Fall 2014: Other Significant Articles
William L. De Arteaga, “Fr. Zakaria Botros – Apostle to the Muslims” Anglican Pentecostal (July 13, 2013).
Father De Arteaga introduced his article on October 1, 2014 by saying: “Many of us are deeply troubled by the rise of ISIS and the destruction of the Christian communities in Syria and Iraq. The short term answer may be forceful military action, but in the long term the only solution is spiritual – the conversion of the Muslim peoples. Here is a posting on the person who is in the lead of this. He has led to the conversion of millions of Arabs. He deserves our prayers and support.”

Margaret Poloma, Ph.D., Emeritus Professor of Sociology at University of Akron.
Margaret M. Poloma, “The Spirit Bade Me Go: Pentecostalism and Global Religion.”
This paper by esteemed Pentecostal/charismatic sociologist Margaret Poloma is by no means recent, it was presented at the Association for the Sociology of Religion annual meeting which ran August 11-13, 2000, in Washington, D.C. However, if you have never read it, you should make time to do so.
Michelle Van Loon, “The History We’d Prefer to Forget: Why we pass on pain to the next generation” ChristianityToday.com (October 13, 2014).
William De Arteaga writes: “Excellent article from CT on the current controversy over advanced placement history standards.”

Hal Knight
Henry H. Knight III, “On Knowing God: Wesley and the Methodists” Catalyst Online (October 22, 2014).
Hal Knight writes, “The central point Wesley makes … is that we are intended not just to know about God, but to know God.”
Diane Reynolds, “Holy Spirit Hunger: Amos Yong” Publishers Weekly (October 21, 2014).
Jeremy Weber, “InterVarsity Will ‘Reinvent’ Student Ministry on California State Campuses: Christian fellowship finds silver lining in being booted from America’s largest university system” Christianity Today (September 9, 2014).
This brief article brings together all of the latest information (as of September 9, 2014) about what is happening in the wake of campus ministry InterVarsity Christian Fellowship being derecognized by the largest university system in America.
Timothy George, “Reformation Day” First Things (October 31, 2014).
William De Arteaga writes: “This is a gracious appreciation of Martin Luther’s work from the preeminent Catholic journal in America. It is nice to know we don’t insult each other any more!”
Shane Clifton, “The Dark Side of Prayer for Healing” Pneuma 36 (2014), pages 204–25.
Shane Clifton offers an introduction to the article and a link to the full article on his blog: http://shaneclifton.com/2014/07/02/the-dark-side-of-prayer-for-healing/
Category: Fall 2014