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Category: Church History

A Pentecostal Season: The Methodists in England and America, Part 1

A Pentecostal Season: The Methodists in England and America, Part 1

In this excerpt from his book, The Supernatural Thread in Methodism: Signs and Wonders Among Methodists Then and Now, Methodist historian and renewalist Frank Billman reveals how miracles and supernatural interventions were widespread in the ministries of John Wesley and the early Methodists.   Miraculous healing, falling down under the power, tongues … Is this […]

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A Pentecostal Season: Author Introduction

A Pentecostal Season: Author Introduction

Author’s Introduction for excerpt from The Supernatural Thread in Methodism: Signs and Wonders Among Methodists Then and Now Baptism in the Holy Spirit for power and manifestations of the power of God in healing, deliverance from demons, angelic encounters, falling over, crying out, shouting, jumping, dancing, laughing, trances, dreams, visions, and other such behaviors are […]

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Keep Advancing the Dream

Keep Advancing the Dream

Today is an important day in history. August 28th, 1963, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his famous “I Have a Dream” Speech on the on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. during the “March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.” We’ve come a long way since then; and, we […]

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Medieval Lay Mystics

Medieval Lay Mystics

Christian History Institute (CHI), publisher of Christian History magazine (CHM), announces its latest issue, titled: Medieval Lay Mystics. The entire issue explores a mysterious question for many Christians, historians and scholars – What did it look like and what did it feel like to be a medieval Christian? Spanning four vivid centuries, from 1000 to 1473, CHM issue #127 takes an […]

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Mark Tietjen: Kierkegaard: A Christian Missionary to Christians

Mark Tietjen: Kierkegaard: A Christian Missionary to Christians

Mark A. Tietjen, Kierkegaard: A Christian Missionary to Christians (Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2016), 169 pages, ISBN 9780830840977. An article in the August/September 2016 issue of Philosophy Now asks, “Is Kierkegaard Still Relevant Today?”[1] Author Mark A. Tietjen, who teaches at the Stony Brook School in New York and is the author of Kierkegaard, […]

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The Resurgence of the Gospel, Part One: The Medieval Prologue and the Remapping of the World

The Resurgence of the Gospel, Part One: The Medieval Prologue and the Remapping of the World

The Resurgence of the Gospel and the Flowering of the Global Christian Message Part One: The Medieval Prologue & the Remapping of the World   In Retrospect By looking backwards to the beginning of the spread of the Gospel that Jesus is both Lord and Christ and considering the results of both the life, death […]

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New blog on F.F. Bosworth

New blog on F.F. Bosworth

I wanted to invite you to check out my new blog on F.F. Bosworth. It’s called, Bosworth Matters, and it features critical research and commentary on Bosworth’s life history. It is located at A recent post is titled, “Why Ern Baxter Left the Ministry of William Branham: A Look at Problematic Concerns About Faith and ‘Borderline […]

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The Disenchantment of the West: Why Christianity is Waning in the United States and Europe

The Disenchantment of the West: Why Christianity is Waning in the United States and Europe

According to analysts, Christianity is rapidly advancing across the globe. Some are signifying that 3.2 out of 6.9 billion people currently identify with Jesus.[1] Contrary to genuine concerns, Islam surpassing Christianity is improbable. For one thing, Protestant growth from 1960-2000 was three times global population changes and twice that of Islam.[2] Furthermore, Muslim fertility rates[3] […]

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Anglicans from the Global South and the Worldwide Anglican Communion

Anglicans from the Global South and the Worldwide Anglican Communion

A brief review essay from Christian historian William De Arteaga on the tremendous changes taking place in the worldwide Anglican Church. Roger E. Olson, “Something Interesting Is Happening in the Worldwide Anglican Communion (And Why It Matters to Non-Anglicans)” (June 28, 2018). The article by professor Roger Olson if both informative and insightful. As an […]

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Jeff Oliver: Pentecost To The Present: Worldwide Revivals and Renewal

Jeff Oliver: Pentecost To The Present: Worldwide Revivals and Renewal

Jeff Oliver, Pentecost To The Present: The Holy Spirit’s Enduring Work in the Church, Book Three: Worldwide Revivals and Renewal (Newberry, FL: Bridge-Logos, 2017), 320 pages, ISBN 9780912106366. Jeff Oliver has taken on the ambitious task of chronicling the charismatic work of the Holy Spirit throughout church history. He has done this by writing a three […]

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Nine Significant Features of the Chinese House Church

Nine Significant Features of the Chinese House Church

God is doing something amazing in China. With the special permission of the publisher, presents Chapter 20 from the book by Eugene Bach and Brother Zhu, The Underground Church. “[T]he house churches of China are growing at a phenomenal rate. Never in the history of the world have so many people in such a […]

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Kenneth Stewart: In Search of Ancient Roots

Kenneth Stewart: In Search of Ancient Roots

Kenneth J. Stewart, In Search of Ancient Roots: The Christian Past And the Evangelical Identity Crisis (Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2017). The author of In Search of Ancient Roots, Kenneth J. Stewart, professor of theological studies at Covenant College in Lookout Mountain, Georgia, maintains that the roots of the evangelical tradition goes further back […]

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Chris DeWelt: What is God doing in the world?

Chris DeWelt: What is God doing in the world?

Chris DeWelt, “What is God doing in the world?” Good News Productions, International. In this video you will get a glimpse of some of the things that God is doing in our world.  The Christian faith is experiencing significant growth in a number of places around the globe. Dr. Chris DeWelt highlights what is happening […]

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Real Christianity is Growing in the USA

Real Christianity is Growing in the USA

Is Christianity dying in America? In this review essay by historian William De Arteaga, he points out that the statistics about the church shrinking are not what most have made of it. Glen T. Stanton, “New Harvard Research Says U.S. Christianity Is Not Shrinking, But Growing Stronger,” The Federalist (January 22, 2018) The above cited […]

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