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Category: Living the Faith

C. Peter Wagner: Humility

C. Peter Wagner: Humility

  C. Peter Wagner, Humility (Regal Books, 2002), 130 pages. Peter Wagner has written a short and easy-to-read book on the subject of humility. The book has eight short chapters, each of which is followed by a series of questions and some blanks for the reader to express her thoughts to herself. This format would […]

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Nigeria: the story media outlets are not reporting

Nigeria: the story media outlets are not reporting

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Normally I send out my own prayer requests once a year (and some of them DO still need prayer) but this one is kind of urgent. Most of you know I spent five months over three summers ministering in the Middle Belt of Nigeria. For years, Christians have been periodically slaughtered […]

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The Resurrection of Jesus, A Jewish Perspective

The Resurrection of Jesus, A Jewish Perspective

The Resurrection of Jesus, A Jewish Perspective. Pinchas Lapide. Wipf and Stock Publishers (Eugene, OR: 2002). I first encountered Rabbi Lapide in the mid-1980s in a televised debate with noted Christian theologian Walter Kaiser, Jr. I was dumbfounded to hear this Orthodox rabbi state that Jesus “might be the Messiah” but that the Jewish community […]

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Brian McLaren: A New Kind of Christian

Brian McLaren: A New Kind of Christian

  Brian D. McLaren, A New Kind of Christian: A tale of two friends on a spiritual journey (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2001), 173 pages, ISBN 9780787955991. Brian D. McLaren, The Story We Find Ourselves In: Further Adventures of A New Kind of Christian (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2003), 203 pages, ISBN 9780787963873. Brian McLaren’s book may […]

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Are You Still Relevant?

Are You Still Relevant?

  I have heard it said that motivation can be generated in people by offering to meet an unmet need. This maxim is true. On a recent rafting trip with our church youth group, I fell out of our raft into a set of class 4 rapids. As the current spun me around and flipped […]

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Michael Brown: Revolution in the Church

Michael Brown: Revolution in the Church

  Michael L. Brown, Revolution in the Church: Challenging the religious system with a call for radical change (Grand Rapids: Chosen Books, 2002), 224 pages. Dr. Brown has authored a provocative book that puts forth his view of how the church needs to change to best fulfill the mandate set forth by Jesus. The book […]

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Spiritual Harvest in Peru

Spiritual Harvest in Peru

Editor’s Note: The Pneuma Informer (newsletter for Pneuma Foundation, the parent organization for is pleased to share a report from First Nations leader Richard Twiss about a recent ministry trip to Peru. It’s hard to believe the national Peruvian tour we have been planning and praying over for the past eighteen months is now […]

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Evan Howard: Three Temptations of Spiritual Formation

Evan Howard: Three Temptations of Spiritual Formation

  “Three Temptations of Spiritual Formation” Evan Howard. Christianity Today (Dec. 9, 2002), pages 46-49. The spiritual formation movement is growing in significance and impact among Christians of all traditions. Numerous influences are shaping this movement, most of them positive, but there are real dangers lurking. Author Evan Howard writes that when we seek to […]

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Fred Heeren: Home Alone in the Universe?

Fred Heeren: Home Alone in the Universe?

Fred Heeren, “Home Alone in the Universe?” First Things (Mar 2002, No 121), pages 38-46. I always enjoy reading contemporary articles that offer fresh evidence for faith in the God of the Bible, even if such “evidence” is somewhat indirect. I found this recently in a well-written summary and critique of another “faith,” the predominantly […]

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Workmen or Captives? Avoiding the Snare of Subjectivity

Workmen or Captives? Avoiding the Snare of Subjectivity

  Pastor Harvey takes a serious look at how we interpret God’s Word and cautions us to avoid the trap of subjective impressions.   Meet Sarah, a widow and mother of two small children. Sarah’s life tends to ricochet between Frenzy and Loneliness, with frequent stops at a place called Exhaustion. Yet Sarah has a […]

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Daniel A. Brown

Belonging to a Local Church: A Foundation for Believers

A minister writes about the importance of significant and intentional community for followers of Jesus. Church-hopping Christians who flit from one congregation to another do have a problem—but it is not with the people they meet, as they think. It is with themselves, observes one veteran pastor who believes local church involvement is the true […]

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Thoughts to Ponder: June 2002

Thoughts to Ponder: June 2002

Holiness “Progress in holiness can best be measured not by the length of time we spend in prayer, not by the number of times we go to church, not by the amount of money we contribute to God’s work, not by the range and depth of our knowledge of the Bible, but rather by the […]

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Pentecost and the Inside-Out Church

Pentecost and the Inside-Out Church

  A timely reminder of the empowerment of the Spirit in our daily lives. Not long ago a young woman I’ll call Karen asked if she could talk with me about her plans for the future. I had known Karen for several years but I hadn’t seen her in a long, long time. She said […]

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John Arnott: Living in Revival

John Arnott: Living in Revival

  John Arnott, “Living in Revival,” Spread the Fire (Issue 5, 2001), pages 6-9. John Arnott, pastor of the Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship, describes in this article the characteristics of the “Toronto Revival” and what effect he says this move of the Holy Spirit should have on believers in the future. One of the common […]

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