Summer 1999: Other Significant Articles
“From Luther to Carey: Pietism and the Modern Missionary Movement,” Kenneth Mulholland. Bibliotheca Sacra 156 (Jan-Mar 1999), pp. 85-95.
This article in Bibliotheca Sacra, the quarterly theological journal of the predominately cessationist school Dallas Theological Seminary, takes an historical look at the modern missions movement. Professor Kenneth Mulholland describes how the hyper-Calvinism and conversely the pietism of the era following the Reformation directly affected the Protestant outlook on missions, leading up to William Carey.
“You Can Win Your Neighborhood,” Ed Silvoso. Charisma Volume 24, Number 9 (April 1999), pp. 74-80.
“Hungry for God: Why more and more Christians are fasting for revival,” Christine J. Gardner. Christianity Today Volume 43, Number 4 (April 5, 1999), pp. 32-38.
A special news report in Christianity Today about more and more Christians fasting for revival. Accompanied by the side articles, “How Healthy is Fasting?” and “What Conditions Precede Revival?” [as of March 17, 2014]
“The Invisible Power of Prayer,” Eddie Smith. Charisma Volume 24, Number 10 (May 1999), pp. 46-51.
This article introduces a section by various authors about how prayer is changing nations. Others articles are: “Penetrating the Darkness of Islam,” by Ted Haggard; “Tearing Down the Iron Curtain,” by Daniel Peterson; “Breaking the Spirit of Death in Argentina,” by Cindy Jacobs; “Opening the Heavens Over India,” by Dick Bernal; and “Storming the Gates of Hell in Houston,” by Alice Smith.
Category: Pneuma Review, Summer 1999