President’s Page: Fall 2002
The early Pentecostals had an expectation of the soon return of Jesus. That expectation drove them to urgently share Jesus with the world. This urgency is what has fueled the worldwide growth of the Pentecostal/charismatic movement.
Let us talk about that for a moment. As Bible-believing Christians, we affirm that Jesus is the only way of salvation. We understand that there are many who do not know Jesus as Savior. If we believe—as I think we should—that Jesus is coming soon, then we should have no greater passion than telling those who have not yet heard.
I believe that the church needs to return to having a love for the Second Coming. Pentecostal/charismatics of today should return to the eschatology of the early Pentecostals. We certainly need a renewed urgency for sharing Jesus with a hurting world.
Let us ask the Father, in the Name of Jesus, to fill us fresh with God the Holy Spirit. The Spirit empowers us to live like Jesus today.
Come, Lord Jesus. The Spirit and the Bride say, “Come!”
—James M. Dettmann
Pneuma Foundation President
Category: Fall 2002