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Category: Church History

How the church fostered science and technology

How the church fostered science and technology

There is a persistent myth that Christianity has held science and technological progress back, but is that the truth? Christian History Institute (CHI), publisher of Christian History magazine (CHM), offers its latest issue, #134, titled: Science & Technology – How the church fostered science and technology. From inception, the Christian church considered all creation a gift from a good God […]

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The Making of the Christian Global Mission, Part 2: Missions to the First Americans

The Making of the Christian Global Mission, Part 2: Missions to the First Americans

Christian historian Woodrow Walton continues his investigation into the origins of the modern movements that inspired Christians to go and share the mission and message of Jesus throughout the world.   The Making of the Christian Global Mission Part 2: Missions to the First Americans Before proceeding to dealing with the spread and growth of […]

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The Making of the Christian Global Mission, Part 1: Jan Hus and the Moravians

The Making of the Christian Global Mission, Part 1: Jan Hus and the Moravians

Christian historian Woodrow Walton investigates the origins of the modern movements that inspired Christians to go and share the mission and message of Jesus throughout the world.   The Making of the Christian Global Mission Part 1: Jan Hus and the Moravians It may seem odd to associate the making of the Christian global mission […]

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Eric Metaxas: Martin Luther

Eric Metaxas: Martin Luther

Eric Metaxas, Martin Luther: The Man Who Rediscovered God and Changed the World (Penguin, 2018), 480 pages, ISBN 9781101980026. The author, Eric Metaxas, is well known as a #1 New York Times bestselling author, in part, because of his thorough treatment of the life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer in another book. Besides his prolific writing and […]

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Paul Hattaway: Guizhou

Paul Hattaway: Guizhou

Paul Hattaway, Guizhou: The Precious Province (London, England: SPCK, 2018), 272 pages, ISBN 9780281079896. Paul Hattaway has a great deal of knowledge about the church in China; this knowledge comes not only from his research but also from his direct involvement with the church there. He has written extensively about China and the Chinese church. […]

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Healthcare and Hospitals in the mission of the church

Healthcare and Hospitals in the mission of the church

As a virus pandemic rages across the globe, Christian History magazine reveals how Christians founded “Healthcare and Hospitals – in the mission of the church,” Issue 101. Christian History Institute (CHI), publisher of Christian History magazine (CHM), offers its latest issue, #101, titled: “Healthcare and Hospitals – in the mission of the church.” The issue examines how […]

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Daily Seedings: Editor's Note

Daily Seedings: Editor’s Note

Just behind my living room sofa stands a table. On it is what I call decorative clutter—a dried floral bouquet, a ceramic jar, a candy dish, two small lamps, and two framed photos. The one sepia-colored photo is from the 1940s and pictures my grandfather, Ivan Spencer; his second eldest son, Merritt Spencer; and a […]

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Led by The Spirit: Interned by the Japanese

Led by The Spirit: Interned by the Japanese

This excerpt from Led by the Spirit: The History of the American Assemblies of God Missionaries in the Philippines is the second chapter. Missionary-scholar Dave Johnson has brought together a chronicle of over 300 Pentecostal missionaries serving in the Philippines from 1926 through the first decade of the new Millennium.   Interned by the Japanese […]

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Cornelis van der Laan: Margaretha Adriana Alt

Cornelis van der Laan: Margaretha Adriana Alt

Cornelis van der Laan, Margaretha Adriana Alt: Mother of the Indonesian Pentecostal Mission (Cleveland, TN: CPT Press, 2019), 322 pages, ISBN 9781935931836. Cornelis van der Lann, holds a doctoral degree from the University of Birmingham and is currently Professor of Pentecostalism at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in the Netherlands. This book was published in both the Dutch […]

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The Global Christian Mission: The Maritime Global Expansion

The Global Christian Mission: The Maritime Global Expansion

Christian historian Woodrow Walton takes another look at the causes and effects of global navigation by ships sailing from Europe and how the mission and message of Jesus was carried throughout the world.   The Maritime Global Expansion: End of the Fifteenth Century to the Present A few year prior to the fall of Constantinople […]

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Paul Hattaway: Shandong

Paul Hattaway: Shandong

Paul Hattaway, Shandong: The Revival Province (London, England: SPCK, 2018), 310 pages, ISBN 9780281078882. Paul Hattaway is the founder and director of Asia Harvest, a ministry that seeks to equip the Asian church to reach its unreached people groups. He has done missionary work in China for thirty years. In addition to his missionary work he […]

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The Global Reach and Lasting Legacy of Italian Pentecostalism: An Interview with Paul Palma

The Global Reach and Lasting Legacy of Italian Pentecostalism: An Interview with Paul Palma

Those who are familiar with the New Testament book of Acts, perhaps especially Pentecostal believers, know that people in various places in the first century world received the Baptism in the Holy Spirit with the physical sign of speaking in tongues. Both Jews (Acts 2) and Gentiles (Acts 10) had this experience. This pattern has […]

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Persecution Watchgroup Praises Recognition of Armenian Genocide

Persecution Watchgroup Praises Recognition of Armenian Genocide

A press release from Save the Persecuted Christians about the recent U.S. House of Representatives resolution to officially recognize the Armenian Genocide.   WASHINGTON—Save the Persecuted Christians (STPC), which advocates on behalf of hundreds of millions of Christians facing heavy persecution worldwide, is lauding the approval of a House resolution last week that recognizes the Armenian […]

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The Global Christian Mission: In the Wake

The Global Christian Mission: In the Wake

As Western Europeans sailed the seas to trade and settle around the world, how did they carry the mission and message of Jesus with them?   The first long voyages of the Portuguese merchant mariners touched seashores around the world. In their wake came Portuguese Catholic priests to the mission fields of Angola on the […]

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