Persecution Watchgroup Praises Recognition of Armenian Genocide
A press release from Save the Persecuted Christians about the recent U.S. House of Representatives resolution to officially recognize the Armenian Genocide.
WASHINGTON—Save the Persecuted Christians (STPC), which advocates on behalf of hundreds of millions of Christians facing heavy persecution worldwide, is lauding the approval of a House resolution last week that recognizes the Armenian genocide. The move, reported Fox News, likely angered Turkey at a time of strained relations with the U.S.
House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Eliot Engel (D-N.Y.) said the resolution “is an important measure to set the record straight on the atrocities suffered by the Armenian people at the hands of the Ottoman Empire in the early 20th century.”
“Save the Persecuted Christians applauds the bipartisan vote to pass the resolution recognizing the Armenian genocide,” said Dede Laugesen, executive director for Save the Persecuted Christians. “This resolution has been brought many times before this esteemed body, but out of concern for relations with Turkey, it has too long been deferred. The brutal, mass murder of more than a million Christian Armenians by the Ottoman Empire have finally been officially acknowledged in America. We hope this action brings with it the recognition and remembrance needed to ensure atrocities like this are never repeated.”
The mission of Save the Persecuted Christians is to save lives and save souls by disseminating actionable information about the magnitude of the persecution taking place globally and by mobilizing concerned Americans for the purpose of disincentivizing further attacks on those who follow Jesus.
For believers around the world, Save the Persecuted Christians seeks to bring awareness about targeted Christians through the “The People of the Cross” exhibit, which features images, facts and quotes about the persecution of Christians in multiple countries, such as Turkey, where just .02% are Christian due to brutal persecution—down from 20% in 1902, as well as North Korea, Nigeria, India and China. A majority of the countries highlighted in the banners are high on Open Doors’ 2019 World Watch List.
This exhibit has been joined by another, “Warfare on Women,” released during the 2019 U.S. Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom, which reveals the specific terror-tactic used to demean and degrade female believers to instill fear into the heart of Christian communities. To learn more about hosting a traveling exhibit contact Save the Persecuted Christians, where panels are available to view online.
According to Aid to the Church in Need’s biannual report on Religious Freedom in the World, 327 million Christians experience persecution. According to Open Doors USA World Watch List, 245 million Christians are victims of high to extreme levels of persecution, an increase of 14% over 2018. Open Doors also estimates 1 in 9 of the world’s Christians experience persecution, and that every month 345 Christians are killed, 219 Christians are abducted and imprisoned indefinitely without trial, and 106 churches are demolished.
Category: Church History, Fall 2019