Winter 2001: Other Significant Articles
“The Weigh and the Truth” by Lauren F. Winner. Christianity Today (Sept. 4, 2000). Pp. 50-58.
This article takes a look at the “Christian dieting movement,” noting some of its successes and specifically critiquing Gwen Shamblin’s The Weigh Down Workshop. Lauren Winner discusses how some of these programs have been used evangelistically, have taught believers to “pray off the pounds,” and interviews nutritionists who challenge programs that ignore or downplay calorie counting and nutrition to focus on the spiritual side. Shamblin is given a sidebar to answer questions of her critics, but the article generally casts her in a negative light.
“Confession & Response.” Kilian McDonnell and Frank Macchia. PNEUMA: The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies (Vol 22, No 1, Spring 2000). Pp. 23-25.
This is the text of the confession made by Kilian McDonnell at the 29th Annual Meeting of the Society for Pentecostal Studies held at Northwest College in Kirkland, Washington on March 16-18, 2000. Also included is the text of the response by SPS President Frank D. Macchia. Raul Mock made mention of this confession in his editorial “Repenting of Pre-Judgments” that appeared in the Fall 2000 (Vol 3, No 4) issue of the Pneuma Review, pages 30-31, 71.
“Getting Beyond the Numbers Games” by James F. Engel. Christianity Today (August 7, 2000).
Veteran church-growth strategist asks for more prayer and less salvation-decision counting.
Category: Winter 2001