Summer 2000: Other Significant Articles
Interview by Edward Gilbreath, “The Jerry We Never Knew” Christianity Today (April 24, 2000), pages 113-114.
This interview with Jerry Falwell shows a side of this outspoken and uncompromising activist, college president, sports fan, “compassionate conviction” evangelical, and family man that few ever see.
The March/April 2000 issue of Biblical Archaeology Review (Vol 26 No 2) has devoted three articles to the debate about whether the Bible offers reliable history. If new to BAR, please keep in mind that this is not an evangelical publication. This issue of BAR also continues the important (well, at least interesting) debate about the actual location of the Second Temple with a research article by Leen Ritmeyer.
Lauren S. Winner, “T. D. Jakes Feels Your Pain” Christianity Today (February 7, 2000), pages 52-59.
Some are calling T.D. Jakes the next Billy Graham. Others think he is a cultic heretic. The non-charismatic publication Christianity Today takes a fair look at this charismatic leader. They show how he is impacting his generation and African-American culture with a full-life gospel message, as well as looking at what some believe to be more than just semantical doctrinal differences. If this leader interests you, you will want to be aware of an article in Charisma (April 2000) that answers charges leveled at Jakes in Christian Research Institute’s (headed by Hank Hanegraaff) journal.
Category: Summer 2000