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Category: Living the Faith

Richard Twiss: One Church Many Tribes

Richard Twiss: One Church Many Tribes

  Richard Twiss, One Church Many Tribes (Regal Books, 2000), 216 pages. What can the church of the 21st Century learn from the mistakes of the past? Richard Twiss could be a budding new personality in the Christian world. I recently noticed his name on a column in Charisma magazine, and this new book has […]

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Growing Deep, Growing Strong

Growing Deep, Growing Strong

  Pastor Mur talks about the long term benefits of staying planted at a local church. I have six stories to tell to set the stage for where I want to go. They are short stories, and they are true stories. You will like the stories. I know the people in each of them. I […]

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John Stackhouse: The Seven Deadly Signs

John Stackhouse: The Seven Deadly Signs

  John G. Stackhouse, Jr., “The Seven Deadly Signs” Christianity Today (June 12, 2000), Pages 54-57. What is the mark of success? What is the sign of failure? In this article by John Stackhouse, we are given seven specific statements to measure if our business, ministry, or family is in danger of financial indiscretion. Stackhouse […]

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A Clean Shirt Twice a Day

A Clean Shirt Twice a Day

I served as an expert for a lawyer named Mort eighteen years ago. He was a very successful trial lawyer who had studied the courtroom, the trial process and the participants for years. When Mort was in trial he always was in control, or at least, he appeared to be in control. He was far […]

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Gordon MacDonald: Ordering Your Private World

Gordon MacDonald: Ordering Your Private World

  Gordon MacDonald, Ordering Your Private World, expanded edition (Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1997) 228 pages, ISBN 9780840733863. This book has become a classic among Christian leaders, and I can whole-heartedly agree. The general theme of this book is the necessity of putting the inner life in order and how to do so. Books on managing […]

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Ken Walker: Blessed Are Those Who Mourn

Ken Walker: Blessed Are Those Who Mourn

  Ken Walker, “Blessed Are Those Who Mourn,” Charisma (September 1999), pages 38-46, 91. What happens when young people pray that God would do whatever it takes to bring about revival? Is there a connection between prayer and the tragedies that have taken place in Columbine High in Littleton, Colorado and at Wedgwood Baptist in […]

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The Memphis Manifesto: Five Years Later

The Memphis Manifesto: Five Years Later

  On October 17-19, 1994 the leadership of the essentially all white Pentecostal Fellowship of the North America (PFNA) met in Memphis to confront its racial past and to meet with African American Pentecostals to establish an integrated fellowship. The result was a new organization known as the Pentecostal/Charismatic Churches of North America (PCCNA). As […]

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Lewis Smedes: Standing on the Promises

Lewis Smedes: Standing on the Promises

  Lewis Smedes, Standing on the Promises (Thomas Nelson, 1998), 196 pages, ISBN 9780785270089. I have liked Lewis Smedes for the past 15 years or so. I only know him through his books but that’s enough for me. The first Smedes’ book I read way back those years ago was on forgiving and through that […]

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Dallas Willard: The Divine Conspiracy

Dallas Willard: The Divine Conspiracy

  Dallas Willard, The Divine Conspiracy: Rediscovering Our Hidden Life In God (San Francisco: Harper San Francisco, 1998), 428 pages. I look forward each year to the April issue of Christianity Today that features the 25 best books published in the past year. Reading through that list becomes my passion until the next list appears. […]

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Jon Ruthven: What's Right About the Faith Movement

Jon Ruthven: What’s Right About the Faith Movement

  Jon Ruthven, “What’s Right About the Faith Movement,” Ministries Today Volume 17, Number 1 (January-February 1999), pages 56-60. One of the most respected scholars among charismatic circles has recently written briefly about what is perhaps the most controversial segment of the independent charismatic movement, the Word of Faith movement. His article appears in what […]

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What the Body of Christ Needs Today

What the Body of Christ Needs Today

  Ever been distracted? Have you ever been working on something that you needed to finish and . . . out of no where, something else comes up and your attention is drawn away from what was necessary to something else. Certainly, for this our daily dilemma. I have found myself thinking about this lately […]

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John Bevere: Breaking Intimidation

John Bevere: Breaking Intimidation

John Bevere, Breaking Intimidation (Creation House, 1995), 205 pages, ISBN 9781591858812. Like their worldly counterparts, Christian bookstores today seem to be laden with self-help or, if you will, “spiritual” pop psychology books. Breaking Intimidation is no such book. Author John Bevere confronts head on a spiritual problem most of us encounter at one time or […]

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