Spring 2015: Other Significant Articles
Dale M. Coulter, “Pentecostalism and the Question of Culture” First Things (November 13, 2014).
Andrew Wilson, “God Always Heals: Good news for our bodies—in this life and the next” Christianity Today (November 25, 2014).
The pastor of a large charismatic church in England and the father of children with debilitating diseases speaks about healing that is no mere theory. William De Arteaga writes: “A good article for a home group or Bible study to tackle the issue of healing.”
Peter Berger, “Is Atheism a Specifically Western Phenomenon?” The American Interest (November 26, 2014).
The lead-in to the article reads: “We know atheism in its Jewish or Christian context, as a rejection of the Biblical God. What would atheism mean in a Muslim, or Hindu, or Buddhist context?” William De Arteaga writes: “This is a very useful article in understanding atheism. It is by an ex-Catholic and centers of the classical problem of evil vs. a good God. Note that the author never experienced healing nor the gifts of the Spirit in his years as a Catholic. I believe demonstrating the power of the gospel is the key to evangelizing atheists.”
Craig S. Keener, “Rumors of Miracles” Good News (December 30, 2014).
Craig S. Keener writes: “The United Methodist renewal magazine, Good News recently published an article that they titled, ‘Rumors of miracles.’ Other articles in the same issue, such as Wendy Deichmann’s excellent ‘Lessons from Mozambique,’ are also well-worth reading.”
Bob Caldwell, “You Are Already a Theologian (You Just Need to Be a Better One)” Enrichment Journal (Winter 2015).
Traci Humphrey and Phillip Humphrey, “A Theology of Play: Encountering the Other Through Online Gaming” Presented at the 44th Annual Meeting of the Society for Pentecostal Studies.
Roger E. Olson, “Remembering an All-But-Forgotten, Extremely Influential Theologian: Christoph Blumhardt” Patheos (March 29, 2015).
Darrin Rodgers, “Prominent Novelist Sven Lidman Shocked Sweden by 1921 Conversion to Pentecostalism” Flower Pentecostal Heritage Center (March 16, 2015).

Leah Payne
Andy Butcher, “Leah Payne: Sent to Higher Education” Foursquare.org (March 24, 2015).
The subtitle of the article says: “Foursquare pastor’s wife, Leah Payne, brings the worlds of faith and academia together as [she] serves her church and teaches theology at George Fox Evangelical Seminary.”
“The Church Needs to Stop Pandering to Trends: Rachel Held Evans discusses what millennials are really looking for in a church experience” Relevant (April 14, 2015).
Eddie Kaufholz interviews Rachel Held Evans about her new book, Searching for Sunday: Loving, Leaving and Finding the Church. PneumaReview.com writer Monte Lee Rice selected this quote: “I think when you look at the people who Jesus surrounded Himself with, that’s what our churches are supposed to look like. They’re supposed to be filled with super uncool people. Folks from the margins of society, and folks who are misfits and oddballs and sick and hungry and homeless, outcasts, the people who are typically despised by the religious.”
Category: Spring 2015