Summer 2014: Other Significant Articles
Fred Sanders, “John Wesley on Experiencing the Trinity” Seedbed (February 10, 2014).
J. Lee Grady, “Don’t Let Super-Spiritual People Hurt Your Church” CharismaNews (July 24, 2014).
Kenneth J. Archer says, “I think this is fairly accurate and worth reading.”
Matthew Schmitz, “How I Evolved on Gay Marriage: On Life’s Tightly Woven Meanings” First Things (August 2014).
William De Arteaga writes: “I commend this article as a very thought provoking Christian piece.”
Carl Westerlund, “‘The Perfect’ Argument for Continuationism” Calvary Chapel Church Planting Network (July 7, 2014).
Tony Richie, “Pentecostalism’s Wesleyan Roots & Fruit” Seedbed Blog (March 14, 2014).
John King, “Success” Personal Thoughts: A Weekly Introspection (April 11, 2014).
John Lathrop says, “Read an article by my friend John King (he wrote one of the reviews of Authentic Fire), I think it is quite good.”
“7 Warnings for Church Leaders on Social Media” (August 11, 2014).
A brief, practical article on social media etiquette.
Calvin L. Smith, “Christians and Modern Israel: Theologically complicated? Maybe. Ethically? Not so much” (August 14, 2014).
Calvin Smith writes that this a piece he’s written that takes a slightly different slant regarding how Christians should perceive Israel, from a theological to a more basic ethical argument. At a time when narrative rather than theology seems to take precedence in some Christian circles, this may help some look at the issue in a different way.
“Ten Books on Racial Reconciliation and the Church”, compiled by Christianity Today’s Amy Julia Becker (August 14, 2014).
Julie Anderson, “Death, the great equaliser: Christianity on the Middle Nile” The British Museum (August 8, 2014).
Scott McKnight tweeted: “Good story about ancient Christian kingdoms – no longer kingdoms, no longer even Christian.”
Category: Summer 2014