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Category: Summer 2015

The theology and influence of Karl Barth: an interview with Terry Cross

The theology and influence of Karl Barth: an interview with Terry Cross

Karl Barth was an influential Swiss Reformed theologian that lived from 1886 to 1968. Featured on postage stamps and the cover of Time (April 20, 1962), today we would call him a rock star among theologians. A strong critic of those Christians who supported the Nazis, Barth is best known for his involvement in the […]

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Aida Spencer: 2 Timothy and Titus, NCCS

Aida Spencer: 2 Timothy and Titus, NCCS

Aída Besançon Spencer, 2 Timothy and Titus, New Covenant Commentary Series (Cascade Books, 2014), 184 pages, ISBN 9781625642530. It is with integrity and in a very comprehensive fashion that Dr. Aida Spencer presents her readers with a worthwhile commentary which combines the Apostle Paul’s letter to Titus and his second to Timothy. Throughout the work, […]

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Pneuma Review Summer 2015

Pneuma Review Summer 2015

The exclusively digital edition of The Pneuma Review, Summer 2015 (18:3). Some of what you will find in this issue: An interview with Harvey Cox Ancient Jewish Cessationists Scholar Jon Ruthven shares some “hasty, preliminary notes” as he works through “What is Salvation?” The Bible’s Undertaker: Cessationism in Contrast to a Living, Miraculous Christianity The […]

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Paul Pomerville: The New Testament Case Against Christian Zionism

Paul Pomerville: The New Testament Case Against Christian Zionism

Paul A. Pomerville, The New Testament Case Against Christian Zionism: A Christian View of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (Seattle: CreateSpace, 2014), 484 pages. Paul Pomerville has produced an uncompromising argument against Christian Zionism. Drawing upon his extensive experience in police work, he detects a gap in the collection of evidence in the literature on Christian Zionism. […]

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The Bible’s Undertaker: Cessationism in Contrast to a Living, Miraculous Christianity

The Bible’s Undertaker: Cessationism in Contrast to a Living, Miraculous Christianity

Introduction Twentieth century Pentecostalism reawakened the world to miracles. The growth of this movement activated individuals in established religion to wrestle with a major player on the world scene of Christianity. Even so, as Pentecostalism expands, the cessationist view resuscitates a theological position that corresponds with the European intellectual development of the late seventeenth and […]

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Antipas Harris: Holy Spirit, Holy Living

Antipas Harris: Holy Spirit, Holy Living

Antipas L. Harris, Holy Spirit, Holy Living: Toward a Practical Theology of Holiness for Twenty-First Century Churches (Eugene: Wipf & Stock Publishers, 2013), 181 pages, ISBN 9781610979306. In Antipas Harris’ book, Holy Spirit, Holy Living: Toward a Practical Theology of Holiness for Twenty-First Century Churches, the author aims to broach the topic of holiness by […]

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Alister McGrath: Faith and Creeds, The Living God

Alister McGrath: Faith and Creeds, The Living God

Alister McGrath, Faith and Creeds: A Guide for Study and Devotion, The Heart of Christian Faith Series (Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox, 2013), x + 115 pages. Alister McGrath, The Living God: A Guide for Study and Devotion, The Heart of Christian Faith Series (Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox, 2014), ix + 111 pages. Alister […]

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Summer 2015: Other Significant Articles

Summer 2015: Other Significant Articles

Wes Granberg-Michaelson, “Pentecostalism in a Postmodern Culture” Sojourners (May 26, 2015). William De Arteaga writes: “This is a very positive take on Pentecostalism from a left-leaning Christian magazine which normally disdains home-grown American Pentecostals.” J. Lee Grady, “Don’t Quench the Spirit in the Next Move of God” Charisma (May 28, 2015). Josh Rice, “Pentecostal Babel” […]

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What is Salvation?

What is Salvation?

What does the Bible mean when it talks about salvation? Scholar Jon Ruthven shares some “hasty, preliminary notes” as he works through this important question and asks for your feedback. In response to a query from a friend, I am working through what “salvation” means. Certainly, in traditional Christian theology, “salvation” means being forgiven of […]

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Does Agnes Sanford offer something for Post-Christian Europe?

Does Agnes Sanford offer something for Post-Christian Europe?

I am blessed to share with you about my just released book, Agnes Sanford and Her Companions: The Assault on Cessationism and the Coming of the Charismatic Renewal (Wipf and Stock, 2015). Last Wednesday, just after I had received a copy from the publisher, I spent most of the day in prayer of thanksgiving over […]

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The Ninth Decade of Life

The Ninth Decade of Life

Pastor Mur talks about finishing well and blessing the people you encounter no matter where you are in life. Once you pass your 80th birthday, opportunities disappear. Everyday logic says that you are too old for a new career in any field. Time is short. Health, a question. No one wants you, your best days […]

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Denis Alexander and Robert White: Science, Faith, and Ethics

Denis Alexander and Robert White: Science, Faith, and Ethics

Denis Alexander and Robert S. White, Science, Faith, And Ethics: Grid or Gridlock? (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 2006), xii + 190 pages, ISBN 9781598560183. Molecular biologist Denis Alexander and geophysicist Robert White are committed to both their Christian faith and their scientific fields, which is a characteristic to be emulated by both sides. Since they affirm […]

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Ancient Jewish Cessationists

Ancient Jewish Cessationists

In Jesus day, did the rabbis think God was done with miracles?   In the commentary to Deuteronomy (The Stone Edition, Artscroll Mesorah Series, 1995) reads, “Once [Israel] crossed the Jordan, the people would no longer see God’s constant Presence and daily miracles, as they had in the Wilderness.” Apparently Christians were not the first […]

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Veroni Kruger: What Has Your Church Become

Veroni Kruger: What Has Your Church Become

Véroni Krüger, What Has Your Church Become (CreateSpace, 2014), 230 pages, ISBN 9781500556839. Véroni Krüger’s work What Has Your Church Become is a look with historical insight at what the church was at its beginning, at Pentecost, compared to what it has become. Reverend Krüger uses a literary style with scripture as its own interpreter […]

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