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Category: Fall 2023

Frank Macchia: Tongues of Fire

Frank Macchia: Tongues of Fire

Frank D. Macchia, Tongues of Fire: A Systematic Theology of the Christian Faith, Word & Spirit: Pentecostal Investigations in Theology and History (Eugene, OR: Cascade, 2023), 458 pages, ISBN 9781666730227. Frank Macchia is one of the most recognizable Pentecostal theologians well-known for his advocacy of Spirit baptism. Far from engagement with insider concerns that are […]

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The Ideal Christian Life

The Ideal Christian Life

Are you comfortable or are you ready to give up everything to make Jesus more real to people that desperately need him? Pioneer missionary Griffith John wrote A Voice in the Darkness over 100 years ago, but the challenge he wrote about laying down our lives for the kingdom of God is both timely and […]

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Paul Hattaway, Shaanxi: The Cradle of Chinese Civilization

Paul Hattaway, Shaanxi: The Cradle of Chinese Civilization

Paul Hattaway, Shaanxi: The Cradle of Chinese Civilization (United Kingdom: Piquant Editions/Asia Harvest, 2023), 288 pages, ISBN 9781803290096. This present volume is the seventh book in Paul Hattaway’s “China Chronicles” series. In each book the author focuses on the Christian history of a specific province in China. As the title indicates, this latest offering focuses […]

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Is Doomsday Upon Us?

Is Doomsday Upon Us?

As we look at world events today, our minds are flooded with anxiety about how history may turn out. If one would take time to study prophecies that point to the End Times (eschatology) it seems easy to understand how current world events play a major role in biblical prophecy. Though I’ve never considered myself […]

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Fall 2023: Other Significant Articles

Fall 2023: Other Significant Articles

Roger E. Olson, “Hegel In a Nutshell” Patheos (September 6, 2023). Historian of religion, Roger Olson, offers a brief introduction to the influential philosophy of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831) in 7 bullet points: Hegel’s epistemology, Hegel’s ontology/metaphysics, Hegel’s religion, Hegel’s history, Hegel’s reason, Hegel’s influence on Christian theology, and Christian reactions to Hegel.   […]

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Wreaths Across America Day 2023

Wreaths Across America Day 2023

USMC Marine Renders Honors and Salutes the Mother of the Fleet of the United States Navy, Verna M. Linzey, and Captain Stanford E. Linzey, Jr. on Wreaths Across America Day On Saturday, December 16, 2023, the United States Navy ‘Mother of the Fleet,’ the late Verna M. Linzey, D.D., was honored and saluted by PFC […]

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Verna Linzey on the Azusa Street Revival

Verna Linzey on the Azusa Street Revival

This interview of Verna Linzey was for the Azusa Street Project, filmed and produced by John Ineno who previously worked for CBS. Verna Linzey’s interview was filmed at MCAS Miramar (San Diego) in 2006. My mother was 87 years of age in that interview. John Ineno also interviewed Joyce Meyer, Kenneth Copeland, and many other […]

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The Dynamic Intensity of the Spirit

The Dynamic Intensity of the Spirit

I recently presented on the topic of “The Dynamic Intensity of the Spirit.” It was part of a Horizon College & Seminary faculty panel on the topic of “Revival and Awakenings.” In my presentation, I explained that even though God is omnipresent and God does not change, the presence of God in the Holy Spirit can become […]

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Raised from the Dead

Raised from the Dead

Jamie Burns, a Teen-aged Girl, Raised from the Dead According to the American Medical Association, clinical death is the cessation of the pumping of blood by the heart through the body, which will inevitably result in the cessation of breathing.  It is a medical emergency, in which without immediate intervention the opportunity to reverse the […]

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Kyle Hughes: How the Spirit Became God

Kyle Hughes: How the Spirit Became God

Kyle R. Hughes, How the Spirit Became God: The Mosaic of Early Christian Pneumatology (Cascade, 2020), 176 pages, ISBN 9781532693748. The title of this book may be initially off-putting to some, as though the author is proposing a view of the Holy Spirit akin to what is known as “adoptionist Christology.” But in the foreword, […]

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Response to Hannah Agustin's Article "Colonialism Brought Evangelicalism to the Philippines: Churches Are Now Untangling the Two"

Response to Hannah Agustin’s Article “Colonialism Brought Evangelicalism to the Philippines: Churches Are Now Untangling the Two”

In this review essay by seasoned missionary-scholar Dave Johnson, he takes a more nuanced approach to globalism, colonialism and the Filipinos efforts to contextualize the gospel and Church practices in the Philippines. Hannah Keziah Agustin, “Colonialism Brought Evangelicalism to the Philippines. Churches Are Now Untangling the Two: Five Filipino Christian leaders weigh in on the […]

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Uncovering Treasures: Publishing books with a buried legacy

Uncovering Treasures: Publishing books with a buried legacy speaks with Bethany Hope about rediscovering the writings of missionaries and Christian pioneers. Some of these seasoned followers of Jesus have much to teach us. Underground Publishing House is a new book label, please tell our readers when and where it started. Bethany Hope: At the end of 2022, we were doing […]

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Jean Danielou: Platonism and Mystical Theology

Jean Danielou: Platonism and Mystical Theology

Jean Daniélou, Platonism and Mystical Theology: The Spiritual Doctrine of St. Gregory of Nyssa (Yonkers, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2022), 444 pages, ISBN 9780881417173. Edited by Rev. Ignatius Green. Translated by Anthony P. Gythiel and Michael Donley. This book is an English translation of Jean Daniélou’s seminal 1944 book Platonisme et théologie mystique: doctrine […]

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Pentecost in China

Pentecost in China

The Holy Spirit has been making Jesus known in China. Veteran missionary Dennis Balcombe shares what he has seen unfolding during his more than fifty years of ministry in China. Bible teachers believe that many prophecies will have a double fulfillment. The first fulfillment was in the Biblical days and subsequently the last days before […]

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