Fall 1998 Other Significant Articles
Frank D. Macchia, “Is Footwashing the Neglected Sacrament? A Theological Response to John Christopher Thomas” PNEUMA:The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, Vol 19 No 2 (Fall 1997): 239-249.
A Pentecostal theologian looks at the challenge of John 13 for contemporary Christian worship.
Biblical Archaeology Review, Vol 24 No 3 (May/June 1998).
If you are interested in archaeological evidence of the Bible’s accuracy, you may be interested in 2 articles from the May/June issue of BAR. One article discusses how the lack of Israelite settlements after the 721 B.C.E. Assyrian conquest of the northern tribes lines up well with the Biblical account of the Assyrian exile. Another article gives a first look at the recently discovered seal of King Ahaz.
The BAR is the magazine by archaeologists and paleographers that broke open the Dead Sea Scrolls gridlock, so that scholars the world over could study them. BAR is not an evangelical magazine, and actually reflects some quite liberal views regarding the inerrancy and authority of Scripture. However, no other periodical brings forward the you’re-in-class feel that the archaeologists of BAR do.
Enrichment Journal is “A Journal for Pentecostal Ministry” produced quarterly by the Assemblies of God, USA.
This full-size ministry journal for Assembly of God clergy is full of brief, practical articles written by well-known AG leaders and educators such as Thomas Trask (General Superintendent), George O. Wood (General Secretary), Wayde Goodall (Executive Editor), Richard Dobbins, Gary B. McGee, Charles T. Crabtree, Kerry D. McRoberts, Ruth Hetzendorf, Bill Carmichael, and Hal Donaldson.
Themes for the last few issues:
Summer 1998, Counseling and the Pastorate. Also a historical article on the ministry of missionary Minnie F. Abrams of India by Gary B. McGee.
Spring 1998, Small Group Ministry.
Winter 1998, Effective Missions. Also a brief, special article on Smith Wigglesworth.
Fall 1997, Evangelism. Featured are articles by Evangelicals Dr. Billy Graham, Luis Palau, and D. James Kennedy. Also article about George Whitefield and the “Evangelical Revival.”
Find Enrichment online at: EnrichmentJournal.ag.org
Category: Fall 1998