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Fall 2007: Other Significant Articles


Glenn Schwartz, “A Cure for Handicapped Churches: Reflections on Dependency in the Christian Movement” Mission Frontiers (May/June 2007), pages 26-28.

Long-time missionary and missiologist Glenn Schwartz says that “the alternative to donor-driven missiology is a change of assumptions on which missionary church-planting is done. Except in areas where humanitarian aid is essential for survival, outside aid should be given careful consideration” (28). Schwartz urges a reconsideration of the idea of “rich” western church continuing to give to “poor” global churches with no strings attached. “Dollars alone will not create healthy churches” (28). [link not working as of Aug 1, 2014]


“Sub-biblical Transformation: Organization-speak threatens to blind us to the church’s unique glory” Christianity Today (June 2007).

Talking about transforming our culture or city is trendy, but this editorial from Christianity Today questions this as being an unbiblical pursuit.


Kerby Rials, “Eastern Exodus: Some Protestant leaders are leaving their evangelical roots for Catholic and Orthodox churches. What’s behind the trend?” Ministry Today (May/Jun 2007).

This article allows many to tell their story of how they have left Evangelicalism and mainline Protestant churches to join or rejoin Roman Catholicism or Eastern Orthodoxy. Their stories often turn on the lack of both ancient tradition and an encompassing doctrine of the church in the denominations they have left. However, statistics demonstrate that this exodus is also steadily going the other way, from Orthodox and Catholic to Protestant churches. The drift towards Rome, or further east, has some Evangelicals convinced this is a consequence of ongoing ecumenical efforts and compromise on doctrine.


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Category: Fall 2007

About the Author: The editors are Raul Mock, Mike Dies, Joe Joslin, and Jim Dettmann with significant input from other writers including John Lathrop, Amos Yong, Tony Richie, and Kevin Williams.

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