Postmodernism, The Church, and The Future

Postmodernism, The Church, and The Future
A Pneuma Review discussion about how the church should respond to postmodernism
Editor Introduction (Winter 2007)
David Livermore (Winter 2007)
Is “cultural relevance” an effective and theologically sound wineskin for the emergent church or is it moving Christianity toward oblivion?
Suggested Reading (Spring 2007)
Winfield Bevins (Spring 2007)
Dony Donev (Spring 2007)
Suggested Reading (Summer 2007)
B. Keith Putt (Summer 2007)
Suggested Reading (Fall 2007)
Tony Richie (Fall 2007)
A Review Essay of Lesslie Newbigin’s The Gospel in a Pluralist Society
Suggested Reading (Winter 2008)
Craig A. Carter (Winter 2008)
Professor Carter unpacks what relativism is to give us a better understanding of what postmodernism really is.
Suggested Reading (Spring 2008)
Philip G. Ryken (Spring 2008)
Suggested Reading (Summer 2008)
Frank Viola (Summer 2008)
Winfield Bevins (Summer 2008)
Suggested Reading (Fall 2008)
Suggested Reading (Winter 2009)
Tony Richie (Winter 2009)
Reflections on the Recent Postmodernism Conversation: Pastor Tony Richie wraps up our discussion on how the church should respond to postmodernism.
Category: Ministry, Pneuma Review