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Category: Biblical Studies

Hints for Understanding Difficult Bible Passages

Hints for Understanding Difficult Bible Passages

Foursquare Pastor Daniel Brown offers useful tips for approaching God’s Word. All of us have encountered verses and statements in the Bible that confuse or alarm us because they seem to be saying something that sounds so unlike the Lord, so different than how we have experienced Him in our personal life. When that happens, […]

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Gordon Fee: Jesus the Lord according to Paul the Apostle, reviewed by Craig S. Keener

Gordon Fee: Jesus the Lord according to Paul the Apostle, reviewed by Craig S. Keener

Gordon D. Fee, Jesus the Lord according to Paul the Apostle: A Concise Introduction (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2018), 201 + xxii pages. Jesus the Lord according to Paul the Apostle will both educate and resonate well with its intended audience. One who has heard Gordon Fee preach can hear him preaching in this book, […]

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Providential Preservation of the Textus Receptus

Providential Preservation of the Textus Receptus

The mother and son Bible translator team of Verna and James Linzey discuss how God has preserved his Word through the centuries and how this relates to the many ancient documents upon which the canon is based and the collections of these large and small manuscripts such as the Textus Receptus. It has been said […]

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William Atkinson: Jesus before Pentecost

William Atkinson: Jesus before Pentecost

William P. Atkinson, Jesus before Pentecost (Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2016), 222 pages. Unapologetically Pentecostal, Atkinson, an ordained minister, presents Jesus through the eyes of a Pentecostal believer as well as through the eyes of a scholar (Edinburgh)—that is, as a theological historian he views Jesus in the “then and there,” while as a Pentecostal, […]

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Bible Translations: The Three Major Textus Receptus Translations

Bible Translations: The Three Major Textus Receptus Translations

The mother and son Bible translator team of Verna and James Linzey discuss the major translations of the Bible that have been developed from the Greek New Testament known as the Textus Receptus. The three major Bible translations based on the Textus Receptus are the Authorized King James Version (1611), the New King James Version […]

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Mark Wilson: The Spirit Said Go

Mark Wilson: The Spirit Said Go

Mark Wilson, The Spirit Said Go: Lessons in Guidance from Paul’s Journeys (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2017), 164 pages, ISBN 978-1532630132. Mark Wilson is both a scholar and an author. He founded the Asia Minor Research Center in Antalya, Turkey and serves as its director. He is also the author of Biblical Turkey and Victory […]

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The Red Letters of Jesus

The Red Letters of Jesus

Why are the words of Jesus in red print? The mother and son Bible translator team of Verna and James Linzey explain the significance of putting the words of Jesus in red letters and how it was supposed to help readers of the Gospels. Are the red letters of Jesus really that different than the […]

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Jeremiah Campbell: Say What?

Jeremiah Campbell: Say What?

Jeremiah Campbell, Say What? A Biblical and Historical Journey on the Connection between the Holy Spirit, Prophecy, and Tongues (Wipf & Stock, 2018), x + 122 pages, ISBN 9781532646997. Jeremiah Campbell (DMin, Talbot School of Theology) has written a very accessible volume in defense of connections between tongues as prophetic speech and the Baptism in […]

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Study the Missionary Ministry of the Holy Spirit

Study the Missionary Ministry of the Holy Spirit

Mark Turney, Encountering God’s Missionary Spirit: A Missional Study of the Holy Spirit (Springfield, Missouri: AIA Publications, 2018). Mark Turney’s new book, Encountering God’s Missionary Spirit, is now available for free download in PDF e-book format from the Decade of Pentecost website. Mark is Associate Director of the Acts in Africa Initiative. The book presents the Holy […]

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Wonsuk Ma: Tragedy of Spirit-Empowered Heroes

Wonsuk Ma: Tragedy of Spirit-Empowered Heroes

Wonsuk Ma, “Tragedy of Spirit-Empowered Heroes: A Close Look at Samson and Saul,” Spiritus: ORU Journal of Theology, 2:2 (2017), pages 23-38. It was with joy that I read through this perceptive article by Dr. Wonsuk Ma. Dr. Ma is a Pentecostal scholar whose ministry experience was gained in four countries. A large portion of […]

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Marlene Yap: The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ

Marlene Yap: The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ

Missionary-scholar Jim Harries reflects on what Asian scholars have to say about Jesus, his death on the cross, and the culture of honor and shame.   Marlene Yap, “The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ: From Extreme Shame to Victorious Honor,” The Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies 21:1 (February 2018), pages 33-47. This is a great article […]

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Which Greek New Testament is God’s Word?

Which Greek New Testament is God’s Word?

Generally speaking, three Greek New Testaments have been used by scholars as the basis of recent English translations:  the Textus Receptus (initially published in 1516 and refined during the 1500’s), the Byzantine Text (published in 1982 as the Hodges-Farstad Majority Text, and in 2005 as the slightly different Robinson-Pierpont Byzantine Textform), and the United Bible […]

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Scott Hahn: The Kingdom of God as Liturgical Empire

Scott Hahn: The Kingdom of God as Liturgical Empire

Scott W. Hahn, The Kingdom of God as Liturgical Empire: A Theological Commentary on 1-2 Chronicles (Baker Academic, 2012). The Kingdom of God as Liturgical Empire is Dr. Hahn’s finest work. This reviewer has read some of Hahn’s other works and has some of them in his personal library. He is a professor of Scripture […]

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Craig Evans: God Speaks

Craig Evans: God Speaks

Craig A. Evans, God Speaks: What He Says, What He Means (Franklin, TN: Worthy Publishing, 2015), xii + 255. Craig Evans is a well-known evangelical scholar and writer. Since 2016 he has been Distinguished Professor of Christian Origins at Houston Baptist University and before that taught at Acadia Divinity College from 2002-2015. This volume is […]

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