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Fall 2015: Other Significant Articles

Dave Harvey, “Lessons on Church Planting from the Prince of Preachers” Crossway (August 19, 2015).

Jim Harries, “Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism are NOT ‘religions’” Pulse (September 22, 2015).

In this new article, missionary-scholar Jim Harries challenges the idea of what “religion” is. A brief study in otherness.

Chad Graham, “What I Got Wrong About Being Pentecostal: Learning about God through daily devotions, not just revival experiencesVital (September 23, 2015).

“As a Pentecostal, I desire to see the movement grow wide and very deep.”

Negative Spiritual Beliefs Associated with More Pain and Worse Physical, Mental Health” Mizzou News (September 23, 2015).

“…when people firmly believe God loves and forgives them despite their shortcomings, they had significantly better mental health.”

Brandon Showalter, “Two Years After Strange Fire” Patheos (October 7, 2015).

“It is heartbreaking to be misunderstood, especially when you try to talk about the things of the Spirit.”

Marc Cortez, “Toward a Pentecostal Hermeneutics” (April 23, 2014).

Rick Wadholm Jr. writes: “A great summary article by Marc Cortez covering Kevin Vanhoozer’s paper at last year’s Wheaton Theology Conference: Toward a Pentecostal Hermeneutics.”

Karl Vaters, “Six Church-Insider Issues I Don’t Care About Any More: I used to waste a lot of time arguing over these issues. Now? Meh. On some things, apathy is the best policy” Pivot (October 14, 2015).

Karl Vaters, “Six Church-and-Culture Issues I Don’t Care About Any More: The church needs to build bridges to the culture if we hope to reach it. But there are some bridges I won’t cross any more” Pivot (October 21, 2015).

Joel J. Miller, “Oprah and the trouble with our DIY spirituality” Ancient Faith (October 21, 2015).

Ben Myers, “A tweet for every volume of Karl Barth’s Church Dogmatics” Faith and Theology (October 23, 2015).

Need a super-quick introduction to Barth? “[T]weet-summaries of Barth’s Church Dogmatics.”

Jerry Scott, “Five Steps to Reading and Understanding the Bible: Getting the most out of the Scripture is no easy taskVital (November 2, 2015).

Michael Gerson and Peter Wehner, “How Christians Can Flourish in a Same-Sex-Marriage World: By many accounts, orthodox Christians have lost the culture wars. How they can live well—not vanish—in a time of retreatChristianity Today (November 2015).

Gerson and Wehner call American Christians back from the brink of despair and bitterness and offer a way forward. A panel of three respondents fills out the November 2015 cover story:

Gabriel Salguero: “Why Settle for the ‘Wilberforce Option’ When We Have Dr. King?: There is a model for cultural engagement that doesn’t depend on power and privilege.”

Rod Dreher: “Coming to Terms with a Post-Christian World: Our culture is radically rejecting Christian faith; our response must be radical, too.”

Shirley Hoogstra: “Faithfulness and Bridge-Building Go Together: Our cultural influence begins with faithfulness to the Cross and Resurrection of Christ.”

Roger Olson, “Is the Bible ‘Inerrant’ or ‘Infallible’?” Patheos (November 5, 2015).

Professor Olson briefly summarizes the contrast between the two terms and discusses how differences over inerrancy have become a battleground for evangelical scholars.

Eddie L. Hyatt, “Joy to the World: Compelling Historical Evidence for the Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ” Global Christian Awakening (November 29, 2015).

Dr. Hyatt briefly takes a look at five claims: the virgin birth was documented by a physician and world-class historian, affirmed by modern archaeology, an agnostic professor of mythology is convinced, predicted centuries in advance by Old Testament prophets, and believed universally by the earliest Christians.

Cletus Hull, “The Task of the Cross in the Life of a Pastor and Scholar” Biblical Life Institute (December 1, 2015).

Cletus Hull writes, “My blog as professor of New Testament at Biblical Life Institute in Freeport, Pennsylvania.”

Frank Viola, “3 ingredients for having an amazing 2016” Frank Viola Unfiltered (December 3, 2015).

Martin MittelstadtIs God’s Will Simpler Than You Thought?: If you want to find God’s plan for your life, quit overthinkingVital (October 27, 2015).

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Category: Fall 2015

About the Author: The editors are Raul Mock, Mike Dies, Joe Joslin, and Jim Dettmann with significant input from other writers including John Lathrop, Amos Yong, Tony Richie, and Kevin Williams.

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