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Category: Living the Faith

Revivals, news, and maintaining the right direction

Revivals, news, and maintaining the right direction

In this Fall 2007 conversation with a reader, Executive Editor Raul Mock, asked some questions of a recent subscriber.   What you have been studying lately? Lately, I have been studying church planting and church growth strategies.  I been studying Pentecostal & Charismatic history in the last two-thousand years, Revivals through history especially modern ones […]

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Confident Belief: What Does it Mean to Know Truth?

Confident Belief: What Does it Mean to Know Truth?

  This article on doubt, certainty, and faith was recommended to Pneuma Review readers in the Fall 2007 issue.   Introduction It’s hard to imagine how any Christian at any time in history could live life completely free from any doubts about the truth of the faith. Suffering, inconsistent behavior among Christians, the lure of […]

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Thoughts to Ponder: Power, Obedience

Thoughts to Ponder: Power, Obedience

  We cannot participate in God’s work but then insist on doing it our own way. … We can’t live a life more like Jesus by embracing a way of life less like Jesus. — Eugene Peterson   Learn the lesson that if you are to do the work of a prophet, what you need […]

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Kevin Belmonte: William Wilberforce

Kevin Belmonte: William Wilberforce

  Kevin Charles Belmonte, William Wilberforce: A Hero for Humanity (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 2007). Renewed and worthy attention has come to the eighteenth century history-making British politician William Wilberforce, through the popular film Amazing Grace. Kevin Belmonte was the historical consultant for the film and in this book has given his readers a fresh […]

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They Love to Tell The Story

They Love to Tell The Story

Special Report about reaching oral cultures with the story of Jesus “Oh stories!” exclaims Ramesh Sapkota, leader from Nepal. “I eat stories, sleep stories, drink stories, tell stories. Not only me—it is like a communicable disease. Everyone can tell stories. Blessed be God!” Sapkota has caught the virus, and his new-found passion for Bible stories, […]

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Following Christ's Example: A Biblical View of Discipleship

Following Christ’s Example: A Biblical View of Discipleship

Following Christ’s Example: A Biblical View of Discipleship by  Don Williams   Jesus’ pattern for making disciples can show us how to live and minister today.   Is the Church both to bear Jesus’ kingdom message and exercise his kingdom ministry by casting out demons and healing the sick? The answer of some is an […]

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Crystal Downing: How Postmodernism Serves (My) Faith

Crystal Downing: How Postmodernism Serves (My) Faith

  Crystal L. Downing, How Postmodernism Serves (My) Faith: Questioning Truth in Language, Philosophy and Art (Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity Press, 2006), 240 pages. Crystal Downing has navigated through the mire of misinformation and mangled terminology to present to her reader a clear understanding of what postmodernity is and is not. More importantly, she has […]

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Sam Van Eman: On Earth as It Is In Advertising

Sam Van Eman: On Earth as It Is In Advertising

  Sam Van Eman, On Earth as It Is In Advertising: Moving From Commercial Hype to Gospel Hope (Grand Rapids: Brazos Press, 2005), 191 pages. Introduction Advertising is one of the most powerful forces to be reckoned with in today’s society. Thanks to modern technology, it is even stronger and more intrusive as it frequently […]

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Philip Jenkins: Companions of Life

Philip Jenkins: Companions of Life

  Philip Jenkins, “Companions of Life: A Supple Faith” Christian Vision Project, Books & Culture 13:2 (March/April 2007), pages 9-18. Philip Jenkins, professor of history and religious studies at Pennsylvania State University, is one of the most invigorating voices currently investigating the present state and future fate of global Christianity. Having read his work (e.g., […]

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Don Finto: God's Promise and the Future of Israel

Don Finto: God’s Promise and the Future of Israel

Don Finto, God’s Promise and the Future of Israel: Compelling Questions People Ask About Israel and the Middle East (Ventura, CA: Regal Books, 2005), 231 pages. Pastor Jack Hayford, President of the Foursquare Gospel Church purchased a special run of this book and mailed a copy of this book to every minister in his denomination. […]

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Johanna van Wijk-Bos: Making Wise the Simple

Johanna van Wijk-Bos: Making Wise the Simple

  Johanna W. H. van Wijk-Bos, Making Wise the Simple: The Torah in Christian Faith and Practice (Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 2005), 353 pages. Why should Pentecostal preachers read a book written by a Presbyterian scholar whose passion is a study of the “Law” which many Christians often regard as the dullest part of […]

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From the Editor's Desk: Spring 2007

From the Editor’s Desk: Spring 2007

  In a recent meeting I attended, expert communicator Dr. Quentin Schultz reminded us that all followers of Jesus are called to be servant communicators. All of us are part of the story that God is telling in the world, the story of His love, power, and forgiveness that is embodied in the life of […]

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Ruth Tucker: God Talk

Ruth Tucker: God Talk

  Ruth A. Tucker, God Talk: Cautions for those Who Hear God’s Voice (Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity Press, 2005), 173 pages. Ruth Tucker confronts the popular notion that everyone can hear the voice of God. Pentecostal, Charismatic, and Evangelical bookshelves abound with books that instruct the reader on the normalcy for the average Christian to […]

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Matthew Hyam: I Still Have More Questions than Answers

Matthew Hyam: I Still Have More Questions than Answers

  Matthew Hyam, I Still Have More Questions than Answers: An Accidental Journey through Discipleship, Life and Leadership. (Cape Town, South Africa: Vineyard International Publishing, 2004), 164 pages. Hyam writes reflectively as a pastor who is amazed at where God has brought him from and who is eager to go where God is leading. He […]

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