Mount Murud Prayer Gathering 2019
Look what the Lord is doing! A special report from a participant in the Ba’kelalan Revival.
John Lathrop wrote this introduction for this report by Soh Pooi Siang:
Mount Murud is located in Malaysia. The church on this site has a direct connection to the Ba’kelalan Revival. The Ba’kelalan Revival is also connected to another revival that impacted Malaysia called the Bario Revival. It is unfortunate that neither of these revivals are very well-known in the West. Both of these revivals were marked by a strong sense of the Presence of God. The Ba’kelalan Revival brought about community transformation, had the gifts of the Holy Spirit in evidence, and resulted in the construction of the church on Mount Murud. The video that is included here will fill in some of the history of this move of God. The Lord has truly done great things in Malaysia.
This year from July 19th to July 21st the people of Ba’kelalan, located in Sarawak, Malaysia, hosted people from various tribes and nations at their prayer mountain which is called Mount Murud. On September 24th, 1984 the first public miracle took place in Ba’kelalan on a hill called Buduk Tudal. The second miracle took place on Mount Murud. The second miracle spurred the prophet to ask the people if they would build a church in Murud. Only one responded yes but didn’t contribute to do anything. But the prophet, told by the Spirit to go build His church, decided to go even if others would not follow. The rest is history.
Since then, every year on the third week of July, special meetings are held by the Mount Murud Prayer Ministry. One year the meetings will be held on the mountain and the next year they will be held in the valley in Ba’kelalan. The meetings in 2020 are scheduled for July 17th though Jul 19th.
Category: Church History, Summer 2019