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Category: Biblical Studies

The Full Picture of Passover

The Full Picture of Passover

Learn a First-Century Jewish perspective of Passover from Messianic teacher Kevin Williams.   Within the overall context of Passover, the details for the Christian to experience are few. We know little of a typical four hour celebration meal. Little of the preparatory cleaning that goes into making a house “kosher” for Passover. We know virtually […]

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Messianic Pictures in the Temple Sacrificial System

Messianic Pictures in the Temple Sacrificial System

  “… all things which are written about Me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled.” (Luke 24:44 NAS) These words of Jesus are both wonderful and mysterious. It is easy to see the messianic implications of a passage such as Psalms 22 or Isaiah 53, and the […]

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John Pester: Jesus Christ: Last Adam, Life-giving Spirit

John Pester: Jesus Christ: Last Adam, Life-giving Spirit

  John Pester, “Jesus Christ: Last Adam, Life-giving Spirit,” Affirmation and Critique, Vol. 3, No. 4 (Oct. 1998). Affirmation and Critique is a quarterly which addresses theological subjects in a continuum. Through a variety of articles by numerous authors, the last seven issues have focused on the person and work of Christ in a weighty […]

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Messianic Foundations

Messianic Foundations

  This being the first installment on Messianic Foundations, it seemed prudent to first ask the question, “Why?” Why study the Scriptures from a Messianic perspective, or more appropriately, from a Messianic Jewish perspective? A lengthy dissertation could ensue on the theological reasons and potential benefits to be derived. But rather than get bogged down […]

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The Place of the Holy Spirit in the Exegetical Process

The Place of the Holy Spirit in the Exegetical Process

  I. Introduction In every generation there remains a perennial concern for all conscientious pastors, teachers and Christian workers. The question arises how can we, who have been entrusted with the ministry of expounding God’s word make it clear and relevant while at the same time maintaining fidelity to the author’s original intent? Furthermore how […]

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Unwrapping Jesus, by Philip Yancey

Unwrapping Jesus, by Philip Yancey

Have you got Jesus All Wrong? As a writer, I have the wonderful privilege of researching and meditating on one topic for months at a time. My latest project allowed me to focus on the grandest subject of all: Jesus. Growing up in the church, I learned his name as soon as I learned the […]

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