Summer 2017: Other Significant Articles
Roger E. Olson, “Response to ‘the Benedict Option’” Patheos (June 3, 2017).
See also the commentary by Michael Brown:
Jayson Capser, “Forgiveness: Muslims Moved as Coptic Christians Do the Unimaginable” Christianity Today (April 20, 2017).
The subtitle reads, “Amid ISIS attacks, faithful response inspires Egyptian society.” What is God doing in the world? Using martyrs to reveal his love and forgiveness.
Samuel Ogles, “What Pastors Need to Know About Mental Health, Ministry, and Liability: How both legal experts and ministry leaders approach mental health issues in the church” Church Law & Tax (May 2017).
“Mental health is a complicated field, one that is foreign to much of the general population. And it’s seldom talked about publicly, even in churches: places meant for depth and healing. But mental health professionals have said that churches’ avoidance of these issues has recently started to change.”
“Attorneys say there may be real liability in offering counseling services to those suffering from mental illness. Churches may still decide that the pastoral need outweighs the legal risks and offer some counseling services, but that decision should be carefully considered.”
Griffin Paul Jackson, “US Prepares to Deport Hundreds of Iraqi Christians: American veteran faces forced return to dangerous homeland that two-thirds of his fellow believers have fled” Christianity Today (June 12, 2017).
Eddie Hyatt, “Why We Must Write God’s Women Back into Revival History” CharismaOnline (June 19, 2017).
Kate Shellnutt, “Gender Inclusivity Isn’t Liberal. It’s Biblical: Why conservative theologians are defending changing certain Bible verses to include women” Christianity Today (June 2017).
Although specifically in reference to the Christian Standard Bible (CSB), this article covers recent developments and discussion about how the Bible is translated and communication issues regarding gender-neutral language. Rick Mansfield says, “[T]here is a lot of misunderstanding about the Bible translation process, and it’s very easy to get churchgoers worked up over the issue if you tell them someone’s trying to water down the Bible or make it politically correct.”
Philip Yancey, “The death of reading is threatening the soul” The Washington Post (July 21, 2017).
Philip Yancey contributed “Unwrapping Jesus” to the premier issue of The Pneuma Review. Other authors have this to say about him and this “Acts of Faith” column appearing in The Washington Post: William De Arteaga: “Philip Yancey was an editor of Christianity Today, and now writing for The Washington Post. This is a major piece.” John Ballard comments: “He makes a good point. I especially liked the poetry reference. ‘I find that poetry helps. You can’t zoom through poetry; it forces you to slow down, think, concentrate, relish words and phrases.’ We do live at a time when an avalanche of previously unavailable content is coming at us all the time, so we need different skills than previous generations.”
Eddie L. Hyatt, “Understanding the New Testament Gift of Prophecy” God’s Word to Women (July 25, 2017).
John Lathrop writes, “Here is a good article about the New Testament gift of prophecy. It is still with us today!”
Michael Brown, “Old Testament vs. New Testament Prophets” Ask Dr. Brown (August 7, 2017).
This 3 minute YouTube video seeks to answer: “How are they different? What are their similarities?”
Victoria Arnold, “Russia: One year of ‘anti-missionary’ punishments” Forum 18 (August 8, 2017).
“More than 180 individuals and communities have been brought to court in the year since ‘anti-missionary’ punishments came into force on 20 July 2016. Forum 18’s list of known cases documents the wide range of people and communities across Russia subjected to such punishments.”
D. L. Mayfield, “Facing Our Legacy of Lynching: How a memorial could help lead America—and Christians—to repentance from a dark history” Christianity Today (September 2017).
“More than 4,000 African Americans were lynched between 1877 and the rise of the civil rights movement in the early 1950s. Lynching was a brutal public tactic for maintaining white supremacy, frequently used with the tacit blessing of government authorities.”
J.D. King, “Early Christians Were Healed While Taking Communion” (August 29, 2017).
William De Arteaga comments: “This is usable knowledge.”
Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra, “1 in 3 American Evangelicals Is a Person of Color” Christianity Today (September 2017).
“‘The American religious landscape has undergone dramatic changes in the last decade, and is more diverse today than at any time since modern sociological measurements began,’ reported PRRI on its 2016 American Values Atlas, based on more than 101,000 bilingual surveys between January 2016 and January 2017.
“In fact, the number of nonwhite Protestants has grown so large that the group has surpassed white mainline Protestants, and has nearly caught up with white evangelical Protestants.”
Jeff Christopherson, “The Fallacy of Spiritual Gifts: God uses weak people” The Exchange (September 12, 2017).
Category: Summer 2017