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Fall 2023: Other Significant Articles

Friedrich Hegel in 1831

Roger E. Olson, “Hegel In a Nutshell” Patheos (September 6, 2023).

Historian of religion, Roger Olson, offers a brief introduction to the influential philosophy of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831) in 7 bullet points: Hegel’s epistemology, Hegel’s ontology/metaphysics, Hegel’s religion, Hegel’s history, Hegel’s reason, Hegel’s influence on Christian theology, and Christian reactions to Hegel.


Revisiting the call to being a peacemaker in social media: Douglas S. Bursch, “Three Practical Ways to Engage in Online Peacemaking: How reflecting the servant attitude of Christ in our online engagement makes us effective ambassadors” The Better Samaritan (January 24, 2022). author Douglas Bursch offers practical advice for engaging in social media in a Christ-like way.


Aimee Semple McPherson

Roger E. Olson, “The Almost Forgotten Story of Non-Liberal Feminist Christian Women Influences” Patheos (September 20, 2023).

Historian of religion, Roger Olson mentions some of the most influential theologically conservative Christian women that have often been ignored by those writing about medieval mystics or modern feminist theologians.

Further Reading: “Pioneer Women of Pentecostal Revivals” Leah Payne speaks with about her book, Gender and Pentecostal Revivalism.


A Misinformation Expert’s Top Tips to Slow the Spread of Misleading Information in the 2024 Election” Georgetown University (August 31, 2023).

The subtitle of this article is “Ask a Professor: Leticia Bode on Misinformation, Technology and the 2024 Election.” “If you accidentally shared something that wasn’t true, how would you want someone to approach you? You probably want whoever is correcting you to be kind, understanding and empathetic. You’d want them to say, ‘I understand this is complicated. I was confused by it too. Here are some sources that I found that seem to say the opposite of what you’re saying. I’m happy to have a conversation with you about it.’” Thanks to author Michelle Vondey for suggesting this article.


Roger E. Olson, “Belong, Believe, Behave?” Patheos (September 15, 2023).

Historian of religion, Roger Olson, shares his insights and observations of the so-called emerging church movement of the late 1990s and early 2000s.


Andrew K. Gabriel, “When God Speaks Through Dreams…” (October 2, 2023).

Pentecostal/charismatic theologian and educator, Andrew Gabriel talks about how to recognize if dreams have come from God, what the Bible has to say about contemporary dreams from God, and what to do with them.<<


Daniel Silliman, “Died: Loren Cunningham, Who Launched Millions on Short-Term Missions: YWAM founder saw “waves” of young people carrying the gospel to every nation” Christianity Today (October 9, 2023).


Margaret Ringgit, “Thousands to mark 50th anniversary of spiritual revival” New Sarawak Tribune (October 2, 2023).

Celebrating 50 years of God’s work in Malaysia through the Bario Revival, the Ba’kelalan Revival, and the Taginambur Revival. contributing editor John Lathrop writes: “Two men who used to attend the church I pastored are speakers at this event.” See the article by Soh Pooi Siang, “Mount Murud Prayer Gathering 2019.”


Eddie L. Hyatt, “Do Cessationists Have Any Evidence at All to Support Their Theory?Charisma (October 18, 2023).


Michael Brown, “Let the Reformed of the Lord Say No to Cessationism: Disbelief in the Spirit’s miraculous work is gaining ground in some Christian circles, but it’s fighting a losing battleChristianity Today (October 9, 2023).

Pastor John Lathrop notes that to read the full article you will need a CT account.


David Livermore, “How to compensate for lack of lived experience” (October 13, 2023).

One of the founders of the Cultural Intelligence Center and author, David Livermore was asked this question by Rodger Dean Duncan when he interviewed him for Forbes: “What’s your response to someone who’s skeptical about a book about diversity written by a white man?”


Image: Eberhard Grossgasteiger

Michael L. Brown, “Stewarding God’s Holy Flames of RevivalCharisma (November 2023).

John Lathrop writes: “Here is the link to an excerpt from Dr. Michael Brown’s newest book.” Seize the Moment: How to Fuel the Fires of Revival publishes in January, 2024.


Maryam Rostampour-Keller, “Persecuted Christians Around the World Need the U.S. To Be a Safe HavenNewsweek (October 13, 2023).

Maryam Rostampour-Keller co-authored Captive in Iran: A Remarkable True Story of Hope and Triumph amid the Horror of Tehran’s Brutal Evin Prison and “Miracles in an Iranian Prison: An interview with Maryam Rostampour and Marziyeh Amirizadeh,” which appeared in the Spring 2020 issue of The Pneuma Review.



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Category: Fall 2023

About the Author: The editors are Raul Mock, Mike Dies, Joe Joslin, and Jim Dettmann with significant input from other writers including John Lathrop, Amos Yong, Tony Richie, and Kevin Williams.

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