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Category: Church History

Paul Palma: Grassroots Pentecostalism in Brazil and the United States

Paul Palma: Grassroots Pentecostalism in Brazil and the United States

Paul J. Palma, Grassroots Pentecostalism in Brazil and the United States: Migrations, Missions, and Mobility (Palgrave MacMillan, 2022) 417 pages, ISBN 9783031133701. In Grassroots Pentecostalism in Brazil and the United States: Migrations, Missions, and Mobility, Dr. Paul J. Palma presents a history of the major Pentecostal movements in Brazil, beginning with how immigrants to the […]

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Robert Menzies: Is the Chinese Church Predominantly Pentecostal? Part 3: Gaining Perspective

Robert Menzies: Is the Chinese Church Predominantly Pentecostal? Part 3: Gaining Perspective

Is the Church in China Predominantly Pentecostal? Part 3: Gaining Perspective: A Contextual Assessment   The strong Pentecostal orientation of the Church in China is striking, but it should not surprise us. In fact, when the recent revival of Christianity in China is viewed against the backdrop of its historical, global, and sociological contexts, this […]

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Robert Menzies: Is the Chinese Church Predominantly Pentecostal? Part 2: The House Church Networks

Robert Menzies: Is the Chinese Church Predominantly Pentecostal? Part 2: The House Church Networks

Is the Church in China Predominantly Pentecostal? Part 2: The House Church Networks: A Theological Assessment China for Christ (Fang Cheng) Let us begin with what appears to the largest of the house church networks currently operating in China, China For Christ (sometimes called the Fang Cheng Church). The China for Christ Church began in […]

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Robert Menzies: Is the Chinese Church Predominantly Pentecostal? Part 1: Introduction

Robert Menzies: Is the Chinese Church Predominantly Pentecostal? Part 1: Introduction

Is the Church in China Predominantly Pentecostal? Part 1: Introduction By Robert P. Menzies The Wind of the Holy Spirit Will Blow Everywhere From the East coast to the West coast/ The wind of the Holy Spirit will blow everywhere/ From the East to the West/ The glory of the Holy Spirit will be released/ […]

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Robert Menzies: Is the Chinese Church Predominantly Pentecostal? Author’s Preface

Robert Menzies: Is the Chinese Church Predominantly Pentecostal? Author’s Preface

Author’s Preface: “Is the Church in China Predominantly Pentecostal? An Answer from the ‘Golden Years’ of the Chinese House Church Movement” By Robert P. Menzies The essays that follow are not descriptions of the current state of the church in China.[1] Rather, they represent a slice of Chinese church history, albeit an important slice. Dr. […]

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Eviscerating History: Conspiracy Theories and their Consequences

Eviscerating History: Conspiracy Theories and their Consequences

What’s been tickling your ears? Christian historian William De Arteaga argues that conspiracy theories undermine factual history and he offers practical advice to avoid falsehoods and grow in the truth.   But I tell you that for every careless word that people speak, they will give an account of it on the Day of Judgment. – Matthew 12:36 (NASB) But what […]

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I am excited to announce that a rich Pentecostal/charismatic resource has a new home at What is this resource? The Consortium of Pentecostal Archives (CPA) has brought together the written history of numerous denominations, authors, and ministries into one open access portal. Here are serials and books that are long out of print as […]

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People Met Jesus Deeply Here: Craig Keener on the Asbury Outpouring

People Met Jesus Deeply Here: Craig Keener on the Asbury Outpouring

I teach at Asbury Seminary, which is a distinct institution from Asbury University, but my wife Médine teaches French at the university and both my kids attended there. So, I don’t feel guilty cutting across the university campus to get to work. Three years ago, I was cutting across the campus when a zealous African-American […]

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Paul Hattaway: Henan: Inside the Greatest Christian Revival in History

Paul Hattaway: Henan: Inside the Greatest Christian Revival in History

Paul Hattaway, Henan: Inside the Greatest Christian Revival in History (United Kingdom: Piquant Editions/Asia Harvest 2021), 364 pages, ISBN 9781909281783. Henan is book number five in Paul Hattaway’s series “The China Chronicles.” This series focuses on true accounts of Christianity in China; it is thus a work of history. The author points out that this book […]

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Remembering the Iniquities of the Fathers

Remembering the Iniquities of the Fathers

A review essay of Larry Martin’s Charles Fox Parham “Let the iniquity of his fathers be remembered before the LORD, and let not the sin of his mother be blotted out” (Psalm 109:14 NKJV). Larry Martin, Charles Fox Parham: The Unlikely Father of Modern Pentecostalism (New Kensington, PA: Whitaker House, 2022), 224 pages, ISBN 9781641238014. […]

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Vinson Synan: Where He Leads Me

Vinson Synan: Where He Leads Me

Vinson Synan, Where He Leads Me: The Vinson Synan Story (Franklin Springs, GA: LifeSprings Resources, 2019) 236 pages. ISBN-10 : 091186699X,  ISBN-13 : 978-0911866995 Vinson Synan is well known as a Pentecostal historian and scholar. He authored many books about the work of the Holy Spirit, these include: The Century of the Holy Spirit: 100 Years of […]

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Henry H. Knight III: John Wesley

Henry H. Knight III: John Wesley

Henry H. Knight III, John Wesley: Optimist of Grace (Eugene, OR: Cascade, 2018), xv + 152 pages, ISBN 9781625648389. This work offers a window into the shape of the thought of the Anglican priest and eighteenth-century revivalist John Wesley. Knight uncovers the peculiar theology of the Great Awakening pioneer, illuminating his passion for the gospel […]

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Lora Timenia: Third Wave Pentecostalism in the Philippines

Lora Timenia: Third Wave Pentecostalism in the Philippines

Lora Angeline Embudo Timenia, Third Wave Pentecostalism in the Philippines: Understanding Toronto Blessing Revivalism’s Signs and Wonders Theology in the Philippines (Baguio City, Philippines: Asia Pacific Theological Seminary Press, 2020), 192 pages, ISBN ‎9789718942918. Lora Timenia is an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God in the Philippines. She has a Master of Theology degree […]

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Dean Merrill: 50 Pentecostal and Charismatic Leaders Every Christian Should Know

Dean Merrill: 50 Pentecostal and Charismatic Leaders Every Christian Should Know

Dean Merrill, 50 Pentecostal and Charismatic Leaders Every Christian Should Know (Bloomington, MN: Chosen Books, 2021), 288 pages, ISBN 9780800762025. Dean Merrill is a prolific writer. He has written a number of books including, Miracle Invasion which was published in 2018. He has also collaborated with others like Jim Cymbala and Gracia Burnham to help […]

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