Summer 2018: Other Significant Articles
Roger E. Olson, “Remembering the Difference between Patriotism and Nationalism” Patheos (July 1, 2018).
Mandy Smith, “When Your Calling Feels Like Death: Doing God’s will, even in ministry, isn’t always fun and flourishing” CT Pastors (June 2018).
Cletus Hull, “My Church is a Mental Hospital” Fuller 11 (2018).
An article from author Cletus L. Hull III about chaplaincy and ministering forgiveness and child-like faith to those receiving mental health care.
Brandon J. O’Brien, “Isaac Backus: An 18th-Century Evangelical with 21st-Century Wisdom” Christianity Today (July/August 2018).
Is the byline over-reaching a bit, or is this an American hero of religious freedom that you have never heard of–but should have? “On questions of race, religious liberty, and political power, the Baptist preacher should be our guiding light.”
John Lathrop, “Finish Well Ministry Amidst Challenges: There will always be numerous roadblocks but complete what God has called you to do” Christian Trends (July 28, 2018).
Bob Smietana, “Prosperity Gospel Taught to 4 in 10 Evangelical Churchgoers” Christianity Today (July 31, 2018).
“Survey finds most Protestants believe God wants them to prosper financially. But views diverge on whether they must tithe to receive it.”
“Saudi Arabia may relax its ban on Christian churches: New evidence suggests the Prophet tolerated churches in Arabia” The Economist (August 2, 2018).
Thanks to Brigada for recommending this article.
“Signs and Wonders as Churches Emerge in India” Christian Aid Mission (August 2018).
“‘People didn’t want Christianity there,’ the missionary said. ‘But God told me to build again.’”
Shane Bennett, “New Flavors on Your Local College Campus” Missions Catalyst (September 12, 2018).
Practical ways to reach out to international students that promote authentic and life-changing friendships (and not just the students).
Bobby Ross Jr., “When Clothing and Household Items Are Donated: Churches may want to tell taxpayers that generosity is its own reward” Church Law & Tax (September 4, 2018).
Be aware of how the new US tax law will affect non-cash donations. “Under the new tax law, over 94 percent of taxpayers will not itemize, giving more reason for donors to avoid the compliance issues.”
Roger E. Olson, “A Call for Protestants Everywhere to Take ‘Marriage’ Back from the State” Patheos (September 19, 2018).
Historian of religion, Roger Olson, asks if the general acceptance of divorce and remarriage in our churches, without any qualification, has positioned conservative, non-fundamentalist churches to soon embrace gay marriage and even polygamy.
Jessilyn Justice, “Hillsong Splits From Assemblies of God in Australia to Become Its Own Denomination” (September 20, 2018).

Image: Tom Eversley
Category: Pneuma Review, Summer 2018