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Summer 2015: Other Significant Articles

Craig Keener, “Are Miracles Possible?: The Ubiquity of the MiraculousSlate (July 13, 2015).

Sarah Bessey, “My Weird Childhood Faith Isn’t So Weird Anymore: Witnessing Christianity’s shift over the charismatic church” Her·meneutics (August 6, 2015).

Paul Copan, “Making Sense of Old Testament Violence: How to understand a good (not safe) GodVital (August 3, 2015).

“The Historical Adam Symposium” Books & Culture (June-July 2015).

Books & Culture hosted a symposium on the historical Adam, which Karl Giberson and I organized. There were eight participants, representing a range of views: Peter Enns, Karl Giberson, Denis Lamoureux, Hans Madueme, Harry “Hal” Lee Poe, John Schneider, William VanDoodewaard, and John Walton. After the first round, each participant had an opportunity to respond. Postings were in alphabetical order. Following the second round, I posted a wrap-up, and the symposium concluded. —John Wilson”

Saving the Original Sinner: A conversation with Karl Giberson

Round One

Peter Enns, “Once More, with Feeling.”

Denis O. Lamoureux, “Adam, Where Art Thou?

Hans Madueme, “Death of God by Poison.”

Harry “Hal” Lee Poe, “A Case Study in Confusion.”

John Schneider, “The Self-Defeating Evangelical Fight for Falsehood.”

William VanDoodewaard, “The First Man and Woman.”

John H. Walton, “View of Adam and Eve.”

Round Two

Peter Enns: “Ignoring the Problem Won’t Make It Go Away.”

Karl Giberson, “On Heroic Efforts to Save the Historical Adam.”

Denis O. Lamoureaux, “Comments on Roundtable.”

Hans Madueme, “Demythologizing Adam: Case Unproven.”

Harry “Hal” Lee Poe, “Musings on Our Speculations.”

John Schneider, “The Tragic Artistry of God.”

William VanDoodewaard, “No Adam, No Original Sin, No Christ.”

John H. Walton, “Reading Carefully, with Charity.”

Wrap-up: John Wilson, “Adam’s Ancestors.”

John Bevere, “What You Don’t Know About Grace: Do you want to pursue holiness? Believe in the power of graceVital (Aug 12, 2015).

“Holiness is not about earning our salvation. It’s about intimacy.”

Roger E. Olson, “Over Reactions and the Search for Balance” Patheos (Aug 17, 2015).

“[P]eople who attempt to point out blind spots in a movement’s ethos get vilified or marginalized because the whole movement depends on its over reaction–to garner attention and followers.”

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Category: Summer 2015

About the Author: The editors are Raul Mock, Mike Dies, Joe Joslin, and Jim Dettmann with significant input from other writers including John Lathrop, Amos Yong, Tony Richie, and Kevin Williams.

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