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Category: Biblical Studies

Craig Keener: For All Peoples

Craig Keener: For All Peoples

Craig S. Keener, For All Peoples: A Biblical Theology of Missions in the Gospels and Acts (Baguio City, Philippines: Asia Pacific Theological Seminary Press, 2020), 122 pages, ISBN 9798665145082. Dr. Craig Keener is a widely recognized New Testament scholar. He is perhaps best known for the biblical commentaries he has written. He has won the respect […]

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A Keener Understanding of the Bible: The Jewish Context for the Book of Revelation

A Keener Understanding of the Bible: The Jewish Context for the Book of Revelation

In May 2020, Chosen People Ministries and The Feinberg Center hosted a 4-session webinar with Craig Keener called “A Keener Understanding of the Bible: Seeing the New Testament Through Jewish Eyes.”   From the email promotion: Whether you are familiar with Dr. Craig Keener or this is your first introduction to his work, we are […]

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A Keener Understanding of the Bible: The Jewish Context For The Gospel Of John

A Keener Understanding of the Bible: The Jewish Context For The Gospel Of John

In May 2020, Chosen People Ministries and The Feinberg Center hosted a 4-session webinar with Craig Keener called “A Keener Understanding of the Bible: Seeing the New Testament Through Jewish Eyes.” From the email promotion: Whether you are familiar with Dr. Craig Keener or this is your first introduction to his work, we are delighted […]

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A Keener Understanding of the Bible: The Jewish Context for the Sermon on the Mount and the Book of Matthew Continued

A Keener Understanding of the Bible: The Jewish Context for the Sermon on the Mount and the Book of Matthew Continued

In May 2020, Chosen People Ministries and The Feinberg Center hosted a 4-session webinar with Craig Keener called “A Keener Understanding of the Bible: Seeing the New Testament Through Jewish Eyes.” From the email promotion: Whether you are familiar with Dr. Craig Keener or this is your first introduction to his work, we are delighted […]

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A Keener Understanding of the Bible: The Jewish Context for the Sermon on the Mount and the Book of Matthew

A Keener Understanding of the Bible: The Jewish Context for the Sermon on the Mount and the Book of Matthew

In May 2020, Chosen People Ministries and The Feinberg Center hosted a 4-session webinar with Craig Keener called “A Keener Understanding of the Bible: Seeing the New Testament Through Jewish Eyes.” From the email promotion: Whether you are familiar with Dr. Craig Keener or this is your first introduction to his work, we are delighted […]

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Craig Keener on Racial Reconciliation in the Bible

Craig Keener on Racial Reconciliation in the Bible

The Bible has much to say about racial reconciliation. Join New Testament scholar Craig Keener in his basement study for this timely investigation of how the church is called to be ambassadors of ethnic and racial reconciliation.   More from Craig Keener: Listening for God’s Voice and Heart in Scripture New Testament scholar Craig S. […]

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Holly Beers: A Week in the Life of a Greco-Roman Woman

Holly Beers: A Week in the Life of a Greco-Roman Woman

Holly Beers, A Week in the Life of a Greco-Roman Woman (Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2019), 172 pp. A Week in the Life of a Greco-Roman Woman is the sixth book in A Week in the Life Series from InterVarsity Press. Previously published are: A Week in the Life of Corinth, A Roman Centurion, […]

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Discovering the Reality of God in Word and Spirit: an interview with R. T. Kendall

Discovering the Reality of God in Word and Spirit: an interview with R. T. Kendall

Dr. R. T. Kendall has been preaching for over sixty years. He has also personally experienced the power of the Holy Spirit. For twenty-five years he served as the pastor of Westminster Chapel in London. He is the author of many books and now ministers internationally. He is a strong advocate for bringing together in […]

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What is Basic New Testament Doctrine?

What is Basic New Testament Doctrine?

Veteran Bible teacher Charles Carrin introduces the central doctrines of the Christian faith drawn from the New Testament.   The truth of Scripture can never be reduced to a few theological abstractions. Jesus said, “The words that I speak to you they are spirit and they are life” (John 6:63). Spirit and life can never […]

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Basic Biblical Principles of Discernment

Basic Biblical Principles of Discernment

The biblical principles of discernment are based on the seven foundation blocks of the previous chapter: Discernment is God-given, Christ-centered, Spirit-guided, prayer-saturated, Scripture-based, corporately-confirmed, divinely-balanced. Eight biblical principles of discernment, based on the acronym DISCERNS, include the following: Discover Biblical Precedent. Investigate for Scriptural Harmony. Scrutinize for Sound Doctrine. Confirm with Experience. Examine the Fruit. […]

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Timothy Keller: The Prodigal Prophet

Timothy Keller: The Prodigal Prophet

Timothy Keller, The Prodigal Prophet: Jonah and the Mystery of God’s Mercy (New York, NY: Viking, 2018), 272 pages, ISBN 10: 0735222061, ISBN-13: 978-0735222069 Timothy Keller is well-known in Christian circles. He founded Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City and for years served as its senior pastor. He is a member of the Gospel Coalition and […]

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Hints for Understanding Difficult Bible Passages

Hints for Understanding Difficult Bible Passages

Foursquare Pastor Daniel Brown offers useful tips for approaching God’s Word. All of us have encountered verses and statements in the Bible that confuse or alarm us because they seem to be saying something that sounds so unlike the Lord, so different than how we have experienced Him in our personal life. When that happens, […]

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Gordon Fee: Jesus the Lord according to Paul the Apostle, reviewed by Craig S. Keener

Gordon Fee: Jesus the Lord according to Paul the Apostle, reviewed by Craig S. Keener

Gordon D. Fee, Jesus the Lord according to Paul the Apostle: A Concise Introduction (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2018), 201 + xxii pages. Jesus the Lord according to Paul the Apostle will both educate and resonate well with its intended audience. One who has heard Gordon Fee preach can hear him preaching in this book, […]

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Providential Preservation of the Textus Receptus

Providential Preservation of the Textus Receptus

The mother and son Bible translator team of Verna and James Linzey discuss how God has preserved his Word through the centuries and how this relates to the many ancient documents upon which the canon is based and the collections of these large and small manuscripts such as the Textus Receptus. It has been said […]

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    Craig S. Keener, Ph.D. (Duke University), is F. M. and Ada Thompson Professor of Biblical Studies at Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky. He is author of many books<...

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