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Category: Biblical Studies

Tears: Towards a Biblical Theology

Tears: Towards a Biblical Theology

Introduction Tears universally exist across cultures and throughout history. The Bible records many examples of tears both from humans and from God. In this paper I will explore tears in culture and in various religious traditions. I will explore tears in theology and describe some possibilities for improving churches based on a theology of tears. […]

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Why believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob?

Why believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob?

 Messianic teacher Kevin Williams offers a compelling reason to trust in God alone. First, I must confess that I believed in God at a very young age. Only the Almighty knows who the two men were who visited my house those many years ago. I came home from the park one summer’s eve to find […]

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Vern Poythress: Did Adam Exist?

Vern Poythress: Did Adam Exist?

Vern S. Poythress, Did Adam Exist?, Christian Answers to Hard Questions series (Westminster Seminary Press/P & R Publishing, 2014), 39 pages. Today, Christians are under increasing pressure to “justify” their belief in the Biblical account of creation. Geneticists claim that their research has undermined the viability of the historic Christian account of human origins. So […]

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More Mercy

More Mercy

What have Christians believed through history about the ultimate fate of non-Christians? What about those who died before hearing about Jesus? What do Roman Catholics believe about purgatory and where does this belief come from? How would our theology about the deceased lost change if we understood 1 Peter 3-4 the way the Early Church […]

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David Fiensy: Christian Origins and the Ancient Economy

David Fiensy: Christian Origins and the Ancient Economy

David A. Fiensy, Christian Origins and the Ancient Economy (Cascade Books, 2014), 236 pages, ISBN 9781625641816. Christian Origins and the Ancient Economy is a fascinating study of the socioeconomic environment during the “Second Temple Period” which included the time Jesus lived among us. Professor David Fiensy’s introduction, written in pure geek, gives a false impression […]

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Listening for God's Voice and Heart in Scripture: A conversation with Craig S. Keener

Listening for God’s Voice and Heart in Scripture: A conversation with Craig S. Keener

New Testament scholar Craig S. Keener speaks with about his new book, Spirit Hermeneutics. Please define for our readers what you mean by “Spirit Hermeneutics.” Craig S. Keener: Spirit hermeneutics is listening for God’s voice and heart in Scripture. Obviously I do believe in doing our homework, exploring cultural background and understanding […]

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Vanhoozer and Treier: Theology and the Mirror of Scripture

Vanhoozer and Treier: Theology and the Mirror of Scripture

Kevin J. Vanhoozer and Daniel J. Treier, Theology and the Mirror of Scripture: A Mere Evangelical Account, Studies in Christian Doctrine and Scripture series (Downers Grove: IVP Academic, 2015), 298 pages. Kevin J. Vanhoozer is Research Professor of Systematic Theology at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Illinois. He is the author of many books, […]

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Lesson from a Lion: A Fresh Look at First Kings 13

Lesson from a Lion: A Fresh Look at First Kings 13

Introduction Prophets with no names, lions that do not clean their plates, altars that split without an axe and a king with an arm that looks like a raisin: all these elements contribute to an intriguing and sometimes baffling story found in First Kings 13. Evangelicals are attracted to it because the story contains powerful […]

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Holy Spirit and Mission in Canonical Perspective, by Amos Yong

Holy Spirit and Mission in Canonical Perspective, by Amos Yong

In the Spring of 2015, Fuller Theological Seminary published this series of articles by Amos Yong on its Patheos blog.   Holy Spirit and Mission in Canonical Perspective   The Life-Giving Spirit Genesis 1:3 & 6:3 – Creation and Fall: The Life-Giving Spirit If the wind or breath of God is understood also as the […]

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Craig Keener: The Matthew Lectures

Craig Keener: The Matthew Lectures

A series of 19 lectures on the Gospel of Matthew by Dr. Craig S. Keener of Asbury Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky. Lecture 1: The Reliability of the Gospels, Part 1 Lecture 2: The Reliability of the Gospels, Part 2; Miracles, Part 1 Lecture 3: Miracles, Part 2, Exorcism Lecture 4: Introduction to Matthew, Matthew 1 […]

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Craig Keener: Matthew, Lecture 19

Craig Keener: Matthew, Lecture 19

The nineteenth and final in a series of 19 lectures on the Gospel of Matthew by Dr. Craig S. Keener of Asbury Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky. This lecture is entitled, “Matthew 27—28.”     For further reading: Craig S. Keener, Gospel of Matthew: A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary (Eerdmans, 2009). The Secret Codes in Matthew: Examining Israel’s […]

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Craig Keener: Matthew, Lecture 18

Craig Keener: Matthew, Lecture 18

The eighteenth in a series of 19 lectures on the Gospel of Matthew by Dr. Craig S. Keener of Asbury Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky. This lecture is entitled, “Matthew 26—27.”     For further reading: Craig S. Keener, Gospel of Matthew: A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary (Eerdmans, 2009). The Secret Codes in Matthew: Examining Israel’s Messiah A […]

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Frank Matera: God’s Saving Grace

Frank Matera: God’s Saving Grace

Frank J. Matera, God’s Saving Grace: A Pauline Theology (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2012), 283 pages, ISBN 9780802867476. In Frank Matera’s God’s Saving Grace: A Pauline Theology the author considers with careful and solid scholarship the totality of Paul’s themes in the canonical thirteen letters of scripture. Matera, a Roman Catholic and professor of Biblical Studies […]

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Craig Keener: Matthew, Lecture 17

Craig Keener: Matthew, Lecture 17

The seventeenth in a series of 19 lectures on the Gospel of Matthew by Dr. Craig S. Keener of Asbury Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky. This lecture is entitled, “Matthew 24—25.”     For further reading: Craig S. Keener, Gospel of Matthew: A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary (Eerdmans, 2009). The Secret Codes in Matthew: Examining Israel’s Messiah A […]

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    Craig S. Keener, Ph.D. (Duke University), is F. M. and Ada Thompson Professor of Biblical Studies at Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky. He is author of many books<...

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