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Category: Church History

Good News for Body and Soul

Good News for Body and Soul

Christian historian Woodrow Walton continues his series on how the good news of what Jesus had done has spread around the world. In Part 4, we read how his followers made the love of God more real in England and the USA as they immersed themselves in charitable work. The Great Commission was being realized […]

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Herman Selderhuis: Martin Luther

Herman Selderhuis: Martin Luther

Herman Selderhuis, Martin Luther: A Spiritual Biography (Wheaton, Il: Crossway, 2017), 313 pages, ISBN 9781433556944. There have been many biographies of Martin Luther written since this Pillar of the Faith changed the course of his religious day. Another more recent work has emerged by Herman Selderhuis in 2017, Martin Luther: A Spiritual Biography. As the […]

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David Moore: Pastor Jack

David Moore: Pastor Jack

S. David Moore, Pastor Jack: The Authorized Biography of Jack Hayford (Colorado Springs, CO: David C. Cook, 2020), 368 pages, ISBN 9780830781119. Jack Hayford is certainly one of the most well-known and highly respected ministers in the modern Pentecostal Movement. He has served in pastoral leadership, written Christian music and books, served his denomination, spoken internationally, […]

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They Moved the Kingdom of God Forward: An interview with Dean Merrill

They Moved the Kingdom of God Forward: An interview with Dean Merrill

Pneuma Review speaks with Dean Merrill about his book, 50 Pentecostal and Charismatic Leaders Every Christian Should Know (Chosen, 2021). Please tell us about your own involvement in the Pentecostal Movement. Dean Merrill: My parents—good Midwestern Quakers—were drawn toward a fuller experience of the Holy Spirit about the time I was born. My […]

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The Making of the Christian Global Mission, Part 4: Charity Invites Change

The Making of the Christian Global Mission, Part 4: Charity Invites Change

Christian historian Woodrow Walton continues his investigation into the origins of the modern movements that inspired Christians to go and share the mission and message of Jesus throughout the world. When studying how living out the gospel changed the social fabric of the early nineteenth century England, Europe, and North America, several figures must be […]

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Pasquale Vozza: From Saving Bodies to Saving Souls

Pasquale Vozza: From Saving Bodies to Saving Souls

Pasquale Vozza, From Saving Bodies to Saving Souls: A Life of Service to the Lord (Pasquale Vozza, 2020), vi + 192 pages, ISBN 9781678033316. Pasquale Vozza is an Italian born evangelist and pastor. He served as president and secretary of the Italian Christian Church of Northern Europe and pastored the North Miami Christian Church for […]

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Hormoz Shariat: Iran’s Great Awakening

Hormoz Shariat: Iran’s Great Awakening

Hormoz Shariat, Iran’s Great Awakening: How God is Using A Muslim Convert to Spark Revival (Melissa, TX: Iran Alive Ministries, 2020), 272 pages, ISBN 9781733749046. Dr. Hormoz Shariat is from Iran. He was a Muslim who became a believer in Jesus. This transformation took place in the United States. Becoming a Christian radically changed the course […]

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Pentecostal Classics: An interview with Larry Martin

Pentecostal Classics: An interview with Larry Martin

Larry Martin started to share recordings of classic sermons from Pentecostal preachers. Pneuma Review caught up with this busy evangelist and author to ask him about this golden archive available to the public without cost or obligation. Please tell our readers a bit about yourself. Larry Martin: I am an Assemblies of God […]

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The Making of the Christian Global Mission, Part 3: Setting a Better Example

The Making of the Christian Global Mission, Part 3: Setting a Better Example

Christian historian Woodrow Walton continues his investigation into the origins of the modern movements that inspired Christians to go and share the mission and message of Jesus throughout the world. In Part 3, he invites us to learn more about the Quakers and other marginalized groups whose convictions had them following God on paths often […]

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F.F. Bosworth and the Role He Played in the Ministry of T.L. Osborn: An Interview with Dr. LaDonna Osborn

F.F. Bosworth and the Role He Played in the Ministry of T.L. Osborn: An Interview with Dr. LaDonna Osborn

F.F. Bosworth (1877-1958) was a central figure in the Pentecostal movement of the early 20th century and the Post-World War II healing revival. His impact as a famous healing evangelist was unmistakable, and his book, Christ the Healer, remains a popular text on divine healing. Pentecostal church history would be incomplete without his story. One of […]

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Paul Hattaway: Tibet

Paul Hattaway: Tibet

Paul Hattaway, Tibet: The Roof of the World (London, England: SPCK, 2020), 356 pages, ISBN 9780281084135. This book is volume 4 of Paul Hattaway’s series called the China Chronicles. This collection of books is devoted to providing an extensive account of the history and progress of Christianity in China. In recounting this history among the Tibetan […]

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Frank Bartleman: Azusa Street

Frank Bartleman: Azusa Street

Pastor Joseph Fiorentino reviews a classic book about the Azusa Street Revival in the early Twentieth Century, the birthplace of the Pentecostal movement.   Frank Bartleman, Azusa Street: An Eyewitness Account to the Birth of the Pentecostal Revival (New Kensington, PA: Whitaker House, 1982), 171 pages, ISBN 9780883686386. The turn of the twentieth century marked […]

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Led by The Spirit: Regrouping and Moving Forward

Led by The Spirit: Regrouping and Moving Forward

This excerpt from Led by the Spirit: The History of the American Assemblies of God Missionaries in the Philippines is the third chapter. Missionary-scholar Dave Johnson has brought together a chronicle of over 300 Pentecostal missionaries serving in the Philippines from 1926 through the first decade of the new Millennium.   Regrouping and Moving Forward […]

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Paul Hattaway: Zhejiang: The Jerusalem of China

Paul Hattaway: Zhejiang: The Jerusalem of China

Paul Hattaway, Zhejiang: The Jerusalem of China (London, England: SPCK, 2019), 288 pages, ISBN 9780281080342 Zhejiang: The Jerusalem of China is the third book in Paul Hattaway’s ambitious project known as the China Chronicles. Each volume in the series presents the Christian history of one the provinces in China. The author’s desire is to preserve […]

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