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Summer 2008: Other Significant Articles


Ajith Fernando, “Getting Back on Course: It’s time to return to the priority of evangelism” Christianity Today (Nov 2007).

Recent increased attention to global justice issues is good, but let us not forget our greater commission in the process. Replacing evangelism with more palatable social justice agendas is something we must not do.

Also in the previous issue, see John Rowell, “The Dread Cancer of Stinginess: When it comes to missions giving, donor dependency may not be the greatest problem” Christianity Today (October 2007). Does emphasizing financial independence for majority-world ministries unnecessarily limit global giving? Find this article online at:


Eddie and Alice Smith, “Picking Up the Prophetic Pieces: A Pastor’s Role When Prophecies Go Amiss” Ministry Today (Nov/Dec 2007), pages 32-33, 35-36.

The Smiths give practical advice about how to shepherd your congregation through prophecy-gone-wrong incidents in this brief article.

Also see in this issue, Dan Kimball, “Defining the Emerging Church: Making Sense of What’s Emerging, Emergent and Already Emerged” pages 82-85. A brief introduction to the emergent church by one of its practitioners.


Harold W. Hoehner, “Can a Woman Be a Pastor-Teacher?” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 50:4 (Dec 2007), pages 761-771.

A Dallas Theological Seminary professor says that there has been a gradual change leading to wider acceptance of women as pastor-teachers. He offers historical background for this change including the distinguishing or failure to distinguish between the office and the gift. He concludes, “A woman, then, may have the gift of pastor-teacher, apostle, evangelist, and prophetess (as Philip’s four daughters—Acts 21:9), while, scripturally speaking, she cannot hold the office of an elder or bishop. The aforementioned gifts are sovereignly bestowed on her, and it is her duty and privilege to exercise them. This is completely different from appointment to the office of elder, which the Scriptures specify only for men who meet the qualifications for that office” (769) and offers a brief but technical explanation of this conclusion.

Also find articles in the December 2007 issue of JETS by writers that have contributed to The Pneuma Review in the past: Craig S. Keener, “Women’s Education and Public Speech in Antiquity.” Gene L. Green, “Lexical Pragmatics and Biblical Interpretation.”


Darrell Bock, “When the Media Becomes a Nuisance: How to respond to the next blockbuster book/documentary/movie that questions traditional Christianity” Christianity Today (Dec 2007), pages 40-43.

NT professor Darrell Bock tells us that the public discourse of Christianity has permanently changed and offers advice about how to engage our culture with historical truth while challenging us to embrace the new opportunities we have to present the biblical Jesus.


Louis F. Morgan, “The Flame Still Burns” Charisma (Nov 2007), pages 42-48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58.

The cover story subtitle reads, “One hundred years ago a son of slaves brought the Pentecostal message to African Americans in the South. Today, the Church of God in Christ is poised to spread the gospel worldwide.” Celebrating 100 years of what God has done in and through the Church of God in Christ. [link updated June 1, 2014]


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Category: Pneuma Review

About the Author: The editors are Raul Mock, Mike Dies, Joe Joslin, and Jim Dettmann with significant input from other writers including John Lathrop, Amos Yong, Tony Richie, and Kevin Williams.

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