Summer 2003: Other Significant Articles
“Where Judgment Begins” Leadership (Winter 2003, Vol XXIV, No 1).
Mark Beeson, Stanley Grenz, David Handley, and Erwin Lutzer are sorting out the tangled elements of ethics and integrity in the Winter 2003 issue of Leadership dedicated to “Integrity and Ethics.” “An Honest Sermon” by Mike Woodruff and Steve Moore addresses plagiarism in the pulpit. “24 Reasons Why I believe in Hell” David Shelby. Charisma (April 2003), pages 68-72.
This is a passionate appeal for evangelism using a critique of universalism as its backdrop. The article could be retitled “24 reasons not to believe in universal salvation.” In one statement that is potentially confusing and inflammatory, Shelby says, “We need to look no further than most of the mainline denominations to see what happens to evangelism when Universalism is prevalent” (p. 72). The theological differences between inclusivism and universalism are not mentioned in this article. Bible teacher David Shibley closes by urging, “We must believe the truth, and we must act on what we believe. Let’s not just reject faulty theology; let’s embrace those who need Jesus” (p. 72, emphasis his).
Category: Summer 2003