRelevant (January 15, 2015).

Peter Althouse, “Prayer and the Christian” Ecclesiam (April 13, 2015).

In this blog from Southeastern’s College of Christian Ministries and Religion, writer Professor Peter Althouse writes: “When I was young my brother and I would head to my grandparents for weeklong visits. One of the things that I remember most vividly was that around bedtime my grandparents could be heard praying loudly from their bedroom. I also witnessed the kind of prayers typical in small Pentecostal churches, of people up at the front of the church at the end of the service, pacing, kneeling, standing with hands raised, striving in prayer. I did not really understand prayer back then, but my grandparents and members of my church modeled different forms of prayer that I came to see as Pentecostal. …”

Thanks to Michael Wilkinson for suggesting the link.

Michael Brown, “The Terrible Failure of the Secular Gospel” In the Line of Fire (April 20, 2015).

Michael Brown writes: “Almost 20 years ago, the journal First Things published an article by a famous German theologian named Wolfhart Pannenberg titled ‘How to Think About Secularism.’ In the article, Pannenberg outlined the nature of secularism and how it threatened the church, also explaining how the church should not respond to the challenge.”

Mark Woods, “Five pastoral errors that can kill a ministry” Christian Today (July 9, 2015).

Rick Wadholm Jr. writes, “Some great advice for pastors and pastors in training.” When God and Science Meet: Surprising Discoveries of Agreement” National Association of Evangelicals

William De Arteaga writes: “This is a great resource for pastors and lay folks alike. It is a free booklet.”

Wyatt Fisher and Michelle Graham, “Unforgiveness: 5 Ways to Reverse It Today”

“Have you ever seen someone try to help an injured animal? It can be a nerve-wracking experience. It’s a well-known fact that hurt animals – even the most domesticated ones – can’t be trusted. They might bite, scratch, or kick the very person trying to help out. We humans can be just like those animals; when we’re in pain, we’re more likely to hurt people around us. That’s why unforgiveness is so dangerous.

“Without forgiveness, we can never achieve true intimacy. …”

Stephen Phifer, “Pentecost Sunday Worship and the Day of Pentecost” Creator Magazine (April 23, 2015).

Monte Lee Rice pointed out this quote: “Pentecost is repeatable.”

Gordon Anderson on Eschatology” Rick Wadholm Jr. (July 26, 2015).

Rick Wadholm Jr. writes: “I have just uploaded an hour long teaching from Dr. Gordon Anderson (president of North Central University) on Pentecostal eschatology that is well worth listening to for his survey and critique of dispensationalism and his instruction toward how eschatology ought to be preached in our Pentecostal churches.”

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Category: Summer 2015

About the Author: The editors are Raul Mock, Mike Dies, Joe Joslin, and Jim Dettmann with significant input from other writers including John Lathrop, Amos Yong, Tony Richie, and Kevin Williams.

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