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Fall 2001: Other Significant Articles

 Reviewed by the Editors

“The Genesis of our Woes” by Martin Hengel. Christianity Today (June 11, 2001). Pp. 78-80.

Hengel relates the current state of human progress with the first chapters of Genesis. Excellent sermon starter material.

“In the Beginning…” Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies (Vol 4, No 1, January 2001). Pp. 73-148

In this issue of AJPS, the reader will find six articles on the beginnings and growth of the  Pentecostal movement in Asia. Young-Hoon Lee has written “Korean Pentecost: The Great Revival of 1907.” Well known Pentecostal historian Stanley Burgess contributed “Pentecostalism in India: An Overview.” “Legacy of Hau Lian Khan (1944-1995): A Revivalist, Equipper, and Transformer for the Zomi-Chin People of Myanmar” is by Chin Khua Khai. James Hosack has written “The Arrival of Pentecostals and Charismatics in Thailand.” Trinidad E. Seleky contributed two articles: “Six Filipinos and One Ameraican: Pioneers of the Assemblies of God in the Philippines” and “A History of the Pentecostal Movement in Indonesia.”

“I Saw What I Saw” by Mark Rutland. Enrichment (Summer 2001). Pp. 74-78.

Mark Rutland, president of the Assemblies of God’s SoutheasternCollege in Florida, makes a passionate appeal for the fire of the early church to be the contemporary experience of biblical Christians.

“The Fragrance of Diversity: Four Churches and Their Prayer Strengths” Pray! (July/Aug 2001). Pp. 13-26

Pray! editor Jonathan Graf introduces four articles that look at the diversity to be found in four church cultures and their contributions that all of us can learn from. “A Family Affair” by Alfredo Gutiérrez looks at the distinctives of mentoring, passion, and faith that the Hispanic church brings to the body of Christ. Jin S. Park and Yong Moon discuss the disposition, discipline, and fervency brought by the Korean church in “Mountaintop Experience.” Negiel Bigpond, in “Eyes to See,” looks at the honor, healing, and worship distinctives that First Nations believes share.  “Alive and Strong,” by Lloyd Preston Terrell, looks at the African American contributions of intensity, dependence, and perseverance.

“Mind Over Skepticism” by John G. Stackhouse. Christianity Today (June 11, 2001). Pp. 74-76.

Stackhouse gives a three page overview of the contributions of Alvin Plantinga to the philosophy of religion. Plantinga has effectively demonstrated that theists can plausibly affirm three propositions: God is good, God is all-powerful, and that yet evil exists.  This article is a brief introduction into the philosophy of religion and the work of Plantinga.

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Category: Fall 2001, Pneuma Review

About the Author: The editors are Raul Mock, Mike Dies, Joe Joslin, and Jim Dettmann with significant input from other writers including John Lathrop, Amos Yong, Tony Richie, and Kevin Williams.

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